home bedtime story megillicuty haiku featured female sensual living jamie jones central archives

Q: Why do you love to build sandcastles?
    a. they taste like crap
    b. no wait, wet paper
    c. they interest me
    d. i do the backstroke

Q: Do you like to climb pyramids?
   a. only on saturdays in june
   b. those girls have my michigan cards!
   c. only with my secret spaniard
   d. not really

Q: How many quails do you have in your yard?
   a. i can't see through the fog
   b. 4
   c. none, they're all at the mo-fo pogram
   d. at least 17

Q: When can we listen to the rain?
   a. go lions!
   b. habia! juntos!
   c. why don't we just meditate?
   d. not until al voor gives me a rose

Q: What's the deal with old guys and mullets?
   a. i don't know, but rick kuipers has one
   b. jon dykhuis
   c. they all have e.d.
   d. perhaps it's the style of the day

Dave's Dilemma of the Week
Help! One day, i was quietly sitting in the media center, musing over all that The Empire has to offer, minding my own business, when the normally swell K. Evans hit me over the head with a photo of his mother, shattering it to pieces!  It seems he did not approve of or realize the greatness of The Empire, and he has the full intention of bringing it to an unsightly end! Already, under the immediate direction of the wicked K. Hoekwater, he has banned the Empire from all media center computers! How can I stop this horrid man from taking over the universe AND making a mockery of my grandfather?
  Please be sure to sign the petition below.
- Why my favorite element is Phosphorus:  a bedtime story for mo-fo youngins. An absolute must-see.

- The famed Megillicuty haiku. No better way to enhance your japanese writing techniques while drinking cider.

- Stacy VanDyke: The Featured Female. Enough Said.

- The mo-fo guide to more sensual living.

- The official Jamie Jones page, do not miss this one.

- The Mo-fo Archives. Past dilemmas and a stunning quote from The Dabber.
mo-fo news:
the new mo-fo archives are here, complete with all of dave's controversial dilemmas!
new features and a reconstructed site coming soon!
These pogram links contain everything one needs to lead a fruitful mo-fo lifestyle.

Monkey hot or not, you decide.

If you think clowns are gay as i do, do a kind favor and visit

House of Don. Enough said.

Buy replacement wheelchair tires NOW!! Don't miss this special online deal.

Need a grave?
Find a grave. Don't forget to buy a find a grave t-shirt.

Still can't get enough of Rupert?
Play Rupert's Word Chowder Challenge on David L.'s official site.

pograms galore.

The only swedish moose site on the web. A must see.

*special bonus link! Support the Comets on their way to another state championship.
Mo-Fo Favorite Features
a jotting from jp himself:
  i would just like to say that if you were to take b.p. caroling, put it in a box, enshroud it in bubble wrap as well as festive gift paper and give it to someone for, say, the holy month of ramadan, kwanza, a celebration of yom kippur, christmas in july, or any other celebratory occasion, it would certainly not be considered a gag gift to the fullest extent.
FEATURE LINK!: Here it is folks, the official site of Rupert Jee, the man of mystery, man of the chicken rigatoni. Get your Rupert Wear, download a Hello Deli menu, or just power-chill with the world's favorite man.
an actual file photo of rupert jee himself is presented below for your viewing pleasure. he's no jamie jones, but certainly a close second.
Enjoy your stay at the Mo-Fo Moose Online Empire
to express your infinite gratitude to the fine gentelmen who allowed you to experience this world wide web jewel in its fullness and glory, please enter your thoughts in the space provided and click the button with the label "i wish i was in outer space."
Congrats to Matt Jennings, the lucky 1000th visitor to the mo-fo moose!!
you are lucky visitor number
Uncle Owen!! This red one's got a bad motivator!! How 'bout the blue one?!?