Dear Diary (Chapters 4,5,&6)
Dear Diary was written by:
Please e-mail her and let her know what you think about her fanfic.  Thanks
Chapter Four:

      "Parks... I... I... Just wanted to say?.? He noticed
Ashley walking in their direction. "Ash, is on his
over here." He smiled, wearily.

      'That's not what you wanted to say... I know I hardly
know you, but I can read you very well Jake, and
you're not telling me the truth... Why... What's
keeping you from telling me what you wanna tell me...'
she thought, as she felt Ashley?s strong arms wrap
around her waist. "Hey sexy" she giggled.

      "Hey you... And Jake... Me, Trev, and Dan are heading
back to the hotel... Y'all comin'?" asked Ashley.

      "But, of course" Parker smirked. "How about you,

      "Nah, I think I'm just gonna chill here for a lil'
while longer. I'll see ya guys later" Jacob said, as
stood up and walked away.

      "J, seems upset? I wonder what's wrong... I should
probably go talk to him."                                         
                                          "Okay... Go head... I'm gonna head back to the
hotel with Trev and Dan... I'll see ya tomorrow than?"

      "Bright and early beautiful" Ashley said, as he
leaned over and kissed her. "Bye."
                                          "Bye!" Parker said, as she left Ashley and
approached Trevor and Dan. "Hey guys!"
                                          "Hey... Um... Where's Ash and Jake?" asked Dan,
realizing they weren?t with Parker.

      "Jake said he was gonna stay here a lil' longer and
he looked like something was really bothering him, so
Ash decided he was gonna stay and talk to him. I hope
everything's okay." She sighed heavily. "But, I'm
goin... home with you guys... Aren?t you excited?"

      "Oh yes! Can?t you see it in our faces?" asked Trevor
laughing, as the three of them left.

      Ashley approached Jacob. "Hey Jake... What's up?"

      "Nothing's up here Ash, believe me... Nothing."

      "Yeah, Parks and I took notice... We're worried about
you... What's wrong?"

      "Nothing really... This whole becoming so famous, so
quickly, is just really surprising and stressing me
out. Nothing really major." He lied.

      "Oh okay... I'm glad it's nothing to bad..." He
smirked. "So, you ready to go than?"                                         
      "Yeah... Can't see why not."

      "All right... Cool than... Let's go..." Ashley said,
as he and Jacob left.


      Trevor, Dan, and Parker sat around Parker's hotel
room eating popcorn and watching 'Remember The

      "Parks, do you have to say every word before the
people in the movie do" Trevor asked Parker, as he
threw popcorn at her.

      "What can I say... It's my favoritest movie" she
squealed, as she threw popcorn back at Trevor.

      "Favoritest? Never heard that before? What is it a
new word" asked Dan, sarcastically.

      "Oh... Haha... You're so funny..." Parker said, as
she stood up from the floor and approached Dan. "You
want some of this? I'll take you right here, right

      "I'd like to see you try!" Dan exclaimed, standing up
from the couch.

      "Wait! This is the best part of the movie!" Parker
explained, as she turned her head and looked at the

      Parker turned her head to look at the TV, Dan made
his move. He attacked her from behind and tackled her
to the ground. "You can take me huh? Haha...  Fat
chance!!" he said, laughing hysterically.
                                          "Jerk!!" Parker said, as she pushed Dan off of
her. "You guys can leave now... Y'all gettin' on my
nerves. I'll see ya tomorrow..."

      "Aww... Such a poor loser!!" Dan laughed, as Parker
shoved him and Trevor out the door. "I'll be sure to
be here to wake you up bright and early tomorrow" he
laughed again, as Parker slammed her door shut.

      "Peace and quiet" she said, aloud to herself. She
walked into her room and pulled her diary out of her
suitcase and again entered the living room. She
plopped down on the couch and began writing.

