John Doe Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

(By SweetGirl)

Everyone sees you,and you hide SO well-as you turn on that wonderful charm

You only allow the good to be seen-while disguising away the harm.

You stretch out that smile,and wear it so well-to the outsiders of doors

And appear to be that,of someone else-instead of what is your’s.

You’re nothing more than make believe-and I am aware to know

A stranger to all,and to my Heart-you’re just another John Doe.

I no longer know you,you’re not the same-but a Stranger face-to-face

And I’m sick of passion,that always wants more-in your meaningless embrace.

Speak kind words to others outside-but portray to be that of a King

As though we should bow,before your feet-of all goodness that you bring.

Nothing more than a twisted joke;I see through-what others do not know

You make me sick,you’ll never be more-than just another John Doe.