You know you're obsessed with O-Town when.............
~You listen to their album everyday.
~You have posters up on your wall of them.
~You kiss your posters of O-Town up on your wall and  you say good night.
~You save tons of pics of them on your computer.
~You make a site dedicated to them.
~You think about them 24/7
~You buy a magzine just cuz it has O-Town in it.
~You dream about them.
~You know all the lyrics to all of their songs.
~You froze your butt off  outside for hours to meet them and to get their autograph but you didn't get to meet them or get their autograph .
~You tell your friends  that 1 of them is your husband or boyfriend.
~You are afraid to take a pic of them out of a magazine cuz you think the pic might rip.
~You record them whenever they're on tv.
~You got up at 9am in the morning to see the Makin the Band marathon on MTV even though you seen every single episode.
~You have mostly every single o-town tv appearance on tape.
~You have every episode of Making The Band on tape.
~You have pics of them all over your notebook.
~You got married to them on http://www.livewed.com/
~You can answer any question about them.
~You took out Ashley's Favorite book Illusions by Richard Bach from the library.
~You get mad when nstink and backstreet fags talk bad about Your babies O-Town.
~Your favorite day of the week is Friday.(Thanks to pinkgirl31688@yahoo.com for this obsession)
~You check everyday on ticketmaster.com to see if the O-Town tickets are still on sale for their concert you want to go to.
~When your mom knows all the words to every song on the album. (thanks to OTownJacob2004@cs.com for this obsession)
~You made an O-Town Yahoo club or group dedicated to them and to their fans.
~ You went to 1 of their concerts or even more than 1
~Your friends/sister/brothers can't stand O-Town anymore cuz all you do is talk about them.
~ You waited on a line for 9 and a half hours just to get a good spot for 1 of their concerts. (I did that) lol
~ You cried when you went to 1 of their concerts.  ( did that too like an idoit..i couldn't help it.  I luv them so much!)
~You met them already or you say you will die just to meet them.
~You bought their cd the first day it came out in stores which was January 23rd, 2001.
~You have bought their cd 3 or more times.
~You enter every little concert about them hoping that you will win.
~You own their Live from New York DVD/VCR
*~You made s scrapbook of them.
~You watch the new episodes of Making the Band over and over again.
~You say you will do almost anything just to meet them.
*New*~You bought their vcr tape even though you own their dvd.
*New*~You can't go out anywhere on saturday nights cuz you need to stay home and watch Making the Band.
*New*~You watch your Making The Band tapes over and over again and never get sick of it.