In the Mowt System of the Yushan Sector

Kurush` is one of the most unique planets in the galaxy. Eons ago the population of Kurush` disappeared in a planet wide nuclear war. All Humaniod life was wiped out. If this was a "normal" planet this would be the end of Kurush`. But the planet is one of the few places that is a nexus for the Force. That being so, life developed on the planet in spite of all that was going against it.

Over the centuries two dominant life-forms emerged, both plant-based, the Jei and the Su`th. The Jei are dedicated to promoting the Light Side and abide what they see as the Tenants of Life and are dedicated to preserving life, truth, and beauty. The Su`th find reason to live in the embrace of the Dark Side. They have a unique talent. They can, by touching a being, draw upon a being's fear and thus feed themselves as the victim relives that fear.

The Jei know that they must live together with the Su`th in relative peace as they know that both sides must exist, although checked, or Chaos will reign. The planet recieves very few vistors so not much more is known about Kurush` or it's exosystems.

The average Jei is taller and stronger than the average humaniod. Within the social structure of the Jei exists a cast known as the Fey, a religious leader of the various clans; one who is able to manipulate the Force mush easier than his clansmen. Sixty years ago it was forseen by many of the Jei that a galaxy wide battle between the two sides of the Force would occur. Because of this a great council was called to deliberate what, if anything, must be done about the coming conflagration. It was decided that 6 "ambassadors" would go out into the world to help maintain the balance. It was only hoped that the Su'th would do the same.