I Will Be With You

Whether youre right or wrong
Whether youre here or there
Whether youre warm and safe, content to be
Or lost and cold and scared

No matter where or how or when
I can be no closer now than then
No matter where you go
I will be with you

And if its fear of the fall
If the hill is just too steep
If everyone around you
Thinks youve gotten in too deep

When you reach out for my hand
Or whisper my name
No matter where you are
I will be with you

I will be your friend, when a friend is all you need
And I will be your lover; Ill stay with you til your soul is freed
And I will learn from you when I see that you are right
But I will be the teacher if what I believe is worth the fight

Whether I hold you in my arms
Or hold you in my mind
No matter how tomorrow looks
Together we will find

Whether were right or wrong
Whether were here or there
You will be with me
And I will be with you

No matter where you are
I will be with you

Ray Agnew


This song and more of Ray Agnew's

can be found at


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