Dear Diary,

      Well, it's 2 o'clock in the morning and I'm not even
close to being tired. Dan and Trevor (2 of the guys
from O-TOWN) just left. They're great! Actually all
the guys are. :) But, yeah, I know all you wanna know
about is what went down with me and Mr. Ashley Parker
Angel. Well, we kissed. It was such a sweet and
passionate kiss. I didn?t want it to end. He's so
different than I expected. Nothing like what you
expect those 'heartthrobs' to be. He was so sweet and
sensitive. He's also really smooth with the lines.
Although, they made me feel special, a lil' too
smooth. :) Mac and Erik seemed to hit it off very
They're so cute!! They really are, you shoulda seen
them. All around it was a great night. There was a
slight problem though. I think Ashley isn?t the only
one I have strong feelings for... I think I might also
have feelings for...

      Her cell phone began ringing, interrupting her. She
sighed and closed her diary. She got up from the couch
and got her cell phone out of her purse. 'Who's
calling me at this time of the night? Probably one of
the guys trying to be smart' she thought to herself,
as she answered her cell.
                                          Hello, Parks speaking.            Hey girlie!! Brittany
      Britt!! I've missed ya girl!! What's up'     
Nothing here. Just calling to see how you were doing.
So, how you doing?            Parker laughed. I'm doing great!
And you? How's Nick?            I'm all right. Nick's... Well
Nick's Nick... Brittany giggled. He's all right to...
      Coolio... And how's... uh...            He's doing
good. He seems to smile a lil' more now.            That's good
to hear.     
Yupyup, I think so. So... Any new boys in your life?     
If you wanna know that, you're just gonna have to wait
till I see you again.            Well, that might be sooner than
you think. Me and the boys will be in New York
tomorrow and I'm gonna drop by and see ya!!            Awesome!!
I can't wait!! But, I have to go. Gotta get up early
tomorrow. So, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Luv ya
babes... Bye!!            Lates, Miss Parker.

      Parker hung up her phone and walked back over to the
couch. She opened her diary again, but was again
interrupted. This time by Quackers. "Quacks, whatdaya
want?" she asked, as Quackers waddled his way onto her
lap. "Aww... I missed you to hun." She closed her
diary, and grabbed the blanket that was lying on the
floor next to the couch. "Ready to go to bed than?"
QUACK!!! Parker laughed, "I guess so. Good night
Quacks." She covered herself and Quackers with the
blanket and went to sleep.


      Dan and Trevor walked into their hotel room laughing.
"You got her good." Trevor laughed.

      "Aren't you guys a lil' late" Ashley asked, in a
mothery tone.

      Dan jumped, "What the hell are you guys doing here"
He asked.

      "We weren't tired, so we thought we'd come and chill
with you guys, but you guys weren't here, so we broke
in. And stole all your food" Ashley said laughing, as
Dan hit him in the back of the head. "What was that
                                          "I don't know just felt like it" Dan stated
nonchalantly, as he sat down on his bed.     

      "So, where were you guys" asked Ashley, as he rubbed
the back of his head.

      "We were hanging with Parker. We watched 'Remember
the Titans' and ate popcorn. But, than I kicked her
ass and she made us leave" Dan laughed, as Trevor
starting laughing to.

      "Picking on my girl? How dare you!" Ashley stated.

      Jacob cringed at the sound of Ashley's voice saying
'my girl.' 'She should be my girl' he thought to
himself, as he sat silently in the corner of the room.

      "So Jake... You in" asked Trevor smirking.

      "In on what" Jacob asked, completely confused at what
they were talking about.

      "Just c'mon we'll clue you in on the way there'
Ashley said, as him, Dan, and Trevor walked out the
door. "You coming?"

      "Uh... Yeah I guess..." Jacob said, as he got up and
followed them out the door closing it.

      Mackenzie and Erik sat on a private beach looking up
at the stars just holding each other.

      "Oh Erik, this is beautiful" Mackenzie gushed.
                                          "It may be beautiful, but not as beautiful as
you" Erik said, as he looked into Mackenzie's eyes.
"Nothing is as beautiful as you?... Nothing..."     

      "Awww... You're such a sweetheart" Mackenzie blushed.

