vader sings gretest hits
a blind man enters a ladies bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender: "hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?"The bar immediately falls absolutly quiet.
In a very deep,husky voice,the women next to him says: "before you tell that joke,sir,I think it is just fair -giving that you are blind -that you should know 5 things
1.the bartender is a blonde girl
2.the bouncer is a blonde girl
3.I'm a 6 feet tall 160 LB blonde women with a black belt in Karate.
4. The women sitting next to me is blonde and a professinal wrestler.
5. The women to the right of my is a professinal wieght lifter.
now think about it seriusly do you still wanna tell that joke?

The blind man thinks a second and shakes his head and replies not if I have to explain it 5 times.   
ok so this lady is taking a shower and then she hears the door bell ring and she yells who is it the guy says blind man she thinks it is a blind man rasing money for a organiztion so she quickly gets out of the shower with no clothes  cause he cant see so she throws some money at him and tehn teh guy says thanks but what do you want me to do with these blinds.
Click here to see some jokes from another web site.
hitch hiking
typical guy