Dude!  Where's My Con?!?!
AKA CreepCon held at the Baltimore Convention Center... one of the bigger clusterf#@&s it's ever been my misfortune to attend.  If it hadn't been for the wonderful volunteers from bronzeshelter.com I wouldn't have been able to stick around to get these pictures.
Anthony Stewart Head signs some lucky fan's guitar. The Groosalugg (Mark Lutz)& Lorne The Host (Andy Hallett)
The Groosalugg (Mark Lutz)& Lorne The Host (Andy Hallett) are the first to arrive to the Buffy/Angel panel.
Anthony Stewart Head signs some lucky fan's guitar.
"So what kind of guy is Mark?"
"Ummm... my question is for Mr. Hallett..."
Tony Head
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Tony's the next to arrive... looking slightly preggers!
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