      Erik smirked, "Thanks... So, you enjoying yourself?"

      "Yes... Very much so... I owe Parks... For sure..."

      "I owe Parks too... If it wasn't for her, I never
would've met you. I also owe her for sure."
      "You keep getting sweeter and sweeter."

      "Yeah... That'd be me..." he leaned in and kissed

      "I really enjoyed that... Ashley..."

Chapter Five:   

    ?Guys? What are we doing? asked Jacob, as he followed
his 3 friends through the hotel.

    ?We?re going to get Parks? Trevor said laughing.

    ?No? I think I?ll just go back to my room? Jacob said
turning around.

    ?Oh? C?mon Jake? It?s not like she?s gonna get mad or
anything? Ashley explained. He grabbed Jacob?s arm and
dragged him towards the front desk, following the
other guys.

    Dan approached the young lady behind the desk. ?Good?
Um? Morning?? He smiled. ?I was wondering if I could
get another key to my room? I left mine in the room
and now I can?t get in.?

    ?Yes? That should be no problem? Room number? the
young lady behind the desk asked.

    ?9316?? Dan again smiled.


    ?My name?? The young girl nodded her head. ?Dan

    ?Sorry? This room is under the name Parker Anderson?
    ?I know? See, she?s with our lil? group and she
didn?t like her room, so her and I switched? Dan

    ?Oh okay? But, next time you decide to do these
things, please notify the front desk.? She smiled and
handed Dan the key. ?Enjoy the rest of your stay.?

    ?We will? Dan said smirking.

    The 4 friends continued their way to Parker?s room.
As they approached her door, they stopped suddenly.

    ?Why?d we stop? Jacob asked sounding annoyed.

    ?Here? Trevor said handing Jacob a nylon stocking.

    ?What the hell is this for? asked Jacob, looking at
the nylon stocking with a confused look.

    ?Umm? To put over your head?? Dan explained. ?Duh!!?

    The four of them put the stockings over their heads
and approached the door. They unlocked it and went in.
Parker laid peacefully on the couch with Quackers
curled on top of her.

    ?All right? Jake take this side here. Ashley over
here. Trev here, and I?ll take the middle? Dan
whispered, taking charge of the whole plan. ?On the
count of three lift her up? One? Two? Three??

    As soon as the four of them lifted Parker up,
Quackers began quacking.

    ?Shhuuusssh? Put that duck some place? Dan ordered.

    ?Ey? Ey? Captain? Trevor said laughing, as he took
Quackers and carried him into the bathroom and closed
the door. He approached the group, ?We ready now??
Pg. 2
    ?Yeah? Count of three? One? Two? Three?? Dan again

    Erik looked at Mackenzie with a confused look. ?Did
you just call me Ashley? As in Ashley Parker Angel??

    Mackenzie felt her face blush, as she looked down at
the ground. ?I?m so sorry??

    ?So you did call me Ashley? Erik said sounding hurt.
?Why? he asked, as a single tear rolled down his face.

    ?I?m sorry? I wasn?t thinking. It just came out? I
mean before I met you guys??

    As he wiped the tear away, ?As in O-TOWN??

    ?Yeah? Before I actually met you guys? I liked
Ashley? Ya know the crushes you have on famous people
you never imagine about actually meeting? Well, than I
met you guys and I realized that Ashley wasn?t my
type? But, you however were??

    He sat on a rock nearby, and put his head in his
hands. ?Than why?d you call me Ashley? I don?t

    ?I don?t either?? She went and sat next to him on the
rock. ?It was a mistake? I don?t want Ashley? I want

    ?I?m not so sure I believe you anymore?? He turned
his head and looked at her. ?I think we should just go
back to the hotel?? He stood up, ?You coming? he asked
somewhat bitterly.

    ?Yeah? I guess?? she responded sadly.

    She followed behind him as they walked to his car.
They got in and drove back to the hotel in complete
silence. When they arrived, Erik parked his car and
got out, Mackenzie just sat there.

    ?Umm? We?re there? Would you mind getting outta my
car? he asked bitterly, this time.                               

