Welcome to swordinstone's Online Portfolio

Way back in the spring of 1998, I moved to Florida from Wisconsin, to attend Full Sail University. I had previously toured the school on Cristmas vaction my senior year of high school, after seeing an ad in a video editing magazine my Dad subscribed to. The tour was awesome, and from that point on I knew I wanted a career in computer graphics. Well, a year and a half later, and I was finally ready to move to Florida.

School was an interesting time, I learned more than I thought possible (given that the entire program was only 14 months long), and not just about computer software. I got a very broad range of knowledge from school, learning about computer hardware, audio engineering, and video/film production all in the first 3 months, which was called "mini-school". It provided a nice base and point of reference, for what I was about to focus on.

The core program itself was fairly dynamic also. I took classes on Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and After Effects to round out the 2D side of graphics, programs I use almost daily now. We also learned about multimedia production with Macromedia Director, each student produced a CD-ROM. We learned a little about scripting and HTML in that class, I made a little video game using director, which can be found on my CD. There was plenty of Video Production and Editing in the program also.

But where I really felt at home was when I finally got my hands on a 3D graphics program. In 3 months we were bombarded with 3 different programs and plenty of topics to make you dizzy... Maya, Softimage, and Multigen's Creator. I was sad when those classes ended, I wanted a lot more! I spent countless hours in lab, pestering the instructors and working on my projects. I eventually volunteered to be a lab monitor, mainly so I could get in the lab as much as possible. I managed to pick up on modeling and animating quickly and won a Course Director's Award from "Computer Animation 2", the class where we learned about animtion (CA1 covered modeling, texturing, ectra). All the work on this page was done while I was enrolled at Full Sail.

The '68 Camaro SS, my very first 3D project, excluding tutorials and class work of course. She looks a little wrinkled in spots, but over all I was very pleased with the results.

Another First here, this model was the "avatar" for our group's Virtual Reality Game project. I'm not happy with the texturing, but I knew very little about the subject at the time. I am pretty happy with the mesh though... not sure on the poly count, but I know its somewhere around 500 or so. DEATH-BLOSSOM!

This one was just silly, and not too many find it funny, but I do damn it! No 3D involved here, all photoshop... Bottoms Up!


(files are small, shouldn't take long to open)

Walk Cycle

This animation is my first walk cycle. The character was supposed to be a Space Marine from Warhammer 40k. Unfortunately, I didnt have time to do a nice helmet and gun for him, but the rest of him turned out decent, and works pretty well for this short project.

Bird loop

This was our last animation project for CA2. The project required that the animation loop seemlessly, and that the camera remain stationary (as not to hide any of the motion or timing). Very simple models here, and some awefull terrain, but the flight of the bird is ment to be the focus.

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