I just received my April Bulletin and read how we're waiting on NORM and DOLORES to report around with pictures and a report on their Italian adventures.  NORM did update his E-mail address and report that they couldn't fit the Pope into their schedule, but he made them promise to come back soon! But we're still waiting on our Classmate for photos...so while I'm drafting up the subpoena duces tecum, the court will come to order!

Speaking of courts, I was forced to travel to Honolulu in early March to dispense truth and justice. SUTTER FOX met me at the Hale Koa...remember, this was official business...and we had dinner together near the Aloha Tower. SUTTER's the liaison to CINCPAC and he and BONNIE love being back on Oahu.  He even arranged for a little Seattle sunshine during our outdoor dinner, but in Honolulu the rain's called a Hawaiian blessing!

Did you catch RAY COYE's Letter to the Editor?  Great thoughts on the Cadet experience...and did you remember CHARLIE DICKERMAN?  RAY forwarded an advance copy to me with the following quick update: "We "adopted" Eric Eide for Thanksgiving. He was in recruit training at Great Lakes Navy Base and was able to get off base only if he had a local sponsor. CRAIG put us in touch and we had a great day.  He is a fine young man - we spent much of the day studying damage control for his big test the next day.  I was amazed I remembered some of the stuff.  CRAIG, LINDA, and Elliot came to Chicago for Eric's graduation a few weeks later and we had a chance to get together for a few hours." And no, I didn't remember CHARLIE.  Anyone else have old letters stashed away?

A potential sitcom in the making? After sending Doctor STU MARSH a vet cartoon, he responded with this DVM sea story: "Had one come in earlier this week.  Owner scheduled an appointment because its appetite was off.  In the reception room she said it was not responsive but just went & sat down.  The receptionist brought the cat back to the exam room & it had been dead at least a couple of hours."

CHARLEY ALLEN added his name to our on-line Classmates page and sent along the details on Charles Allen Photography and an invitation.  "Checking in from Pasadena, where DOREEN and I have been for the last 20 years.  I am a commercial photographer...with a 3,000 sq. ft. studio. I shoot both in studio and on location, a variety of work including corporate, fashion, product, lifestyle, etc.  I am state-of-the-art, shooting high-resolution digital capture (quality is equal to film) - very exciting stuff - my work is in ads, billboards, annual reports, brochures, exhibits, catalogs, websites, etc.  I love the variety and the digital tools.  Recently I photographed in New Mexico/Arizona, and Alaska for recruitment advertising for DeCA (defense commissaries) and IHS (Indian Health Services); and have also done recruitment advertising photography throughout the U.S. for U.S. Customs and the Border Patrol.  Also recently did photography for billboards for some banks and for a line of Mexican junior fashion wear, and the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Albuquerque (a stunning man-made visual experience) for Kodak.  Still have fond memories of my years in the Coast Guard and at the Academy.  Have kept up with some things through my brother Scott who just retired as a Captain.  Anyone coming my way, please come visit us at Charles Allen Photography, 537 So. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, CA 91105."  Rumor has it CHARLEY can get you Rose Bowl tickets...drop him an E-mail  by linking from our Classmates page.

JOE KUCHIN squeezed in a short E-mail update between TAD trips as LANTAREA (m). "The KUCHINs are fine. We have 5 kids at home now: Nathan - 3; Gretchen - 5;  Heidi - 9;  Adam - 13; Christopher - 15.  Two oldest daughters stayed in the New Orleans area.  They have 3 children between them."  No, that's not a typo...Nathan is THREE.  If you remember back, I think JOE was the only grandparent at our 20th. JOE completed the story..."Gretchen (now 6) was born in WV after the reunion and Nathan was born in Mobile (3 years old).  After Gretchen's birth, my boss (Bob Luchun, D2(m) at the time), with some level of mock exasperation and total befuddlement, declared "KUCHIN. GET CABLE!" JOE promises a family photo...we'll need a panoramic shot.

THADMIRAL provides an East Coast update: "Believe it or not, I found HARDRICK CRAWFORD here in Miami and he has done really well.  He is the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the FBI office in Miami.  He was just selected as SES and will be an inspector at FBI Headquarters.  I'm told that is the boot camp for returning to the field as a SAC.  DRICK looks great and has found memories of CGA and '71.  I attended his going away luncheon and surprised everyone in the room by saying I had known him longer than his wife!  Gave him a plaque from '71 that said "...once a Coastie..."  Judging from the accolades at the luncheon, he is a highly respected leader in the FBI. I've see BOB CAMUCCIO several times.  He is still wearing Coast Guard blue and is the senior officer in the Coast Guard JROTC program at the MAST Academy, the marine sciences magnet high school for Dade County.  It is a remarkable program.  550 students in the high school, 180 of them are in CG JROTC.  The school was chosen as one of ten top magnet schools in the country.  To celebrate, the JROTC passed in review for the first time and I had the honor of being the reviewing official.  The school is located on Virginia Key across from the University of Miami Rosenstiehl School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences.  Impressive!  In February, AL and SUSIE GRACEWSKI took a break from life at the Yard and visited Hillsborough.  We were able to get away for a nice dinner at the Light House."

Thirty years ago as you read this, the infamous Thule Ten were heading north to survey glaciers in Greenland...and Knud Rassmussen will never be the same.  Who and where are they now?  Thanks to TOM GEMMELL for forwarding this piece of photographic nostalgia!

Thule Ten

CAP'N BARNEY went off the air long enough to put in enough hours at the Town Office to properly outfit his preferred Mode of transportation.  "Some o' the "perks" of workin' in the Town Office!  The "GY" are random letters, but "we" decided the letters MUST mean "Good Year!"  That's GREAT Year, BARN!

Maine 1971 Plate

Rumor has it there may be a Vespers Service in the Boston area around the last week in July.  When you read this, there'll still be time to contact the SLY ONE for the details.  Until the August transcription of the Vespers...we're adjourned!

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