    ?Huh? Oh yeah? sorry? she excited the car and
continued into the hotel.

    ?Thanks for a wonderful evening? Erik said to no one
but himself, as he to walked into the hotel.

    As Mackenzie approached her hotel room, she heard
extremely loud laughter. She opened the door and
busted out laughing. Jacob, Ashley, Trevor and Dan all
laid flat on the their backs in a row on the floor.
Parker had one foot on Trevor and the other on Dan, as
Jacob and Ashley laid scrunched in the middle of the

    ?How much pain you guys in? Mackenzie asked, as she
closed the door behind her and walked in.

    ?None? Actually, I like my view? Ashley smirked,
referring to Parker standing over him.

    ?Sicko!!? Parker said, as she jumped onto his

    ?Ugh?? she let the other 3 up. ?Aren?t you gonna let
me up now? he asked, as Parker continued to bounce on
his stomach.

    ?Lemme think about it? Okay thought about it? NO!!!?
Everyone laughed, except Ashley. ?Look it that Ash?
They think I?m funny. Why don?t you? she asked

    Ashley jumped up suddenly, scaring Parker and
knocking her off of him. ?Because I didn?t think that
was funny? he stated smartly.

    ?Haha?? she was interrupted, as Ashley brought his
lips up to hers.

    ?Awww? Look at the two lovers?? Trevor started.
                            ?Nah? Not gonna ruin this moment? Ashley
interrupted, as he started to kiss Parker again.

    ?I think I?m gonna gag? Mackenzie said, as she walked
sadly into her room.

    ?I think I?m with Mac on that one? Time for beddy by?
? Dan said walking out the door. He stuck his head
back in, ?See you guys and you to LiL? P, tomorrow
morning. 6 o?clock breakfast guys? he shut the door
and left.

    ?Dan wait up!? Trevor ran over to the door and opened
it. ?Peace out!!? Trevor slammed the door behind him.

    ?Hey Parks? Before I head to my room, can I talk to
you for a sec? Jacob asked, looking towards Ashley.

    ?Sure Jake?? she replied. ?I?ll be right back baby?
she said, kissing Ashley. She followed Jacob out into
the hallway and closed the door behind them. ?So,
whatdaya need to talk about?? she asked. ?And you?re
gonna tell me this time? Even if it kills you?? she
thought, as she noticed Jacob staring at her. ?Is
something wrong??

    He turned his head away. ?Huh? Oh no?? He took a seat
on the floor and motioned for Parker to join him, she
did. ?Okay? It goes like this Parks? In the past I?ve
been known to jump into love? And most of the time
I?ve been wrong. But, this time I don?t think I?m
wrong. It feels so right. Like this is what God put me
on the Earth to do? Was find this girl and not let her
go? But, I guess first I have to actually have her??
He took a deep breath, ?Parks, I know I only met you
less than 24 hours ago, but I know there?s something
here? Between us? I feel it, and I know you have to
feel it? It?s so strong? You don?t have to pretend
anymore? Just go with what feels right?? he thought to

    ?Jake? Are you gonna finish what you were saying??

    ?Oh yeah? Sorry? Well, Parks I found this girl, but I
don?t know what to do about it. I mean I don?t think
she feels the same way back. But, what I feel is so
strong. Like, she?s what I?ve been living, breathing
doing everything for? I don?t see how she couldn?t
feel it? There is a problem though? She has a
boyfriend. So, now tell me what am I supposed to do??
                            ?Wow! Sorry, first reaction thingy.?

    ?Why? Wow what??

    ?I?m amazed you opened up to me? And didn?t go tell
one of the guys? They know you better than I do.?

    ?Yeah? But, you?re a chick? A female, my bad? And I
figured you might have some good advice. Like what if
you were that girl. What would you want??

    ?Hmmmm? If I was that girl? I think, no I know I
would wanna know? If you like a girl this much, she
has a right to know? Even if she has a boyfriend.
Feelings like those, don?t come and go all the time.
They?re once in a lifetime feelings. And if you don?t
share them, you may never be happy. ?Cause you?ll
always compare whatever you?ll have in the future to
what you coulda had if you would?ve just told ?that
girl? Am I making any sense??

