The Writing

Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

by Sweet Girl


So many promises-my heart was traced

The ink of Love-that's been erased.

Scribbles and errors-and all the mistakes

Evidence shown-of the pain Love makes.

Then you come along-your letters so clear

The ink of Love-to no longer fear.

You color my heart-the scars all gone

Disappeared by all-the Beauty you've drawn.

You trace my heart-with your fingertip

You caress it's life-in your gentle grip.

I open the door-you're invited to sign

Just write your name-on the sacred line.

So warm and whole-and looks, brand new

Beautiful by-the signature of you.

I read the Writing-between the lines

The ink of Love-from you, now, shines.

Engraved so deep-I cherish the writing

No longer afraid-no longer fighting.

The ink from your pen-so true and real

The branding of Love-I sweetly feel.

For your ink only-my heart's inviting

I expose my heart-and feel the Writing.....