Kevin stroked him self furiously, making himself extremely hard and dripping with pleasure. He used some of the precum to slightly lube his shaft and placed the tip at Nick’s vulnerable hole. Once positioned, Kevin placed both hands over Nick’s wrists against the wall as he thrust himself into Nick. Nick bit his bottom lip roughly, trying to swallow his screams of pain and growing pleasure. Kevin knew Nick was loud during sex and the silence made him even more crazed. A small tear ran down Nick’s face and quickly disappeared as Kevin leaned in to lick it from his cheek. “Are you crying you little baby? Can’t take it? Can’t handle my big…hot…cock inside of your ass?” Kevin stressed each word with a rough thrust, forcing Nick’s body closer to the wall. Nick’s cock was making contact with the foam wall of the recording studio with each thrust into him and the friction was making his cock even harder. Nick could still hear the anger in Kevin’s voice and wanted him to release it, Nick loving how turned on he was by being taken over by his lover, treated like a piece of shit that only deserved a quick fuck. “I can handle it…” Nick said, suppressing his pain. As Kevin swiftly slid into him once more, the pleasure overtook the pain and gave Nick more incentive to tease Kevin even more. “I just haven’t felt anything good enough to reward it with any audible response.” Kevin became infuriated at Nick’s smug words. His mouth went to Nick’s neck sucking and biting at it, fully intending to leave his mark. He felt Nick’s pulse increase beneath his tongue as he slid his hand down to Nick’s fully erect cock. He slid his hand around the thick shaft, stroking him slowly yet deliberately, knowing that Nick was close enough that the slowest, most seductive touch would win him over. Kevin’s other hand fell from Nick’s wrists, but they remained in position, gripping tightly onto the wall as Kevin’s hand grasped onto Nick’s hip, pulling him violently closer for each thrust. Nick’s body was practically convulsing as Kevin pumped harder and faster into him. “Beg for it you slut.” Kevin demanded and Nick was so close to ecstasy that he would do anything to cum. “Fuck me Kevin! FUCK ME HARDER!!” Nick screamed as loud as he could, knowing they could be as vocal as possible in the small soundproof room. “NICK FUCK YES ….” Kevin screamed as he held Nick’s hips close to his, pulling at his cock as Kevin came. He thrusted into him continuously, unwilling to give up the complete high that he felt over Nick. Nick felt Kevin tug on his shaft and he came immediately, spilling into his hand and all over the wall. Sweat rolled down both of their bodies as Kevin eventually slowed his pace and left Nick’s body. Nick turned around and pulled Kevin into his arms, and the older man willingly fell into him, exhausted from his physical and emotional release.

Nick ran his fingers over Kevin’s newly shaven hair, tingling the back of Kevin’s neck. Kevin rested his head on Nick’s shoulder, feeling the younger man’s heartbeat with his own and holding onto him tightly, both of their arms wrapped around each other. “Baby…” Nick whispered. Kevin took a deep breath knowing exactly what Nick wanted, he wanted an answer. “I’m worried Nicky…” Kevin started. “About what?” Nick asked, concerned about his lover. Without picking up his head to look Nick in the eye he stared at the blank wall across from him as he continued. “We all want to take our music in a different direction and as long as we’re stuck in our contract we can’t. We might have more freedom than we used to, but still. Plus I am getting older no matter what jokes we make…I don’t know how long little teenage girls around America are gonna want to pay to see my sorry old ass dancing around the stage. I feel trapped.” Nick stroked Kevin’s hair as he assured him. “Baby, we all feel that way sometimes. Hell you know I do most of the time, I feel like I’m a rock star trapped in a pop star’s life, but you just have to remember all that we’ve been through to get to this point. I’m sure that if we want to we can talk to the label and work something out. We’ve been around long enough to gain respect and they can’t afford not to listen.” Kevin smiled and hugged Nick tightly as he calmed. Nick moved Kevin’s face to meet his own. “Plus you are NOT that old, you’re only 30 for Christ sakes, and our fans are growing up too. You are one hot, talented, sexy, bitch and you know that…and so do I and millions of straight girls and gay men around the world. That is one thing you never need to doubt.” Nick captured Kevin’s mouth in a passionate kiss as they slid to the floor, holding onto each other tightly, exhausted from their exchange.


AJ Brian and Howie walked into the studio and noticed that the door was shut to the recording booth but no one seemed to be in there…they noticed the tapes were full and had just stopped when they entered. “ Looks like they really accomplished something today.” Brian said as he rewound the tape and the three prepared to listen to the Backstreet Boys’ latest track….
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