    ?Yes? You?re making perfect sense. Almost like you?ve
been through this before??

    ?I have? But, that?s the past? she smiled warmly.
?This is the future. So, whatya gonna do??

    ?I still don?t know? I mean? What am I supposed to
say? Hey, I think you?re my one true love now kiss
me?? They laughed. ?See, that ain?t gonna work. So,
what am I supposed to say??

    ?Hmmm? Okay I think that is the most hmmms I?ve said
in one conversation? they laughed again. ?Hmmmm??
Jacob laughed. ?Just tell her? Pull her aside and tell
her how you feel.?

    ?And what if she doesn?t believe me or something like

    ?That?s when you can kiss her?? Jacob looked into
Parker?s eyes. She turned her head away quickly, ?I
think I should probably get back to Ashley. I?ll see
you tomorrow than? she stood up.

    ?Yup. Good night Parks? And thanks??
                            ?Anytime sweetie? I hope everything works out?
she smiled warmly at him again and entered her hotel
room, closing the door behind her. ?Hey Ashley!?

    ?Hey?? he answered in a low tone.

    She approached him. ?What?s wrong? she asked, sitting
next to him on the floor.

    He turned his head and looked her straight in her
eyes before answering. They were full of love and
compassion, but he didn?t know if all that love and
compassion was just him. ?Parks, am I the only one you
having feelings for??

Chapter 6:

    Parker sighed. ?No, Ashley? You aren?t the only
person I have feelings for? You?re the only one I
truly like and would love to have a relationship with?
But, no you?re not the only one I have feelings for.?

    He looked into her eyes again, and knew she was
telling the truth. ?Parks, I?m sorry for thinking
anything different. I was just afraid that I might
loose you to someone else??

    She took his hands in hers and smiled
compassionately. ?You?re not gonna loose me Ashley?
You just found me.? She kissed him. ?You ready for

    ?Trying to get rid of me? he asked, as they kissed

    ?No, silly? There?s plenty of room in my bed for two
people? she stood up and pulled Ashley up with her.
?That is if you don?t mind sharing a bed.?

    ?I don?t mind? I don?t mind at all? he laughed, as he
placed his muscular arms around Parker.

    ?Good? Than let?s go to bed? she said, as she
escorted him into her room.

                                **The Next Morning? 5am**

    ?Wakey, Wakey guys? Dan said, as he jumped onto
Trevor?s bed. ?It?s time to get up.?

    ?Shut up Dan? Trevor exclaimed, as he pushed Dan off
his bed. ?It?s to earlier to wake up? Waaaay to

    ?Dude? It?s not my fault you guys were dumb and
didn?t go to bed earlier last night? You shouldn?t
have had a sleep over?? Dan laughed. ?You guys shoulda
went to bed, like me and Estrada did.?

    ?Yeah? Whatever?? Jacob called from the floor. ?You
two are just party poopers? he yawned, as he stood up
and walked into the bathroom.

    Dan jumped onto Trevor?s bed and again and started
bouncing. ?Jake?s up!! Now it?s your turn!!? He jumped
off the bed and pulled the blankets off Trevor. ?Get
your ass outta bed now!!?

    ?Noooo!!? Trevor buried his head under his pillow.
?Go wake up Erik or Ashley, than come back to wake me

    ?Erik?s been awake since like, 4:30 and I don?t know
where Ashley?s at. So, that leaves you!?

    Jacob walked out of the bathroom brushing his teeth.
?Where?s Ashley??

    ?Who the hell knows? Dan said, as Trevor finally
arose from his slumber.
    Trevor pushed Dan onto the bed. ?See? Now don?t you
wanna go back to bed?

