Groping in the Dark
by : claret
kneeling center floor... bound tight... ankle to ankle... a spreader bar keeping my knees just so... my body caught in a catcher of harsh twists and diamonds... wrists secured behind beneath my shoulder blades to a running ex... making sure the tension in all the lines remains constant... so each wriggle and each shiver is felt throughout... nips as tight and hard as ropes that hold me out and open for Your pleasure... perusal... and imagination... blindfold pressing close across my eyes... trapped in darkness... breathing shallowly as the drafts of air across my skin caress me... the ponytail high atop my head dangling down to tickle my neck and back... each small sound magnified... waiting for You... trying to count the passing time with the beats of my heart... pulling a bit at the ropes restlessly... feeling them dig into my skin as they refuse any leeway to the flex of my muscles... humming bits and pieces of different songs... biting my lip as my nerves chase each other round and round...

a startled yip jumping out of me as Your hand slides over my shoulder from behind me... thoughts scattering... when did You come in?... how long had You been there waiting and watching?... lips trembling, i scramble for some composure... butterflies dancing inside to the rapid rhythm of my pulse... swallowing hard as You test the knots with short tugs... Your large hands wandering over me sending a shiver of chill bumps across my skin... a soundless whimper escapes me as You catch hold of my nips and draw me up off  my heels... completely pliant to Your touch in absolute love and trust.... tipping my head back i look sightlessly up at You... trying hard to listen to Your instructions... a soft hum of pleasure purring through me as You pull against the sway of my body... rolling the firm peaks between Your fingers... with a tsk You tell me i'm not paying attention... i open my mouth to deny but close it just as quickly with helpless smile, denial being useless... i am as i am and You know it...

ignoring my small sqeak of protest You let go and turn away for a moment... head tilted quizzically, i try to hear what You are doing but to no avail... Your quiet rustles give nothing away... still kneeling up i wait till You turn back to me... without warning the bite of two pins clamp down on my nipples to answer my curiosity... breath catching, i feel the fire sting radiate outward from each compressed point... nodding hard when You ask if You have my complete attention now... with a smile in Your voice, You continue Your instructions... causually flicking and twisting the pins to keep me focused... biting my lip against coal hot burn of the the clamps and the tickling dampness between my thighs i listen hard to Your every word... instructions done, You drop a kiss to me and step back to wait for me to begin...

i hold still for a minute, mind scrambling... thinking how best to start... with a cheerful "c'mon luv," You reach down and add four more pins to each breast... nipping the tender outsides... quickly leaning forward i can just feel You barely out of my reach... with a series of shimmy wriggles i scoot closer to You... feeling each line tighten and each clothespin bob and dance with every move... tilting me back You add another four pins to each tit... this time catching the tops and undersides, spreading a web of heat across my chest... with a ragged sigh i nuzzle up Your leg, orienting myself... lipping the hem of Your shirt to find the first button... ahhh, found it... i gently take it between my teeth with a fold and tug... releasing it... scootching up closer i reach for the second and third... a half smile lingering on my lips as the pins fold and catch along the fabric of Your pants... with a questioning hum i pull at Your shirt to reach the rest of the buttons... obligingly You drop down to my level... allowing me to sit back on my heels... but it comes with a price as Your hand slides between my legs...

i try and hide in my task as blush warms my skin... for i know You can feel my too soon desire... from the slippery dampness to the involuntary tremors within and without as Your fingers dance across me... unable to help my too soon pleading whimpers as i struggle to concentrate on the last button... nearly tearing it off as You catch one netherlip between Your fingers and start placing the garter's clothespins... 1,2,3,4... lining them up in a deep bitten row... 5,6,7,8... the other side matching the first... moaning helplessly as You pull the string running through each side tight... holding me even wider open as You tie them down to my thighs... watching my ever growing passion seep from me to darken the wood that spreads me wide to Your gaze...

sqeezing my eyes shut tight behind my blindfold... uselessly trying to fight the spreader bar at my knees as i feel yet another pin scrape across my clit... my every muscle tense and quivering as You set it in place and let the spring grab the tender snippet of flesh tight... freezing as Your pain and pleasure lock into each other inside of me... twisting like a living thing through my veins... struggling to regain my focus, i start to kneel up to take Your shirt off of You...  my surprised yelp echoing in counterpoint to Your low  wicked laugh as i find out that You have attached the garters to my ankle bonds... softly keening as i reconcile myself to the inevitable of what i must do to give You what You want... slowly rising to reach Your shoulders... utterly aware of the mounting tension on the strings and pins as they pull and stretch my flesh... the pins seeming to bite in all the harder to keep their hold on me... small hitched breaths floating up in Your ears as i catch the fabric between my teeth and slide Your shirt from You... sinking back down... trembling... my pussy lips simmering in the slippery moisture...

