White Horses

Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

 By SweetGirl

I long for sleep-I long to smile

I lay alone-and think a while.

I drift so softly-I feel my wings

I begin to fly-these Precious Things...

That I can now see-that are in my sight

The night has left-it's full of light.

I can hear them running-soon they'll appear

I can hear their breath-They are very near.

I look ahead-I strain to see

I know they know-it's time for me.

The beauty around-surrounds my soul

White Horses visit-and make me whole.

Don't make me go back-lets journey far

Lets try to catch-that falling star.

Don't let me stumble-don't let me fall

Help my pace-...don't let me crawl.

We run so free-in fields of flowers

No concept of Time-we own the Hours.

I freeze and watch-I caress your Grace

White Horses surround-this Heavenly place.

Angels in disguise-I believe in your peace...

A Palace of Hope-and Faith in your lease.

When Darkness grabs-and shows it's forces

I'll call for sleep-and wait for White Horses.