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I visit these sites alot, hope you will too!

...Favorite URL's that people have sent me!
(Some URL's can only be seen by java-enabled browsers...sorry.)

...Zeke's Zone!
(Visit my pal Zeke Jeffrey's site!
The bravest little boy I've ever met!)

...Search your heart and Adopt an Angel!

...Death of An Innocent!
(Very sad poem....Remember, Don't Drink & Drive!)

...My Resources Page!
(Just in case you forget to click on my "Credits" banner)

...The best auction & shopping sites!

Jeff & Jen's Paradise...Our other site, Jeff & Jen's Paradise!
My boyfriend made this page for us!

...My sis, Sweetheart's, Awesome website!

Sunnz' Place...My sister's homepage!

Roses' Channel...Homepage of my favorite TalkCity Chatroom!
(Come in and meet the gang!)

TheSpook's Homepage...Grant is so cool for an Aussie! LOL!

Mikey's Place...One of my chat friends from Sweden,
but unless you speak Swedish, forget it...I can't
understand a word either! LOL!

Blue Husky's Homepage...A very special and dear friend!

Kremlin...DPoDeath's Homepage! (You probably need to
be in his fan club to appreciate his website, LOL)

Elle's Homepage...First friend I met in TalkCity's #Spirituality-Astrology!

Andree's Cyber Home...aka NovasLady's Website!

TheIsland's Homepage...chatters from TalkCity's #Sexy chatroom! They're all from Hawaii!

Rage's Homepage...a very cool homepage, check it out!

My Stomping Ground...Interesting site and lots of resources!

JC's Webtv Family Album...Very cool webtv homepage!

Sasspaz's Website!...an awesome site! (Sorry, but you'll need a java-enabled browser to view.)

Sweet's Fantasy & Dreams!...Back to my home page!