Swartland and West Coast Herald, the largest independent weekly in the Swartland and West Coast region.

Meer as 20 000
lesers elke week ...

Redakteur / Editor:
Gerard Grobler
Tel: (022) 4822641

Produksie en Grafiese Ontwerp / Production and Design:
Dominique Harrison
Tel: (022) 4822640

Grafiese Ontwerp / Graphic Design:
Lorna-Lee Davids
Tel: (022) 4822640

Advertensie Konsultante / Advertising Consultants:
Karin Neethling: 022-4822641
Brenda Smit: 022-4822643
Irene Laubscher: (022) 913 3753

Rekeninge / Accounts:
Magda Carstens:
(022) 4822641