Our Friends!
Ruti and Shafa (Saluki)
Beni & Ana Perelman and Ruby (Whippet)
Zafra and Tigi & Spot & Puzzle (Greyhounds)
    Shafa has Bedouin Saluki blood not far back in her pedigree. Ruti has owned her grandmother and she plans to own her grand-daughter too... Shafa loves best to run along with our Whippets. She is now 4 1/2 years old.
Spot, Puzzle and Tigi
Photo by Igal Pardo
   Zafra is the chair-woman of the Israeli Sighthound Club. She has a long time love-affair with Greyhounds. Tigi is the old lady (11 years now) who rules the household. Spot is an English gentlemen 7 years old coming form the same kennel Puzzle comes from: Pentewan in England. Puzzle is the youngster who still loves to play, only 3.5 years old...
    Ruby came lately from the famous kennel of Nenne Runsten, Airescot, in Sweden. His father is the illustrious dog Ch. Statuesque Extortion. We are the 'godparents' of the little chap, who lives like a king with Ana and Beni Perelman in the North.
We are sad to report that Tigi passed away today, 21.5.01, at 13.5 years old.