The Ex vs. The Boyfriend (Chapters 10,11,&12)
This fanfic was written by:  Plase e-mail her tell her what you think about her fanfic.  Thanks
Chapter 10

A few weeks later...

“Jacob, help me!”  “He can’t hear you stupid bitch!”   Justin slaps me across the face and
rapes me.  I scream loudly.  “Jacob please help me!”

Jacob hears me screaming as he walks into the house.  He drops the mail on the group
and he runs upstairs.  “Lacy, wake up! Come on honey, I’m here.”  Jacob says as he
shakes me.  I sit up and Jacob sees tears and sweat going down my face.  “Jacob!”  I hug
him tightly and I cry on his shoulder.  “It’s ok baby.”  He wraps his arms around me and
kisses my forehead.

“Jacob, is she ok?”  Ashley asks.  “I heard her screaming.”

“She’s ok, I think.  She keeps having nightmares.”

A couple of weeks pass by...

“Good luck you guys!” I say.

“Opps, I forgot something,” Jacob says before he walks out onto the stage.  He walks
over to me and kisses me.  I smile at him and he smiles back.  They go on stage and
perform.  They get done and Jacob is all sweaty.  He runs off stage and comes over to
me and picks me up.

“Hey Mr. Sweaty Man!”

We get back on the tour bus and the driver starts driving.  It started to get stormy out.
Jacob was wearing a black tank top, with his blue bandana, and jeans.  I was wearing a
red tube top and jeans.  I was sitting beside Jacob and we were in the back.  Ashley was
back there too.  They were practicing Love Should Be A Crime on their guitars.  The road
was slippery and the bus started swirving.  Jacob,  Ashley, and I hold on.

“Whoa, slow down up there!” Jacob says.

“Sorry, it’s slippery!”

All of the sudden the tour bus was sliding all over the place.  It slid into a few trees.
Jacob flew off the seat and hit the door.  Ashley held on as best he could but he couldn’t
and he fell off the seat and hit the very back of the bus.  I couldn’t hold on either and I
rolled all over the place and I was hurt badly.

“Is everyone ok back there?” Dan says.

Jacob tried to open the door but it was jammed.  “Dan if you can hear me get help now!”
Jacob says.  “Lacy, are you alright?”

“Jacob, help me...” I say.

He scanned my body and there was a huge gash in my leg.  “Don’t move.”  He hated
seeing me like this.

“Ashley,  you alright?”

“Yea, I think so.  My arm hurts a lil bit.  How is she?”

“She’s hurting.”


“Erik, Trevor, are you guys alright?” Dan asks.

“Yea, we’re fine.”


The ambulance comes 10 minutes later.  One guy comes in the bus and gets the rest
out.  Jacob didn’t want to leave my side but the guy told him to get out.  The guy gets
me a neckbrace and backboard and they get me out.  They put me on a stretcher and
Jacob runs over to me.  “Lacy you’re going to be ok.”  He holds my hand and gets into
the ambulance with me.  They take me to the hospital and Jacob waits out in the waiting
room.  The rest of the guys come in.

“Is she alright?”  Trevor asks.

“I hope so.  I don’t wanna loose her.”  Jacob says trying to hold back the tears.

The doctor walks out of the room.  “Are you Jacob?”

Chapter 11

“Yes, how is she?”

“She is alive.  She’s a lucky girl.  Her ankle is sprained and she has a few bumps and
bruises but other than that she’s going to be ok.”

“Thank god!”

Jacob and the rest of the guys walk into the room.  “Hey baby, how ya feeling?”

“Ok for now.  My ankle hurts.”

Jacob kisses me on the forehead.  “I’m just happy that you’re ok.  We shouldn’t be on
the road in storms anymore.”

The next day comes...

Jacob walks in the room.  He helps me off the bed and helps me walk down the hall.  We
go back to the house and we go inside.  I sit down on the couch.  “Do you want anything
to drink?” he asks.


He gets me a glass of water.

“Thanks.”  I say with a smile.

“You’re welcome beautiful.”  He smiles back at me.  “You know what?  You’re not
allowed to really be walking on that foot.”

“I know, it sucks.”

We go to bed early that night and the next day, the guys go out to the recording studio.
When they come, I’m sitting down by the beach.  Jacob walks down there and sits beside
me.  He puts his arm around my shoulder.

“It’s beautiful out here tonight.” I say.

“Sure is.”  He kisses me on the cheek and holds me close.

After my leg gets better, we decide to go out one night and go clubbin.  After being in
the club for awhile, I noticed someone that looked familiar.  It was Justin, he was there.

“Hey, whats up?”

“Justin’s here.”

“Where is he?”

“Over there,” I say pointing to where Justin was.

Chapter 12

“Maybe we better leave then,” Jacob says.

“Yea, I think we should.”

As we were walking out, Justin noticed us and he started to follow us.  He drove right
behind us as we went home.  When we got back to the house, Justin pulled in behind us
and got out.  He walked over to me but Jacob got in his face.

“What the hell is your problem?” Jacob asks.

“What are you talking about?”  Justin says.

“She doesn’t want to see you ever again, and either do I.  Don’t you remember what
happened last time?”

“Oh, but I was drunk then.” Justin says.  He pushes Jacob down to the ground and he
starts kicking him.  The rest of the guys jump out of the van and try to stop Justin but
he pulls out a gun.  “Anyone that comes a step closer is going to get a bullet in them.”

“Justin stop this nonsense!” I say.  Jacob was hurt, I could tell.  Jacob gets up and pushes
Justin down.  He turns around and says, “It’s ok, I’m fine.”

“Jacob look out!”  I say as Justin gets up off the ground and starts to pull the trigger.
The bullet comes flying out of the gun and into Jacob’s chest.

“NO!!!! You bastard!”  I say as I run over to Jacob.  Justin goes and gets back into his car
and speeds off.  Jacob was laying there.  “Jacob, say something, anything.”  I started to
cry.  Ashley grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Jacob so that I wouldn’t flip out.
Trevor stayed by Jacob’s side and Erik went in and called 911. 

The ambulance came 5 minutes later and Ashley drove me to the hospital.  “He’s going
to be ok Lacy.”

“I hope so”

We get to the hospital and the doctor says that Jacob is going to be fine.  I walk into the
room that he was in and he was laying there.  His eyes were closed.  I started to cry and I
held his hand.  “Jacob, please wake up.”  I squeeze his hand.  He opens up his eyes and
he sees me sitting there crying.


“Jacob, you’re ok!”  I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah, I’m ok.”

“I’m sorry about what happened.  He must have found out that I was living in Orlando.
I’m sorry.”

“Lacy, it’s not your fault.  You’re not the one that shot me.” he says laughing.

“I’m just glad that you’re ok.”

A week passes and Jacob was getting better everyday.  He was writing new songs
everyday.  His friend Pat came to Orlando one time.  They were going to perform a song
that they wrote.  Pat was a nice guy.

“Pat, wassup man?  This is Lacy, my girlfriend.”

“Hi Lacy, I’m Pat.”

“Nice to meet you Pat.”

The song that they wrote was so awesome.  It was so different from what the guys
performed every night.  Pat and Jacob performed the song on stage the next night and
the girls went crazy over it.