Updated 10.9.01 (Pictures and Journal)
Ross Edward
(Less than) One Month
One Month
Two Months
Two Months (2nd page)
Three Months
FoUr MoNtHs
Five Months
SIX Months!
Seven Months
Eight Months (and more of Seven)
Nine Months!
10 MoNtHs
11 Months
One Year!
13 through 15 months
16 through 20 months
21 Months
22 Months-
23 Months-
23 Months#2 (NEW!)
TWO years! (NEW!)

Professional Pictures
Professional Pictures 2 (One Year Photos!)
Professional Pics 3

My mom's journal on ME!
2nd page
3rd page
4th page (updated!)
I just turned TWO!

Current Stats
Age: 2 yrs
Weight: 34 lbs
Height: 34 inches
Visit My Baby Brother's Page: