Never Had A Dream Come True (Chapters 10,11,&12)
Never had a dream come true was written by:  Michelle, and Courtney, Please e-mail them and let them know what you think about their fanfic. Thanks :)
~Chapter 10~
Erik was on top of Michelle. Erik slowly kissed Michelle?s neck and her jaw
line. Michelle and Erik's finger's both met, and they intertwined them
together. Erik then moved his lips on top of hers. He parted them with his
tongue, and they started making out. Erik then moved his hands up and down
her body. Michelle smiled as she moved her hands around his neck. They then
started making out again as Erik moved his hands up her shirt.

"This is like whoa!" Brandi said, giggling as Ashley was still holding her.
"Why?" He said, smiling.
"Well I've only fell in love once, and that relationship was like based on a
year. Me and you have only known each other for like three weeks!" Brandi
said, touching Ashley's face.
"Brandi, this has been amazing. Just knowing you, has made my life better."
Ashley said.
"Aww you're gonna make me cry." Brandi said giggling.
Ashley smiled, then kissed her forehead and leaned on her head. He then
wiped her tears that had fallen from her eyes and then kissed her cheek.
"Let's go back." He said as they held onto hands, and started walking back.

"So Jake? Are you and Brandi and Ash okay?" Dan asked, as he flicked through
the channels.
"Yeah, I mean Brandi is awesome, and I thought that we actually had
something, but if Ash can give her a better life then I can, that?s just
meant to be. Know what I mean?"
"Yeah." Trevor said, nodding his head.
Just then the phone rang.
"Got it!" Dan said, picking up the phone.
"Hey Dan? It's Jay! We are gonna have a meeting tomorrow at the studio.
10:00am, and tell the other guys okay?"
"Yeah! What is it about?" Dan replied.
"Oh, you'll find out tomorrow! Gotta run, enjoy your last day off for a
while!" Jay said with a laugh.
"Yeah really!" Dan said. "Bye!"
With that they hung up.
"What was that all about?" Jake asked.
"Oh we have to be at the studio by 10:00 tomorrow morning!" Dan explained.
"What for? Just like a meeting?" Trevor asked.
"Well he wouldn?t tell me, but it?s a meeting."
"I see." Trevor replied.
"Well I better call Ashley and Erik. They?re at Michelle and Brandi's right?
What's the number Jake?"
He then gave Dan their number, and Dan dialed it.

"Hey Ash? Wanna go in the hot tub?" Brandi said, from her closet.
"Sure! I don't have a suit though!" Ashley replied.
"Well there are two options!" Brandi said.
?And what would they be?" Ashley said, lying on her bed with his hands above
his head.
"Well..." Brandi said walking out of the closet in just her towel. "One of
them could be that you can wear these!" She said throwing him a pair of
shorts. "Or." Brandi said as she walked out to the balcony and down the
stairs. Ashley then walked downstairs to already see Brandi in the hot tub.

"Erik." Michelle moaned as Erik kissed her, and moved his hands under her
shorts. He then kissed her neck, then went back to her lips again. He parted
her lips with his tongue, and soon they were making out heavily. All of a
sudden the phone rang.
"Shit!" Erik said, falling beside Michelle.
"Hold up!" Michelle replied, grabbing her cordless, light blue, see-through
"Hi, Michelle? It's Dan."
"Oh hi Dan!" Michelle said, a little annoyed.
"Can I talk to Erik or Ash?"
She then passed the phone to Erik.
"What do you want?" Erik asked, a little angry.
"Jay called and said that we have a meeting tomorrow morning at 10:00, at
the studio. I just thought I'd call to make sure that you knew just in case
you sleep over there tonight." Dan said.
"Okay thanks Dan?bye!" Erik said, as he gave the phone to Michelle to hang
"Now?where were we?" Erik said smiling and felt Michelle's body again.

Brandi turned around and then saw Ashley behind her in the hot tub.
"Whoa! How the hell did you get it here so fast?" Brandi asked.
"Quick feet!" Ashley said smiling as he brought Brandi into her. He then
felt her back, and turned Brandi around so that he was facing her.
"What?" Brandi asked.
"Hey, I thought that you were...."
"Naked?" Brandi finished for him.
"Ya!" Ashley said.
"Well, I had this tube top bikini on under the towel." Brandi said as she
stood up, so she could let Ashley check her body out.
Ashley swallowed. "Oh yeah!? He said smiling.
"But if you want me to, it can be arranged." Brandi said as she sat down on
the other side of the tub. Ashley just watched. Brandi slowly went under the
water, getting her hair wet. She stood up, then turned around, so Ashley
could only see her back, and took off her top. She slowly went back around
in the water.
"Is that better?" Brandi said, going over to him.
"Oh yeah!? Ashley said as he hugged her, and they started kissing. After
awhile of just making out, they finally got out. Brandi put on her bikini
top and towel, and Ashley put a towel around his waist. They walked into the
house. Baby came running up.
"Baby!" Brandi said.
"Aww that's got to be the cutest dog!" Ashley said.
"I know ain?t? Michelle gave me her for my 18th birthday."
"That must have been really special!" Ashley said.
"Want anything to drink?" Brandi asked while going in the kitchen.
"Yeah! But I can get it myself, and whatever you want, I will get!"
"Ashley, sit your ass down. I'll get it! What do you want?" Brandi said, as
Baby walked in and out her legs.
"Brandi baby. Sit down." Ashley said, as he kissed her lips, and held onto
her hands, and led her to the table. "Sit."
"What am I? Your dog?" Brandi said, jokingly.
"Far from it beautiful!" Ashley said.
Brandi smiled.
"So what do ya want?" Ashley asked.

"Erik?" Michelle said as she came back up.
"Yeah?" Erik said touching her face.
"This is all is happening so fast." Michelle said, as she laid down beside
"This is all I want to do right now, but I don't think we should rush into
anything. We have our whole future together to show how much we mean to each
other. I think it's best we wait for right now." Erik said, touching
Michelle's hand.
"Erik, you mean that?"
"Yeah of course sweetie! But there is no harm in having fun getting there!"
He said with a smile.
"Haha." Michelle laughed as she kissed Erik.
Erik then opened his arms, and Michelle rested her head on his chest. Erik
then started rubbing her back. They both listened to themselves. Erik
noticed that Michelle had fallen asleep. He then kissed her on the forehead
and closed his eyes.

Brandi and Ashley were upstairs in Brandi's room. Brandi was just wearing
her underwear, and tight tank top. Ashley had his shirt off and he had a
pair of Tommy boxers on. The balcony door was open, so the ocean air filled
the room and the curtains were gently blowing. Brandi was lying in bed,
under the covers, and Ashley was lighting the candles Brandi had in her
room. She had like a 100, and they were all scented.
"Last one." He said as he put the matched down.
He walked over to Brandi and crawled in next to her.
"This is really pretty." Ashley said.
"I know, I love it!" Brandi replied, as she turned over. Ashley then turned
over as well. He wrapped his arms around her, and smelt her hair.
"This is nice." Brandi said, closing her eyes.
"Yeah, and the best part is, we don?t have to hide it from anyone." Ashley
said, as he rubbed Brandi's arm.

~Chapter 11~
?Erik! Get up! It?s 10:30! Oh my god!? Michelle yelled as she shook Erik?s
?What? What are you yelling for Shells?? Erik said with closed eyes trying
to pull Michelle close to him.
?We overslept! I?m missing classes and didn?t you have a meeting to get to??
Michelle said while jumping out of bed.
?Shit!? Erik yelled. ?Jay hates when we?re late. I gotta go like right now.?
He said while rushing out of bed.
Erik ran into the living room to get his stuff, and Michelle followed.
?Hey, they?re Ashley?s shoes. He must have stayed over too.? Erik said.
Michelle and Erik ran to Brandi?s room.
?Brandi! Get up!? Michelle yelled while pounding on the door.
Brandi and Ashley slowly woke up from the noise.
?What do you want Michelle?? Brandi asked a little annoyed.
?Are you two decent?? Erik asked.
?Yeah.? Brandi replied.
Michelle and Erik walked into Brandi?s room.
?We gotta go Ash! Now! We were suppose to be at a meeting at 10:00!?
?What? What meeting? What are you talking about?? Ashley asked, confused.
?Dan called here last night and told me we had to be at the studio for 10:00
for a meeting.?
?Why didn?t you tell me?? Ashley yelled.
?Well I didn?t know you were here!? Erik argued. Just get ready now, I?ll
meet you downstairs in a minute.
Erik and Michelle went back downstairs.

?I guess I gotta go.? Ashley said.
?It?s okay. Call me later!? Brandi said half asleep.
Ashley kissed her cheek and she opened her eyes right away.
?I knew that would wake you up!? Ashley laughed.
Brandi then kissed Ashley?s lips more passionately while slipping her tongue
in Ashley?s mouth.
?Now that?s a wake up call!? Brandi giggled.
?Uh huh! Well see ya later!? Ashley said while giving Brandi a big hug.
?Bye Ash!? Brandi said as she laid back down in her bed!

?This is my fault Erik. I should have set my alarm.?
?It?s not your fault! Don?t worry about it sweetie.?
Ashley then ran down the stairs.
?Let?s go Erik!?
Erik then leaned in and gave Michelle a soft kiss on her lips while placing
his hands on her cheek.
?Aww isn?t that sweet!? Ashley teased. ?Now let?s go!?
?Bye sweetie!?
?Bye Erik! And bye Ashley!? Michelle said while closing the door.

Ashley and Erik got to the studio and ran in. Trevor, Dan, Jacob, and Jay
were all sitting in Jay?s office.
?Well look who showed up!? Dan joked.
?Nice of you two to join us.? Jay said, a little mad.
?Sorry?? Erik and Ash began to say.
?Yeah, yeah.? Jay said. ?You guys are lucky I?m in a good mood today. Sit
down guys. I have very good news.?
?Really? What?? Erik asked.
?Your record company has set up for you guys to go on tour.?
?Oh my god! Really?? Ashley asked.
?That is so cool!? Jacob replied and all the other guys agreed.
?That bad news is it starts like real soon. They are gonna start getting you
prepared for the tour this week. Then on Sunday we?re flying to California.
There we?ll get ready for the tour and then in October the tour starts.?
?So we only have one more week here?? Ashley asked a bit sad.
?Yeah but we?re gonna be in the study everyday this week, but then you get
the weekend off. And Sunday night we?re leaving.?
?Wow, this is so cool. I can?t wait!? Dan said really excited.
?So when will it all be over?? Erik asked.
Everyone looked at him.
?Why?? Jay asked.
?Just wondering.? Erik said kind of cocky. He was really wondering when he?d
get to see Michelle again.
?Well your last show in December 20th I think. Actually it will be here in
Orlando too.? Jay said while looking through a bunch of papers. ?Well you
guys can go into the dance studio. They?re waiting for you guys.?
They guys got up and walked out of Jay?s office.
?I gotta go to the bathroom quick.? Ashley said.
?Me too!? Erik said while following him into the bathroom.
?Well I guess you?re thinking the same thing as me.? Erik said to Ashley.
?Yeah. Brandi and Michelle.? Ashley said as he leaned against the wall.
?Everything was just beginning to fall into place and now I gotta leave
Michelle.? Erik said really disappointed.
?Same here with Brandi.? Ashley replied.
?I mean I am so happy we?re going on tour. It?s gonna be really cool! But??
?I know?? Ashley said. ?Well they know who we are, and they?ll have to
understand we?re not always going to be around.?
?When are we going to tell them?? Erik asked.
?We can go over there tonight and tell them.? Ashley answered.
Jacob then walked into the bathroom. ?What are you two doing? Let?s get
?We?re coming!? Ashley answered a bit annoyed.
?What is it with you two? We?re going on tour! You?s should be excited!?
Jacob said.

That night
?Hello?? Michelle asked as she picked up her phone.
?How are ya sweetie??
?Erik! I?m good! How are you??
?Oh I guess okay?but we need to talk.?
?About what?? Michelle said a bit worried.
?Well Ash and me have to talk to both you and Brandi, so would you mind if
we stopped over??
?Not at all. Come right over.?
?Alright. See ya soon.?
?Bye.? Michelle said while hanging up the phone. She walked out to the deck
where Brandi was relaxing while watching the ocean.
?Hey Michelle!? Brandi said when she saw her friend walk onto the deck.
?Ashley and Erik are coming over. They need to talk to us about something.?
?What do they want to talk about?? Brandi asked.
?Your guess is as good as mine.? Michelle answered.

Once the guys arrived they all sat down into the living room. They greeted
each other with hugs and a few kisses.
?So what do you guys need to talk about?? Brandi asked while looking right
into Ashley?s eyes.
?You guys look so sad! What?s wrong?? Michelle asked while grabbing Erik?s
?Well, we, as in O-Town are going on tour very, very soon.?
Michelle and Brandi just looked at the guys.
?And?? Michelle asked.
?Well that?s all.? Erik replied.
?What?s so bad about that?? Brandi asked.
?Okay here goes.? Ashley signed. ?We?re only going to be here in Orlando
until Sunday. This whole week we will be in the studio getting ready. Then
Sunday night we?re flying to Cali to prepare for the tour. We start touring
in the beginning of October and our last show is here in Orlando December
?Oh I get it now.? Michelle said a bit quietly.
?So we only have a few days left to spend with all of you?? Brandi asked.
?Yeah.? Ashley replied.
Michelle and Brandi both looked at each other. ?Well we?ll have to make the
most of the next couple days!? Michelle said trying to be positive.
?Yeah.? Brandi agreed. ?Three months is a long time, but we aren?t going
?Really?? Ashley said surprised. ?I thought you two would be really upset!?
?Well me and Brandi are going to miss you?s a lot, but there is such thing
as a phone. And you better use it!? Michelle said pointing to Erik.
Erik laughed. ?I will everyday!?
?Me too!? Ashley said.
?So Saturday is our last night together?? Brandi asked.
?Yeah. So how about the four of us go out!? Ashley suggested.
?Alright.? They all agreed.

The week went by quickly. The guys were in the studio everyday getting ready
for their tour. Brandi did a lot of modeling all week and Michelle went to
her classes and worked. Each night Erik and Michelle would hang out. And the
same with Ashley and Brandi. They made the most of the time they had left to
spend. The girls tried not to think about Erik and Ashley leaving. They were
very happy that they were having the opportunity to go on tour but they were
pretty said they wouldn?t see them for a couple months.

Saturday night
Erik and Ashley treated Michelle and Brandi to the best dinner they ever
had. They took them to the fanciest, most expensive restaurant they knew of
in Orlando. The each got dressed up in fancy clothes and had a really good
?Well how about we all go to a club or something?? Erik suggested while they
got into Ashley?s car.
?In this?? Michelle asked while looking at her dress.
?Well we can go home and change. Maybe Jake, Dan, and Trev will want to go
too!? Erik replied.
?Sounds good!? Ashley said.
They took the girls home back to their house to change and the guys went
back to their house to do the same.

Ashley and Erik talked Trevor, Dan, and Jake into going. Michelle and Brandi
were going to meet them at the Pleasure Island Club at 10:00.

?How do I look?? Michelle asked Brandi while doing a spin in front of her
best friend.
?Great! What about me?? Brandi asked with a smile.
Michelle was wearing tight back flare pants, a baby pink tube top which
exposed her pierced bellybutton, and her black chunky sandals. Brandi had on
flare jeans with patches of stars all over. She also had on a tight,
sleeveless, black shirt that showed a lot of cleavage, and also wore black
?I can?t believe this is the last night we have to spend with them. We just
met them and now we won?t see them for almost three months.? Brandi stated
as she changed her naval ring.
?I know.? Michelle said sadly. ?We lets go cause it?s almost 10:00!

About 15 minutes later the girls reached the Pleasure Island Club. It was
one of the most popular clubs in Orlando and definitely packed since it was
Saturday night. There was a long line to get inside.
?Great! They?re never gonna believe we know O-Town!? Brandi exclaimed as the
two made their way to the back of the line.
Just then they saw Trevor and Dan getting out of a car.
?Trevor! Dan!? They screamed while running over to them.
?Hey! What up?? Dan asked.
?Nothing! Just get us in now!? Brandi said while Michelle laughed.
They made there way to the front of the line and were let in right away.
Trevor, Dan, Brandi, and Michelle walked around to find the rest of guys
sitting at a table.

?Hey Shells! I missed you!? Erik said when he saw Michelle.
?It?s only been an hour since you last saw me!? Michelle laughed. ?How are
you gonna make three months??
Brandi sat down next to Jake and Ashley.
?How are my two fave guys?? Brandi asked with a laugh.
?Just enjoying our last night off!? Jake joked.
?Yeah, gosh I?m gonna miss all of you!? Brandi said while givng Jake a hug.
?I?ll miss you too sweetie!? Jake said.
?And I?m really gonna miss you!? Brandi said while facing Ashley and staring
in his eyes.
?I know babe I know.? Ashley said as he leaned his head against Brandi?s.
?By the way you look really good tonight!?
?Thanks!? Brandi said with a small smile.
?Enough with all this sadness!? Dan yelled. ?We?re here to all enjoy our
last night out so lets have fun!?
They all agreed and got up from their table. They danced and danced and
drank and danced the night away.

?Ya having fun?? Ashley asked Brandi while they both danced to ?Party It Up?
by DMX.
?Yes! Tons! But I?m getting tired.?
?Well we can leave in a bit if you want.?
?Alright. Ash, will you stay the night one last time?? Brandi asked hoping
he?d say yes.
?Of course! We gotta make the most of the time we have left.? Ashley smiled
and Brandi smiled back.
?Let?s go now.? Ashley said while taking Brandi?s hand.
?Okay!? She laughed.
They went back to the table to say goodbye to everyone.
?Michelle, me and Ash are going back to the house. I?ll see ya later!?
Brandi yelled over the music.
?Okay! Bye!? Michelle said.
?Bye guys! I?ll see you all tomorrow before you guys go!? Brandi said giving
the rest of the guys a hug.
?Bye Ash! Bye Brandi!? They all yelled.

?Hey ya want another drink Shells?? Erik asked.
?Uh okay?another strawberry daiquiri, but this is the last one.? She
?Okay I?ll be right back!? Erik said.

?So are ya gonna miss me Michelle?? Trevor asked.
?Oh course! I?m going to miss all of you. You guys have became like my best
?We?ll all miss you and Brandi too.? Jake stated.
?You all better keep in touch!? Michelle yelled as Erik came back with her
drink. ?Thanks!? She said.
Just then one of Michelle?s favorite slow songs came on. ?Angel? by
?Oh Erik, we gotta go dance!?
?Alright,? he said while taking her hand.
They got out to the crowded dance floor and Erik held Michelle close to his
?Ya know this is like one of my fave songs.? Michelle said.
?Yeah? Well it can be our song!? Erik smiled.
Michelle held on to Erik tightly while she rested her head on his shoulder,
and he rubbed her lower back. They both were silent for a few minutes until
the ending of the song.
?You look really good tonight. I just wanted to tell you!? Erik said as
Michelle lifted her head from his shoulder.
Michelle looked up at Erik. There were tears flowing from her eyes.
?Michelle, what?s wrong?? Erik asked scared.
Michelle didn?t say anything. She just stood there and Erik held her close.
?I?m going to miss you so much.? Michelle said between sobs.
?Oh don?t cry sweetie! I?m going to miss you a sooo much too! But it?s only
three months!? Erik said as he kissed her cheek.
?I know, but a lot can happen in three months.? Michelle said while still
?Don?t you worry Shells. We?ve only met a few weeks ago, but I do know you
are the only girl I want to be with.?
?Yes! Really! Now let?s get out of here.? Erik yelled.

?We?re leaving guys! I?ll see ya?s tomorrow!? Erik said to Jake, Trevor, and
?Alright! Bye Erik! And bye Michelle!? They all said.

