Power Copyright (c)2001 Raquel Lung

(By SweetGirl)

Dedicated to Suzanne

You watch like a Hawk-as she leaves your sight

Every step she takes-you hold with your might.

You can’t enjoy conversation-til she’s,again,in your arms reach

Once she’s standing right beside you-you transform into a leech.

What she says is always wrong-your words are always right

And anytime she tries to stand-you challenge her to a fight.

She has no friends,you won’t allow-no one else can do

You stripped away her mirror’s reflection-and replaced it with images of you.

"The sky is purple",you could say-and she wouldn’t have a clue

She walks around,your voice in her head-not knowing what to do.

Simple trips,to the store and back-become your reason to fight

Cuz she wasn’t back in your "time limit"-you take away her right.

You plot and deceive behind her back-in hopes of gaining more Power

And tell little lies,month after month-hour after hour.

Where is she now,with all your Power-you guard over her mind?

Where is she,Boy? She got away-seems her heart was not so blinde.

Your Power’s an illusion,that controls only YOU-cuz everyone else can see

And once she seen it,she washed it away-and now...she can be Free.