About Me
I started these sites out of the need for us younger folk to have our own place.  We still have older members but they serve us and newcomers as mentors.  Most of us are under 50 and really have different issues.

I have belonged to many other cyber support groups out there.  My favorite being STROKEEFLOCK, great group for someone of all kind of walks of life.  Very supportive site.  This pic of me was shot of course when my hair was much shorter.  It's twice that long now.

My recovery is going great however, slooowwwww.  My attitude is right though NEVER quit quitting.  This is a very hard affliction to overcome it's one that only you can accomplish.  NO ONE else can for you.

I hope you enjoy these sites.  If you have tried to no avail to join the group.  Just send me a private email.  Thanks :)
My Info:
Kristi O'Donnell
Hometown: Michigan
Age at stroke: 30
Date stroke occured: 12/24/99
Married? Yes, for 2nd time
Kids? Yes 2.  Girl-12 & Boy 7, none from new marriage though.