Angelina Dreams
This is yet another attempt to make my web site different from all the others. lol

I know many of you love Angelina! I mean who couldn't! You may even think about her alot. You love her so much....she's even in your dreams. (You know it's true....stop kidding around and face it.) So here's a little space to share your dreams about the Talented Ms. Jolie. Feel free to share anything you want about her. But you remember that I love Angelina too and I have the greatest utmost respect for her so keep it clean! So have fun people and EMAIL ME your dreams!
Submitted by: Shannon

One was about this theme park that was all about her and she didn't believe that it
was for her and there was like a rollercoaster named after her.

Another one ,was her as a child like really little and she was at my
house,and we were ice skating.Like her inner child,and she kept wanting to
hold my hand. It was really


Submitted by: Laila

so here are two of my funky dreams about the

the first dream i ever had of
Angie, her father moved into the house next
door..i spotted him while he watered his grass.  i told him how much i adored
his thing i knew she was skateboarding into my
garage..hehe...she invited me over...they were having a party but when i got
there her and johnny, her ex, were sleeping on the ground..she woke up and
opened the covers so we all cuddled and then...
my telephone had to freaking
ring, damnit

I  spotted her at a video store in a ball gown, somewhere in Santa Monica,
but i was way to nervous to approach her....finally i gained the courage and
went up to her..she gave me an autograph and asked me to recommend a movie
for her to watch...
and then i woke up, damnit.


Submitted by Megan K.
(not to be confused with Megan M.):

i never drink milk but one night before i went to bed i did.

i was standing outside with my friend and Polly, Susanna and M.G.  Polly gives me a bottle of milk, not a baby bottle but on old fashion bottle of milk.  Anyway, she runs off as i ask who it belongs to.  She didnt here me so i opened it and drank it.  Just as I finished it M.G. said "that was
Lisa's milk!" I looked at her like "oh shit!" then i ran into my friends house and hid behind her bed.  Lisa ran in after me along with everyone else screaming "where is she?  Where the fuck is she?"  (it was like the where's Jamie scene and the scene where she is running after Susanna at the end)  After what seemed like 5 minutes of searching for me she found me.  She grabbed my hair and pulled me toward her saying "Did you do it, did you?!"  At that time i was shittin bricks and i yelled back "I did it Lisa, I drank your milk!"  She ran into another room pulling me behind her screaming that she was going to kick my ass.  She closed the door behind me looked into my eyes (like when she read the line about her eyes being empty from Susanna's journal) then she set me done and patted me on the head.  "Thanks for screaming in my face." She said.  "I'm not going to kick your ass, but tell everyone I did alright?"  I nodded and then i woke up.


Submitted by Kara:

here are my two AJ dreams (that i remember)

The first one was me playing hockey (cause I do).I'm a goalie but for some reason I was standing on the bench,and I was watching the other goalie.And I couldn't get over how good she was and I wanted to find out who she was.So,after the game I went up to their coach and asked who the goalie was and he said
"Angelina Jolie" and I was so impressed because not only was it my fave person in the world,but she was playing my fave sport in the world!! It was great!!

The second one was me and her,just walking around.And then she said "have you seen my house?" and I said "yea,I saw it in
Gia". I guess the apartment she lived in in Gia was her actual place.So she says "Oh yea,I always forget about that".so,we walked into her place and for some reason she was so excited I was seeing her house.So,we get to the floor that she lived on and there were tons of people there.So,Angie started freaking out because she wasn't supposed to have a lot of people there.But it was like a big fat party throughout the whole building,not just her room.So,she said "I'm gonna go and try to get everyone out of here,I'll talk to ya in a bit".So,I went and mingled and there was Courtney Cox Arquette and Jennifer Aniston, pissed out of their heads,drinking and yelling.It was so funny.And then there were a bunch of my friends there,and lots of famous people and they were all asking me who I came with and I felt so special because I had came with Angie!!!

This is BLU’s dream about Angelina
My best to you….good luck on that comic book…we’d all love to see AJ as a superhero!

I lost my brother in '97.
So last night I had this dream that I was walking with my brother to the
neighborhood park like we use to do when he was alive. Anyway, before we
arrived at the park he told he that there was a surprise waiting for me and I
should close my eyes. So we got to the park - I still have my eyes shut - and
someone hands me a basketball (I love playing ball) when I open my eyes she's
standing right in front of me. Then Angelina asks if I would play her one on
one, and makes a bet "if I win I have he for a whole weekend if she wins I
have her for a whole weekend," which i thought was cool. I then thought to
myself - which woke me up - What I would give to just spend a whole weekend
even a minute with
Ms. Angelina Jolie - the goddess of my dream.


Rae’s Dream
Rae…she’s frequently in all our dreams! haha

Here are the dreams i can remember:

Ok, I was in this underground bathroom, using it, and
Angelina comes down
(she looked like lisa from girl, interrupted) and she comes up to me when i'm
in the stall and goes, "Hey, Rae, what's up?"
So, after i'm done we start talking and she goes "race ya!"
So we're racing through the bathroom stalls and then she kisses me.

In my second one, we're in my neighborhood, besides it's different (it's my
grandmother's neighborhood and my neighborhood combined) and we're
skateboarding through the streets and eating ice cream cones. well, i see
this girl who was really mean to me when i was 13, and she starts pointing
her finger at me, making fun of me.
Angelina gets mad at the girl and
re-creates the scene from
girl, interrupted when the professor's mom yells at
susanna and everyone starts barking. it was hilarious! and my
childhood-tormentor cried and ran away!! Then angie and i went to the movies
to see the mummy.

ok, my last one is where i meet angie at a video store, and she asks me what
is there to see..ya know, if there is anything good. i asked her what she was
in the mood to see, and she replies romance..something in the 16th century.
so i tell her to see swept from the sea.
ok, then she gets all happy and keeps thanking me. then she asked me if i
would help her get some good food..i got popcorn, ice cream, and sprite.
she's really thankful again, and she asks me to come over her house and watch
movies with her and her husband (billy bob) so i go and we watch movies into the night.

Submitted by: Dallas

I had a dream once about a month ago.the best dream i have ever had!!!... I was at a friends house in the dream sitting on her bedroom floor....there was five of us in there watchin tv and being girls ....ya know, but nayways. I was on the bed and on the floor in front of me was
Angelina Jolie...kinda in between my legs she was painting my toenails...and then i put my hand on her cheek and leaned down to tell her something...???  don't know what...and she started making out with wow!!!! Then the girl that lived their's, dad walked in and said...."some of these girls have to go home now...i dont care who...just get some outta here" of course my dim witted friend sends aj and some other chic home!!! I was like "what the f%..." I was really pissed.
It was on eof those dreams when you wake up and wonder if it was real though....she kissed great in my dream hehhehehe
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