Web Resume

Web Resume

Genesis Tejada
This is my online resume

Fall 06
Spring 07
Fall 07
Spring 08
Fall 08
Spring 09
The Theather Experience CMTA 104
Chemistry in Society CHEM 101
Art for Children ART 363
Popular Lit and Culture ENGL 207
Elem/Mid Grds Soc Stds ELMG 417
Acct Prin I-Financial ACCT 251
Study Techniques-College COUN 140
Intro to Speech Comm CMHC 201
Human Biology BIOL 104
Mathematical Concepts MATH 101
Theory of Arithmetic I MATH 321
Management Info Systems CIS 251
Teachers,Schools & Society EDCI 191
Composition II ENGL 102
Hist,Soc,Phil Found Ed EDCI 231
Child-Adolescent Develop PSY 320
Elementary Music MUS 301
Intro Microecon-Soc Iss ECON 231
Composition I ENGL 101
Turn Pts-American Hist HIST 141
Women and Religion PAR 220
Tps of Hispanic Wrld II SPAN 203
Hist Amer Musical Theatre MUS 410
Legal Environment of Bus LAW 230
University Chorus MUS 171
Nutrition,Fitness,Wellness HSCC 101
Phys Ed for Elem Teacher PE 361
Spanish Civilization SPAN 321
Topics-Hispanic World I SPAN 301
Principles of Marketing MKT 301
General Psychology PSY 150
Soc Issues,Policy & Prog SOCW 251
Intermediate Spanish II SPAN 232
Intro Span Prose-Poetry SPAN 310
Contrast Features Span/Engl SPAN 401

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