Ghost: A deceased human being's Spirit.
Supernatural: Something that can't be explained by any known means or force of nature.
Clairvoyance: The ability to see objects or events that can't be perceived by the Five Senses.
Soul: The Spiritual Essence.
Medium: A person who can communicate with Spirits.
Apparition: The appearance of any spirit phenomenon,human or otherwise.
Telepathy: Being able to communication through means other then with the Five senses.
Psychokinesis: Being able to move objects with the power of the mind.
Poltergeist: A malicious and destructive non-human ghost, The playful spirit of a child,an adolescent's repressed trauma exploding into pyschokinetic activity.
Sprite a Spirit: A soul or an Apparition.
Spirit: A Supernatural being or essence who is often bodiless, but can become visible.
Specter: Something preternaturally  visible, an apparition,a ghost or a phantom.
Orb: A form taken by ghost that looks like a ball of light,a human soul or the life force of a deceased human being.
Haunting: To visit or inhabit as a ghost.
Seance: A group of people gathering together to communicate with the dead.
Spiritualism: The belief system that spirits can communicate with the living.
Ouija Board: A board printed with letters,numbers and words to communicate with spirits.
Planchette: A small pointer used with the Ouija Board to spell out messages from the spirits.
EVP: Electronic voice phenomenon- Tape recordings of spirits voices.
Channeling: A form of spirit communication where an entity takes possession of a medium to communicate messages.
Sensitive: Someone who can sense or feel a paranormal presence.
Amulet: An object that has the power to ward off evil spirits or bring good luck.
Exorcism: The expulsion of a ghost,spirit demon or other entity that is possessing a person or location.
Ghost Hunter: Someone who searches for apparitions or the cause of spirit activity.
Paranormal: Something that is beyond the range of Scientific explanation.
Ectoplasm: A form of a spirit energy that can appear as a white cloud (ecto cloud) or long white swirls.
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