. . . A Song for Mama
(My Song to my Mom!)

In Loving Memory of...My Mom

(My sincerest appreciation to Lady J for my mom's beautiful memorial plaque.)

August 27, 1998...

Today seemed like it was going to be another beautiful day in paradise...the sun was shining and the skies were already blue with puffs of pillowy white clouds strewn across the skies. My morning started as usual taking my daughter, Jazzy to school and my boyfriend, Jeff to work. It sprinkled a little bit, but only just enough to freshen the air and glisten on the grass and trees. As usual it was busy at work and I spent my morning interviewing for a few open positions in my department. And then the phone rang....

It was my mother's doctor. His phone call was of very sad news. His phone call was one that I never imagined receiving. He told me that my mother had passed away today. She had died of a massive heart attack and she went quickly he said, hoping to ease my pain, but what he did not know was...nothing could ease my pain.

Nothing could take away the pain and hurt of never hearing her voice again or seeing her face or feeling her arms around me. Nothing could take away the memories of her always kissing me goodbye and waving, whenever I left her house, until my car was out of sight...and that she hadn't said "goodbye".

A few hours later I found myself sitting in her favorite chair at her house, reading letters that she had left for me and my sister. It was as if she knew that it was her time. And although she was gone....she still managed to ease our pain and hurt the only way that she knew how. As the end of her time on earth drew near, she left us her words of a mother's love and encouragement.

This memorial to my Mom has helped me to deal with my hurt and my pain and I hope if you are experiencing a loss or have experienced a loss, you will find comfort in what I want to share with you here...God Bless You.

...Mom's letter to my Sister!

...Mom's letter to Me!

...Remembering Mom!

...Listen to some of Mom's favorite songs!

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(To request your memorial plaque, click on Lady J's plaque above.)