

Think about the numerous things

That could have changed your life

Some for the better

Some for worst


Now, why are you what you are ?

Because, you are so rare

You are unique

You are who you are


Can you now understand ?

That you have the control of your life!

Thing's happened to give you this one opportunity

To change for the better or for the worst


Life gives you again and again that choice

The next time, take this great opportunity

To make you feel better, to make you live a better life

Don't let this thing win and destroy you


That would be for you the worst



Donny   2001

Please visit Donny's beautiful pages of Love songs!!!

This Beautiful poem was sent to me from a very §pecial friend and I wanted to share it with everyone for I am sure there are alot of us that can relate with this poem. Thankyou Donny!!!



Thankyou Cathi(Simplysoft) for allowing me to use your image.Please visit her beautiful site 

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