    ?Nah, not really? Dan stood up, laughing. ?I?m going
to go and try to find Angel and wake up our beloved
Parks. I?ll see you guys later!? He walked out of the

                            ?Would the two of you please shut up!?! I?m
trying to get some sleep over her!!? Mackenzie yelled,
as she punched the wall between hers and Parker?s room
for the 100th time.

    ?Sorry? Parker said giggling, as Ashley tickled her.
?Quit Ashley!! Stop!! Mac?s trying to sleep.?

    ?Sorry Mac?? Ashley said, as he continued tickling

    Mackenzie slugged out of bed and stumbled tiredly
into the kitchen. ?What a great night that was? she
thought to herself. She grabbed the coffeepot and made
some coffee. As it brewed, she fed Quackers, got
dressed and started watching Clueless, which happens
to be her favorite movie. She walked into the kitchen
and poured herself a cup of black coffee, as someone
knocked on the door. She walked over to the door and
opened it. ?Hey?? she was interrupted as Dan knocked
her coffee all over her, on accident. ?Thanks Dan??

    ?Is Ashley here? Is Parker awake? Yup?? he said, not
even realizing he spilt coffee on Mackenzie.

    ?Ashley?s here, Parker?s awake, and fuck you? she
grumbled, as she walked into the bathroom.

    ?What?s her problem?? he asked himself. ?Now where
the hell is Parker and Ashley?? he thought to himself,
as he heard giggling coming from Parker?s bedroom.
?Perhaps in her room.? He walked over to Parker?s
bedroom door and knocked. ?You guys decent??

    ?Yeah c?mon in? Parker said between giggles. Dan
opened the door and walked in. ?Hey Dan? What?s up?

    Dan began to laugh at the two of them. Parker had
Ashley in a headlock and he was trying to escape by
tickling her. ?Nothing? Guys get ready? he laughed, as
he walked out the door and shut it behind him.

    Parker finally let Ashley go. ?All right Mr. Angel?
Time for you to leave? I need to get ready.?
                            ?I?m digging this look you have going on here.
The boxers and big tee shirt, looks good? Ashley
stated, laughing.

    ?Leave!? She pointed towards the door.

    ?No? he crossed his arms over his chest.

    ?Yes!! Now!!? She pulled him by the ear and dragged
him to the door. ?Goodbye Ashley? she went to close
the door, but Ashley stopped it with his arm. ?What do
you want??

    ?Just this?? He kissed her.

    ?Bye Ashley? she said, as she shut the door. ?Mac!!
Mac where you at?? Haha? That rhymed? she giggled to
herself. ?MAC!!!?

    ?Shut up! I?m in the bathroom? Mackenzie yelled, as
she slammed the bathroom door shut.

    Parker walked into the kitchen and searched the
fridge for something to eat. She decided on an apple
and a glass of Ice Tea. She poured herself a glass and
washed off her apple. She plopped down on a chair in
the kitchen and turned on the radio. ?Hey Mac? You
almost finished??

    ?No? I?ll be another 12 and half hours? Mackenzie
sniffled through her words.

    Parker jumped off the chair and ran straight into the
bathroom. Mackenzie was sitting on the floor crying.
?Oh my gosh sweetie. What?s wrong??

    Mackenzie wiped away some tears and looked up at
Parker. ?I screwed up Parker. I screwed up horribly.?

    ?Why? What happened??

    ?Yesterday? When I went out with Erik? We kissed??

    ?What?s wrong with kissing??
                            ?Nothing? Just after the kiss I called him
Ashley on accident? And now he doesn?t wanna talk to

    ?Mac, I?m so sorry. I don?t know what to say? Don?t
worry about it to much though? If Erik?s a real man,
he?ll swallow his pride and if he really likes you I
think that?ll happen soon.?

    ?Thanks Parks??

    ?Well hon? I need to get ready? So, are you just
about done??

    ?Yeah? But, I think I?m just gonna stay here today. I
don?t think I can face him??

    ?Are you sure? You can stay in my trailer.?

    ?Thanks anyway, but I really just wanna stay here.?

    ?Okay? Well my cell?s on, so if you need anything
just give me a jingle.?

