My Fan Fiction and Slash
My Heart Stays With You
Summary: My Heart Stays With You is a love story about Melissa(me) and Howie D. They have a chance meeting, fall in love and then are separated. It follows their journey back to one another. It is also a love story between Brian and Nick. Brian must overcome his fear of what people will think of their love. Kevin and AJ also form relationships with Melissa's two friends Katrina and Rhonda. These are minor story lines, but add to the fun. Enjoy! I've worked for a long time on this was all worth it. Also, if you are on any of my yahoo groups, this story is the longer one that contains "Unstoppable" and "Heaven" hope you read the entire story to find out what happens! :)
Rating: NC-17 for strong sex scenes, both Slashy and Het.

Chapters: 28

: This story is fiction, therefore not real.

In my guestbook or email me
Closer to Heaven
Author: Missy

Pairing: Nick/Brian , AJ/Howie ( don't worry kev is in it too!)

Disclaimer: This is a work of all slashy fiction.

Rating: Definitely NC-17 for strong Slashy situations

: 8

ry: I was inspired to write this story/visual after watching the
Around the World DVD . I've seen it numerous times, but the
slow feature on the DVD player enabled me to see some signs of love between Nick and Brian that I had missed before. Of course I'm always inspired to write Nick and
Brian because it's my fav pairing :-) Hope you enjoy!

k: Sign my guestbook or email me at
Summary :I wrote this story as a birthday present for my friend Rhonda. It is a purely het visual...yes... i know. But I think it's hot and it was what she wanted (well aside from the real thing hehe ) It uses the song "Closer" from Nine Inch Nails.

Author: Missy

Pairing:Rhonda and AJ

Disclaimer: This is fiction.

Rating: NC-17 for strong sexual situations.

Chapters: 2

Feedback: Either here in my guestbook or email me
All I Wanna Do Is You
    I must first credit Joey McIntyre's song for giving me the title and inspiration for this story :)

Author: Missy

Pairing: Brian/Nick, Howie/Aj, Kevin/Nick, Brian/AJ, Howie/Nick/Kevin ( haha yeah this is definitely a group slut fic!)

Rating: Definitely NC-17

Chapters: 20

:I sure do wish this would happen and that I would be there to witness it. But unfortunately it's only a work of fiction. NOT TRUE.

: Kevin masterminds a sexual plot to realize all of their fantasies.

: Guestbook on this site or email me

All At Once
Pairing: Nick/Brian

Rating:Will be NC-17

Chapters: 3/?

Brian plans to marry Leighanne, but Nick desperately wants his true love back.

Feedback: Guestbook on site or email me at
Powerful Proof
Title: Powerful Proof and the sequel I Wanna Be With You and Pure Ecstasy

Pairing: DRok ( Brian/Howie) and Bri/Howie/Nick

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction

Feedback: Sure! Email at or sign guestbook

Rating: yeah a good NC-17

Notes: Thanks to Nikki and Desiree, I finally got around to typing this. It was written months ago, but I only really got around to it now. Hey Nikki- “ I know, do you?” and Desiree, cheer up girl, we’re all here for you, hope this gives you a reason to smile
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