Back at the house
?Oh Ashley that feels so good.? Brandi moaned while Ashley kissed her neck.
?Brandi, I don?t want to rush you into anything you?re not ready for.?
?Oh Ashley, I want this as much as you!? Brandi smiled.
Ashley then got on top of Brandi. He started kissing her slowly then faster
and more passionately. Ashley slowly moved his hands up Brandi?s shirt and
helped her remove it. He then unzipped her jeans while he kissed her tummy.
Brandi then did the same to Ashley. He was very gentle, making sure Brandi
was as comfortable as possible. A little while later their intimate
experience they shared was now over. Ashley held Brandi close to him under
the covers and as they started to make out again.

~Chapter 12~
*Month Later*
"Brandi!" Michelle yelled, as she walked home from work, on a Friday night in October.
"Yeah!?" Brandi said, pulling her suitcases down the stairs.
"When do you leave?" Michelle asked, setting down her purse on the counter.
"Richard is picking me up in about 10 minutes," She said, as she got her luggage toward the door.
"And how long are you gonna be in New York again?" Michelle asked.
"For three weeks." Brandi said looking up at Michelle.
"Well this blows!" Michelle said.
"It's only three weeks, I will call ya everyday, unless I get home really late!"
"Okay, come here!" Michelle said, opening her arms.
They then hugged, and all of a sudden a horn was heard.
"Ah, he's here!" Brandi said.
"I'll help ya, with your bags!" Michelle said, grabbing two of the four bags Brandi had.
They finally got everything in Richard's new red convertible.
"I'll c-ya hun!" Brandi said, giving one more hug to Michelle.
"Yeah! Call me when you get to your hotel, kay?"
"I will!"
"Alright. "
Brandi then got in the car, and they were off to the airport.

Michelle walked back inside, and laid on the couch and turned on the TV, when the phone rang.
She walked over to the cordless phone and picked it up.
"Hi, is this Michelle?" A familiar voice said.
"Yeah, it is. Who is this?"

Brandi arrived into her hotel room. It was huge!
"Is that all you had?" Richard asked, as the guy put her bags in her room.
"Yup! That's it!" Brandi replied.
"Okay, remember that I will be here tomorrow morning, to pick you up at 8:00 am sharp!"
"Okay!" Brandi smiled.
"Alright, well have a nice night, and I'll c-ya tomorrow morning!"
Brandi then shut the door and plopped on her bed.

"Okay that was good, let's do it again!" The dance instructor yelled. "And 5,6,7,8!"
"Fuck!" Ashley said, as he screwed up again.
"Okay, Ashley. Take a break,"
He then grabbed his towel, and walked into the other room.
"You guys aren't working! Take 5!"
Erik grabbed his towel, and walked into the room where Ashley was.
"I can't do this shit," Ashley said.
"I know, and you know why?" Erik asked.
"Yeah, I miss Brandi so much, and it's only been a month! We still have two more months left!"
"I know! I miss Shells, so much too. Just her cute little smile." Erik said, wishing he could hold her.
"Yeah and the way Brandi laughs. God! I'd do anything to see her right now."

"It's Sean!"
"Sean? What? What made you decide to call?"
"Michelle, I just thought I'd call!" Sean replied.
All of a sudden the doorbell rang.
..."And maybe see you?"
Michelle walked over to the door, and opened it.
"Sean?" Michelle said, as she hung up the phone.
"Hey Shells!" He said opening his arms up.
Michelle then hugged him.
"Come in," Michelle said, as she closed the door. "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?"
"Your mom told me! And I really needed to see you. Wow! You look amazing," Sean said checking her out.
"Well thanks Sean!"
"So let me see your house! Wait! Where's Brandi?" Sean asked.
"She's gone to New York to do this huge new photo shoot thing."
"Really? She must be so happy! She's doing what she's always wanted."
"Yeah, she is."
Just then Sean looked at the table, and there were a few picture frames sitting on the table.
"What are these?" He asked, as he picked up a picture or Ashley and Brandi, on the beach hugging.
He then picked up a picture of Erik and Michelle. They were at the club with their arms wrapped around each other.
"So, I see you and Brandi have found some guys." Sean said, putting the frame down again.
"Yeah I guess you could say that. It's uh Brandi and Ashley, and me and Erik." Michelle said." But anyways, I'll show ya the house!"