    ?I will? Mackenzie said, as she walked out of the

    Parker took a shower, got dressed, did her make-up
and hair. She preferred to wear her own clothing and
do her own make-up and hair. She never liked how the
stylist would dress her or how the make-up artist
would ?make her up? or how the hair stylists fixed her
hair. She liked being original. Just as she was
finishing, she heard Mackenzie let someone in.

    ?Parks, Jake?s here to escort you to the set?
Mackenzie called into the bathroom.

    ?All right? I?m coming.? She finished up, by brushing
her teeth and applying her lipstick. She walked out of
the bathroom, ?Hey Jake? Just gotta grab my purse and
journal? So, give one sec.? She walked into her
bedroom and grabbed her purse off a dresser. She
walked back out with a worried look on her face. ?Mac?
Have you seen my journal??

    ?Yeah? It?s on the couch? Mackenzie called from her
                            ?Oh? Thanks?? She walked over to the couch and
grabbed her journal. ?All right? Ready.?

    ?Okay? Jacob said, as he took her arm in his. ?It?s
just you and me? The other guys took off already? Hope
that?s not a problem??

    ?Nah? You?ve had your shots right? she laughed, as
they walked out of the room.

    ?Such the comedian??

    ?I know? she smirked, as they walked into the
elevator. ?So, what?d you do last night??

    ?Ummm? Nothing really. Me and Trev rented a couple of
movies? You??

    ?Nothing? Went to bed? That?s about it??

    ?Sounds like fun? he said sarcastically, as the got
off the elevator.

    ?Oh you know it was.? They laughed, as the continued
their way to Jacob?s car.


    ?All right? We?re going to start with Ashley and
Parker?s part? Is that fine with everyone?? Marcus
asked, once everyone arrived. Everyone answered with a
?yes? or a nod of the head. ?Great?? he exclaimed,
clapping his hands together. ?Ash and Parks, follow

    ?We?re right behind you? Ashley said, as he wrapped
his arms around Parker?s tiny waist. He whispered,
?You enjoying this??

    She turned her head to face him as they continued to
follow Marcus. ?Enjoying what?? she smirked

    ?This?? he kissed her.
                            ?I don?t know? I?ll have to try this out
again?? she said, as she kissed Ashley again. ?I like?
I like a lot.?

    Jacob watched the two lovers in a mixture of both
misery and jealousy. He turned away and looked at the
ground, as his began to feel as if he was about to
brake out in tears at any moment. He sighed heavily as
he made his way over to a nearby picnic table.

    As he approached Jacob, ?Hey Jake! You all right??
Trevor asked taking a seat next to him.

    ?Yeah. I?m aight?? Jacob sighed.

    ?C?mon dude! Spit it out!?

    ?No? I don?t feel like talking bout it?? he got up
from the picnic and went into his trailer. ?Wonder
what his problem is? Trevor thought to himself, as he
went back over to Dan and Erik.

       **A 10 Minute Break From Filming**   
    Everyone, sat around a picnic table playing truth or
dare.  ?Okay? Jacob? Truth or dare?? Dan asked

    ?Umm? Truth??

    ?Wimp? Parker exclaimed teasingly. ?You should be
brave like my man Dan here and take a dare? she
giggled, as Dan tickled her.

    ?If I take the dare, will you come and sit on my
lap?? Jacob asked sweetly.

    ?Of course my love? she giggled.

    ?Hey wait? I thought I was your love? Ashley said
sounding hurt.

    ?Shut up and deal? she giggled, as Ashley pouted. ?Oh
geez? Ya know I wuv ya man!? Ashley blew her a kiss
over the table. ?Awww? Thanks? Now Jacob? What ya
taking? Truth or dare??
                            ?I?ll take a? Dare? Jacob decided.

    Dan smirked. ?Hummm? A dare? Lemme think.?

    ?Uh oh? I smell something burning? Parker laughed.
?Owww?? she said, as Dan poked her in the side.

    ?Anyway? Jacob I dare you to make out with Parks for
a whole minute?? Dan dared smirking.