nuzzling Your hand as it caresses my cheek... a dreamy half smile plays across my lips as the the warm feeling of accomplishing something You wished for spreads through me... swallowing a joyful laugh, i set to work on Your belt... pulling the leather from its buckle and back and free.... giving me access to the button beneath... with a nip and tuck i get the button loose and delicately take the zipper catch between my teeth... carefully pulling it out and away as i slide it down... weaving about Your legs, i tug Your pants down... conscious of every line and pin pulling tight as i do so... my breath warm through the cotton of Your boxers as i nuzzle up and send them to join Your pants... You step away and free from the pile gathered at You feet, allowing me to shift them  aside... sitting on my heels i wait patiently for You to step back to me... but You don't... instead i hear Your loving Tormentor's laugh again... shivering as it squeezes my insides with icy fingers setting the fine curls at the nape of my neck on end... "find Me luv"... Your words coming to me from somewhere in the room...

sitting absolutely still i listen for Your breathing... searching for any clue for direction to begin looking... tentively i scoot forward... moaning softly as the lines cut into my skin... the garters abbreviating my every move... "cold sweets"... Your voice soft and wandering through the air... giving me no help other than the knowledge that forward is not the proper direction... whimpering i twist about... the pins jiggling in their red white hold on my breasts as the fullness pulls at them...  shuddering i set off again... squeaky yips punctuating each shimmy and wriggle as the garters and clit pin refuse to slip in the slickery wetness... a strangled groan erupts from me as Your words "cold luv" halts me again...

trembling i try and gather my scattered wits... struggling to maintain as the fire riots of the pins seek to decimate my concentration... each ragged sigh reminding me of the ropes that encase me... taking a deep breath i turn and try yet another direction... lost in the darkness... wanting to find You so much... fighting the desire that threatens to consume me... keening hopelessly as the lines hold together what the pins seek to tear apart... clinging to the lifeline of Your voice as the blessed words "warmer sweets" reach through to my tattered consciousness...  pure determination to get to You redoubling my efforts... beyond caring as some of the pins on my tits twist my flesh in a last ditch effort to keep their place and pop free... or the garters slipping millimeter by millimeter, clawing in to keep their hold... pain no more... only pleasure melding into my singlemindness to find You... unaware of my  begging sobs sounding with my every breath... crashing into You as You say "red hot luv"... the single word 'Master!' erupting from me as an odd orgasm tears through me... overriding the physical maelstrom of my body's aching need... scorching through my mind alone... obliterating any shred of self and transforming into an existance that is Yours completely and absolutely... heart, mind and soul... snuggling against You... soft abject whimpers tremoring Your name up and down the scale... the remaining pins scratching against Your legs as i cuddle in closer... nothing in the world mattering except that i'm Yours and the pure love of being so...

calming somewhat as Your words and hands soothe me back to reality... with a heavenly smile i remember just why i was supposed to find You... nuzzling Your thighs, i scatter lick-kisses across them... beginning a proper cat bath... covering every inch of skin as i ease my way up... Your burning aches and pleasures of my body returning with a vengeance as i twist around You... delighting in each twist and tightening of the lines and the biting stretch of the pins... relishing the clean soap salt taste of You as i nose Your legs farther apart... the damp curly tendrils of my hair tickling You as i run my lips along the tendons where leg meets groin... playfully sideswiping Your balls with the tip of my tongue... flicking underneath them... a low humming purr vibrating through me and transmitting into You as i slide long licks back and forth... never losing contact as they roll across my tongue.. thoroughly bathing each separately, then together... tracing designs of figure eights and circles...

till i feel You give my ponytail a tug... lifting me off my heels in a breath catching pull against the garters... unable to help the gutteral growl that comes tumbling out of me as the clit pin dances to the involuntary jump of my muscles... struggling against looping waves of desire building in me... arching my back in in a pleading supplication to You... my teeth leaving a vivid imprint on my lower lip as broken barely recognizable words garble out... chased by fast panting pleadings... knowing i'm asking too soon... knowing that You can see my passion of Your creation etched in every shaking tremor and fractured syllable... the hot and cold flushes shading my skin as i battle the need to cum... sobbing as You release my hair with a sadistically satisfied "not yet"...

