Welcome to Sweetheart's World
Email: sweetheart28129@yahoo.com
This is a good pic of me!  I am looking off and being very dreamy in this pic. You never know...I could be dreaming of you.
This is another modeling pic of me!
My favorite modeling pic of me!
Just me lounging at home!
Me trying to be Sexy!!!
Me being cute!
Megan when she was 18 months...she is now almost 4!
Megan who is now 3 1/2..and still so precious to me.
Hey and thanks for visiting my page! Let me know what you think.  I am 19 and I live in Charlotte with my man CJ and my daughter Megan.  Both of whom I love very much!
I just bought a white 1990 Ford Mustang. I am leaving for the beach tomorrow and I will be back Sunday. Me and a girl from work are going. Party at Myrtle Beach!!!!  If you want to know more about me...just email and ask.
Me playing with the webcam
Me and Megan being silly at home!
Me and Megan spending quality time together at home!