The Lodgers Club
Join the Lodgers club !  go on, do it today.

Being in touch with other Lodgers is very important.  You will find out about events and other, Lodger specific, goings on.  You should be recruited when you join the Order, if not ask any recruiter, I have listed the current ones below.  They will induct you and give you a club badge which will enable communication with your fellow Lodgers.  'Help clubs' will give a list of the commands you can use.  If you lose your badge you can replace it in the clubs room in the Patricians Palace for a dollar. 

Being a member of the Lodgers Club allows you to use the
Clubhouse and all it’s facilities such as the Language lab, Spell library and Music room, so it is very much worth your while to get recruited.

Current recruiters for the Lodgers Club are;
Aiwendil, Aznin, Belairk, Caviar, Coffeebreak, Cyclo, Demonseed, Geryon, Gahers, Maxwell, Mono, Nat, Sugendran, Weiqi or Zeiris.