keening as i lip Your cock into my mouth... drawing You in... my teeth lightly grazing against You as You slide in the warm wetness to the back of my throat... suckling as i pull back... only to dive back down again... my tongue seeking Your balls as i bury my face against You... catching Your sac with tugging flicks... pausing only for scant breaths... wanting only to please You... seeking Your rhythm as i give up on breathing and do my best to swallow You whole... not  feeling Your hand slip behind my head and wind the gathered copper length around Your fist... anchoring me as You take over and slam into my mouth over and over... my tongue lapping at You as catch can... as lost in Your pleasure as i get in my own... with a shout You press me hard against You... erupting in my mouth... thrusting in deep.... almost bypassing any need for me to swallow as Your cum slides hot into my belly... my throat muscles trying and hold You tight as You take Your full measure... drinking in every last drop in a slow winding suction as You pull free from me and step away...

dizzily panting... eyes stinging... my head lolling back... thoroughly dazed as the minutes tick by... my desire denied reclaiming my scattered senses... battering against my war torn need to obey You... not even hoping for relief anymore as i sway in the enforced darkness... knowing it can only happen by Your leave and not a moment before... my body boneless and pliant beneath Your hands as You lay me back across Your legs... moaning helplessly as the ropes shift from their deep inbedment and lay a fresh lacework alongside the vivid patterns of red on white... the sting of the pins renewed... pulling at my hypersensitized flesh... trembling in Your arms as Your lips slide up my neck... the soft scratch of Your moustache sending a chill bolt of pure pleasure through me... whimpering quietly as Your mouth claims mine... arching to meet Your fingers as they wander over the torments You've placed upon me...

feeling the cool air brush my skin as You remove the blindfold and whisper "look at Me luv"... slowly opening my eyes... the light half blinding me from being so long in the dark... blinking as You come into focus... seeing Your loving smile and knowing soul deep that all is right in the world... lifting my eyes to Yours... storm tossed grey captured completely in Your warm dark gaze... knowing You can see the raw struggle that awaits Your word... mutely pleading with You as Your hand slides down between my legs to the dark soaked wood of the pins... gliding over the deep bites of the garters holding me wide open to You... wanting to close my eyes... knowing You can see the fight with myself to hold still as the involuntary tremors and jumps follow Your touch as You play with the clit pin... every muscle achingly tight... almost losing control as Your finger slides into me... the heel of Your hand grinding against my burning clit... shamelessly begging You over and over as You shove me ever closer to the precipice... writhing in Your lap as You watch the battle to keep from cumming takes its toll on me...

my eyes trapped in Yours... glazed quicksilver swimming in the white hot surreality of the chain held tight in Your check... sobbing quietly... the fight in me to hold back all but gone as what little bit of coherent thought i have left crumbles... waves of pleasure frothed with pain consuming me... barely registering Your permission... answering You with a questioning hum... doublechecking myself to make sure i heard properly... having held back for so long... wanting... needing... knowing once i let go there will be no stopping it... Your harsh "now!" sounds like a clarion call to my ragged war torn senses... my body breaking free as You push Your hand in tight to me... shuddering against You... my cries echoing... my eyes blank and mindless... shades of grey twisitng as the passion You kept caged runs rampant... clamping tight around Your fingers in slippery spasms... nearly levitating as a second orgasm rips through me... my scream punctuating the sweep of Your arm across my chest... the remaining pins bending and tearing away from my tits as You hold me down... my eyes revealing the instantaneous prism refraction of pain into pleasure as a third slams through me... soaking into Your hand... my voice cracked and finished... only breathless high pitched thready whimpers left as You drain a fourth and a fifth from me... the pure pleasure of Your making quaking through me... completely lost in Your pleasure passions's creation...

i barely feel fee You slip the garters and clit pin off of me... only the sharp sting of the blood returning as You massage the hard bites left in my flesh... allowing one more rippling orgasm to take the transition as You softly talk me back to reality... my exhausted moans sliding into soft tremoring purrs as my eyes refocus... the grey shimmering with threads of happy blue as i look up at You... the love and trust that was there when You placed the blindfold on me still shining with an unquenchable incandescant glow... basking in the warm light of Your loving dark eyes and smile as i nestle to You... cuddled up in Your arms and into Your kiss...
~return to library~