*The next day*
Brandi got up, and got ready. Richard was right on time. A limo was waiting for them when they went downstairs. There were quite a few people out there, waiting for Brandi to come out.
"Oh my gosh, I actually have fans?" Brandi said to Richard.
"Yup! And you will have way more, after these three weeks are over!"

They finally got to the shoot, and it was the biggest Brandi had ever seen.
"I'm gonna show you your new photographer!" Richard said, taking Brandi's hand.
"Chris!" Richard called out.
"Richard!" Chris said, walking up to Brandi and Richard.
"And you must be the beautiful Brandi Love Thomas! I'm Christopher Adkiens, I will be working with you and Paul through out the next 3 weeks."
"Nice to meet you!" Brandi said, smiling, and shaking his hand.
"So Brandi's here! Now where's Paul?"
"Paul?" Brandi said confused.
"Oh yes! Paul Walker? Ever heard of him!? You and him will be shooting a whole new line of bathing suits, and you will also be doing lingerie."
"Really?" Brandi said.
"Oh yes! Paul! Finally!" Christopher said.
Brandi turned around, and saw Paul Walker walk up. She kept looking at him. She couldn't help it. He was gorgeous.
"Paul, this is Brandi Love Thomas," Chris said.
Brandi was just looking at Paul. She was in such a daze.
"Brandi? Hello?" Richard said, laughing.
"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry!" Brandi replied, blushing.
Paul smiled.
"I'm Paul!" He said shaking her hand.
"Hi!" Brandi said, smiling back.
"Well, you guys better get ready. Into the make-up room." Christopher replied.
Brandi looked at Paul, then walked towards the make-up room.

*That Night*
Michelle had come home from early. She didn't feel well, she thought she was getting a cold, so she decided to leave early. She walked in her house, and walked in her room. She changed into some comfy clothes. She just put on a mini tank top, and some pajama bottoms on, and put her hair into a messy bun. She walked over to the fridge, and took out a bottle of water. She then shut the fridge, and walked out to the back. She looked on the chair, and there were a dozen, baby blue pink-y roses.
"Oh my god!" Michelle said, as she walked over to them.
She looked at the note, and it read...

Hey Michelle!
I hope you love these roses!
They are beautiful aren't they?
-Just like you!
Anyways, I will call you tonight.

Love you forever,

Michelle smelt the roses. They smelt so good and were really pretty. She brought them inside, and put them in a vase. She still couldn't believe that Sean had come to see her. She then grabbed Baby up, and walked over to the couch. She turned on the TV, and soon fell asleep.

"Okay! And that's a wrap!"
"Thank God! We have been dancing for about 10 hours straight!" Erik said, as he fell to the ground.
"Goody! We get to sleep!" Jacob said, with a laugh, and falling on the floor as well.
After everyone rested for about a half-hour, they all went back to the hotel.

"Okay! That's it! Perfect!" Christopher said, doing the last shots of the day.
"So we done for the night?" Paul asked.
"Yes you are!" Christopher said.
"Great!" Paul said.
"Yeah!" Brandi replied.
They both got changed, while everyone finished up their work that needed to be done.
"So tomorrow at 9:30 am, Chris?" Paul asked.
"Yes! Tomorrow at 9:30! Don't be late!" Chris shouted.
"He won't!" Brandi said, smiling, and walking away with Paul.
"Hey! ya never know!" Paul replied.
Brandi laughed.
"So what are your plans for tonight?" Paul asked.
"Well, I was going to go back to my hotel room, and have a nice warm bath!" Brandi said, looking down, and walking.
"Oh yeah? Well, I was just wondering...ooh nevermind!" Paul said.
"No. What?!" Brandi asked.
"Nothing! Don't worry about it!"
"I am worrying! What?"
"Well, I was just gonna ask you, if you wanted to come to one of my good friends parties, but you probably want to have your bath so nevermind!" Paul said.
Brandi stopped, and looked at him.

***Go on to chapters 13,14,&15***