It is with some trepidation that I submit these class notes, having been AWOL for two editions.  That's the bad news.  The good news I have accumulated quite a bit of information to pass on.  I have negotiated a change of watch with Carl Swedberg which should increase the timeliness of future notes.  Carl continues to capture class information at the '71 web site at  As of last count, we have over 70 of  '71 listed.  The latest entry is Gary McCaffrey who reports in from Las Vegas where he is spending most of his time flying and traveling to the orient.  I am providing some of the recent highlights from the web site for those of you who are cyber-challenged!  Carl is also posting photos on the site, including those of Barney Turlo's retirement.


Tony Bordieri offered this SITREP on his life.  "Myself, my wife Kathy and our two youngest sons live in Metuchen, NJ.  Andy, a sophomore, and Brian a freshman, attend Metuchen High and play soccer and run track (and compete against each other as well).  Our oldest son Joe is a first year medical student at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey while our second oldest son Vince is a sophomore Business major at Moravian college in Bethlehem, PA."  Tony has been enjoying the last fifteen years with the Sarnoff Corporation in Princeton, NJ as their Facilities Engineering Manager taking care of the 850 person, 344 acre, 600,000 square foot research campus.  Tony notes "We were the old RCA Labs until GE bought RCA in 1986 and then gave us away as tax write-off in 1987 to SRI International; we have been their Subsidiary since then."  The firm's focus is on technology ventures and research (e.g. iris identification for ATM machines).


Seadog provided a MOVREP.  After surviving multiple mergers and pursuing environmental excellence at Northrup Aircraft (aka Northrup Grumman and soon to be merged with Lockheed Martin … if DOJ says OK), Norm turned down a transfer from LA to Denver and opted to head for the hills of Tennessee.  In July Norm, Melody and daughter Carrie headed to Knoxville where Norm will sign on with an environmental consulting firm, hang out his own shingle, or go fishing.


Those visiting the site can also be treated to a photo of Phil Volk and me at beautiful Air Station Port Angeles.  During a swing out west in January, I was able to visit with Phil and talk with his great troops.  Phil is retiring in July where the Volks are building their retirement home.  Good luck to Phil and family and my personal thanks for the wise counsel and friendship since our hectic CPA-CC days.  Before leaving the Seattle area, Carl and Mary Jane Swedberg hosted a dinner for some local classmates.  Had a great evening with Al Joens (teaching junior math), Doug and Andrea Phillips, and Stan and Sue Norman.  My thanks to Carl and Mary Jane.


Later in the trip I was able to grab some Mexican food with Bert and Susie Kinghorn before they moved east.  Bert is serving on Secretary of Transportation Slater's staff (S-60), managing transportation and national security issues.  Bert and Susie now occupy an empty nest in Alexandria, VA, but expect Jill home for the summer from Washington.


Other news of note includes some upward mobility for Ron Frazier.  Ron has been promoted to Vice President of a Northern Virginia information technology firm, Information Solutions.  According to an E-mail provided by former '71 mentor Barry Kane ('69): "Ron has been instrumental in the growth of several high visibility, significant revenue programs and has demonstrated great skill in balancing customer, company and staff demands in delivering superior services to his clients.  In his new role, Ron will lead several current and future ITOP Programs to further strengthen SIGNAL's ITOP task performance.  Please join me in congratulating Ron."  Congratulations, Ron.  Sounds like the Coast Guard's Resource Director could use your help!  The e-mail came to me from Rich Harding who manages intelligence related information technology for the Coast Guard in G-OCI at HQ.


We were all concerned on hearing Tom Gemmel's report that Brad Troth underwent heart bypass surgery in May in Anchorage.  A doctor's visit after some chest pains was very timely.  I spoke with Brad in June and he is doing fine.  He is recovering well and was looking to go salmon fishing the next day.  Since retiring Brad and Bonnie have stayed in Kodiak where he runs a sporting goods business and does some accounting on the side.  Daughter Jennifer is a senior in college in Minneapolis.


Better late than never … we are glad to announce the birth of Greg Cope's granddaughter, Ashley Lauren, born 21 Jan at 10 lbs, 6 oz. Congrats Greg.

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