: Name :
Mayra R.Reyes

: Sex :
100% MaMi

: Nickname :

: Age :

: Birthday :
March 19

: Zodiac Sign :
Da Fish Gurl...Pisces

: Nationality :
Peruvian & Bolivian

: Location :
Falls Church, Virginia

: Status :
Taken by my BB

: Anniversary :
November 25

: Occupation :
Full Time:Student Part Time:R.M.A

: Siblings :
One brother

: Drinker :

: Smoker :


Heyyyy! This is mAyRiTa on her 20th birthday!!

So you wanna know a little about me ... well my name is Mayra Reyes A.K.A "mAyRiTa",
I'm Peruvian...100% till the end! But I consider myself 50% Boliviana & 50% Peruana :)
Tengo 21 anitos, my b-day is on March 19, YEAHHHH PARTY PARTY PARTY
I consider myself sweet, caring, lovable, responsible, down to earth, hard worker but you all have your own opinion, you judge me.
I can be crazy at times (you know, in a good way of course!) but it's all good :) LoL.
I luv to have fun and party but I'm serious when its time to be, very serious.
I graduated from Yorktown High School, class of 2002! Go DORKTOWN, heheh don't hate it, it will always be my skoolie :p.
I'm currently working Part time as RMA at "Dr. Deardorff & Dr. Camacho", I love my job!!
I'm back in school for my Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) @ Marymount, GO SAINTS!!!

A little more about me.....I used to volunteer as a Sunday school teacher working with the kindergarten and 1st graders
in Saint Charles church. But with the time being, I haven't gone back to my old church in a loonnggg time. (sorry I moved)
I was also volunteering at the Fairfax hospital, helping with the patients but right now I'm not, due to time
BUT I will be returning back pretty soon. (I promise)
You're probably wondering, damn this girl is a busy woman....not really.
I just have classes in the afternoon and night and that takes my whole afternoon, in the mornings, you'll find me @ home.
Hmmmmm, what else....I started dancing in the "Fraternidad Folklorica Alma Boliviana"
so you'll be seeing me pretty soon making a fool out of myself :)
I luv to dance, party, anything with music, I'm there.
I love to spend time with my friends, especially with my cousin Ysabel,
she's like a sister to me, she's in Peru but when we're together me and her are just... 2 CrAzY people, SO WATCH OUT ;)

This is a pic of me and a new member of my family, PATCH

^^ More Pictures of me back in the old days!!! ^^