Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

By SweetGirl

Hush,Little Girl-Dry your eyes

Show us your smile-dry your cries.

Mommy is fine-in another place

But you long to see-her loving face.

Hush,Little Girl-Try not to speak

Show us your strength-overcome the weak.

You don't understand-too young to know

Now put on your pretty dress-it's time to go.

Hush,Little Girl-The people are watching

Dry your tears-your face is blotching.

Take my hand-sit very still

Listen to the Preacher-explaining God's Will.

Hush,Little Girl-we must go outside

Lift up your head-full of pride.

Try not to get dirt-all over your shoes

Stare at the sky-all the whites and blues.

Hush,Little Girl-There's Mommy,in there

Watch the big box-as they lift it in air.

They lower it down-as you let out a sigh

"Why's Mommy sleeping-in that box,Daddy,Why?"

Hush,Little Girl-Mommy can't come back

You ask how she sees-in a box so black.

It's time to go-now take my hand

Walk through the others-that stare and stand.

"Poor sweet girl"-as we pass by

Hush,Little Girl-don't start to cry.