My Retreats

Retreat 1

Here is a sample schedule: (schedule is used loosely here, often things just flow from one to another)

Early morning walk or yoga

Journal writing, prayer and Bible study

Healthy breakfast with fruits and grains

Creative work like music or writing

Aerobics or strenth training

Shower or bath to candles and music, exfoliate deep condition hair, facial

Light lunch of soup and salad

Foot soak, pedicure, manicure

Relaxation- reading, scrapbooking, geneaology, other hobbies

Stretching or yoga

Planning, evaluaating, goal-setting

Play time- computer game, crosswards, biking, chick flick

Retreat 2

I finally got another day alone. I think I am going to try to have a monthly retreat. This is what I did on my retreat this month to help you get ideas for what you can do.

It was 2:00 by the time church was over and the kids and hubby left for Grandma's. I start by sitting on my bed and doing breathing exercises until I was totally calm. I then meditated on a passage if Bible and prayed about it.

3:00 I read Making Sunday Special by Karen Burton Mains. It was wonderful to read about someone celebrating the Sabbath so well. It had practical ideas on making your Sunday the best day of the week.

4:00 I drank a cold glass of grapefruit juice then went for a walk in the sunshine.

4:45 Wrote for awhile on some ideas I got on my walk.

6:00 Dinner of homemade soup and crackers. 6:30 I read some more. I haven't read much lately and I found I was starved for books.

7:00 Took a strawberry bubble bath and listened to music.

8:00 Watched a movie alone and uninteruppted. I rarely watch a movie in its entirety without someone needing something.

11:00 Planned my week.

My husband came home without the kids. They spent the night at Nana's. So we had a sleepover in the living room.

Retreat 3

This is what I did on my last retreat in February. The kids were at Grandma's and my husband had to work Saturday. So, I decided to make a retreat out of it. I got up earlier than usual to have time to read my devotional and to pray. Then the kids got up. It was 2:00 after I got the kids to grandma's, Jeff off to work, and the grocery shopping done. Here's my schedule in case you want to make a retreat for yourself some weekend. Make your retreat your own though.

2:00 Wrote for one hour. Usually I get to write only in bits and pieces of interuppted time.

3:00 Did aerobics to an exercise tape. You can substitute a walk or any other exercise you like. I realized I have not been exercising nearly enough, so hopefully this will be the beginning of a new habit.

4:00 Meditated on the meaning of Lent. First I lit some candles and put my Valentine flowers nearby. I read a passage from Relections for Lent by Joyce Huggett. I thought of how God has worked through my life and what changes God would want me to make. I sat silent waiting for God to talk to me.

4:30 Drank some water and lemon, one of my favorite drinks.

4:45 Did a Bible study. I am studying the Book of Romans using the LifeBuilder Bible Study by Jack Kuhatschek at Intervarsity Press.

5:15 Read Practicing the Prescence of God by Brother Lawrence. I had gotten it off the internet a few months ago. Wonderful literature about communing with God constantly. Thinking about and talking with God as I do my chores during the day, makes the work easier somehow.

5:30 Planned my week. I use the process described in First Things First. First you evaluate the past week, asking questions such as what did I accomplish, and what can I learn from this week.Next you read your mission statement or think of your goals. Then you select goals in each of your roles (i.e.) individual, wife, mother, career, etc. Only one or two a week to concentrate on. Also goals to "sharpen the saw" in your physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional arenas. You put your selected goals in your planner as either a scheduled appointment or to do. Every morning you preview the day and prioritize tasks.

5:50 Danced to the radio.

6:00 Played the keyboard. It is easier and more enjoyable when two preschoolers aren't trying to play with me.

6:30 Read. I am reading Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins right now. This chapter was about the importance of asking good questions of ourselves. i.e. Instead of asking "Why me?" Ask "How can I solve this?"

7:00 Wrote in my journal about my experience on my retreat.

7:15 Ate a light dinner and left the dishes in the sink for the next day.

7:30 I put the candles and flowers in the bathroom. I turned some music on and relaxed in the tub. I put on a face mask, deep conditioned my hair, exfoliated my skin, shaved and did all the beauty things. And no one was trying to hop in the tub with me.

My husband came home from work early so he took me out when he got home. The perfect ending to a lovely day.

Plan your retreat soon and I hope yours is as refreshing as mine was.
Sweet Petite

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