Meeting Howie
        So Nick exits the club and hops on the shuttle without stopping to say hi or anything to the 5 or so fans who are waiting there. Whatever, I got to touch him so I could really care less. Plus it's now about 4am so I can completely understand. So we see Nick and for some reason go "Oh well" and turn around to head back to the car when my friend Katrina goes, "wait a minute, Howie hasn't come out yet!" Just as we turn around there he is! So these 5 girls who were waiting get autographs and such and keep turning to me saying " LOOK! He signed this, he signed that! I'm like , um yeah that's nice, NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY! " hehe. So then he says "Ok, one more picture, I have to get going." So I'm determined to get up to him. My friend Katrina shoves me up to him and I say "Hi!" he says "Hello" and puts his arm around my back and I place my hand on his back and move closer to him for the pic. His arm wrapped around me was the greatest feeling.This man is truly handsome. He has perfect skin and his eyes are beautiful. So while my friend is struggling to take the picture,  (she kept hitting zoon instead of the proper button , she was quite flustered, I mean it's a BSB!) he is rubbing my back with his hand... oh dear Lord ! It was so amazing. So involuntarily my hand starts doing the same his sweater was so soft and he smelled so good. He saw that other people wanted a pic with him so he said we can make it a group pic, but noone made a move except for one girl who snuck into the pic at the last moment. I kept apologizing for my friend saying "sorry" and he reassured me saying it was ok. She finally took the pic ( I look funny cause I'm trying to smile while saying " TAKE THE PICTURE"hehe. So I turn to him, he's smiling back at me and I say "Thanks Howie, goodnight."( his hand is still on my back) He responds " Goodnight" He smiles really big again and walked onto the shuttle. My heart was beating so fast and I was flipping out. I even called my friend back in Pittsburgh at 4am to tell him this. hehe. It was so wonderful to meet such a sweet and hot guy. I completely appreciated his kindess in taking the time to make me feel special even at 4am after he's been partying ( oh yes I could smell the alcohol on his breath.) I hope to someday have another chance to meet him and talk with him more and thank him for making that night the best night of my life. My mind went blank and of course everything I've ever wanted to say to him left me. So that's it. If you'd like to see the pic of me and Howie, just email me at . So there is proof that Howie is the sweetest guy, not to mention sexiest. :)