
we live to love,
and we love to live,
so why cant we all,
just live and let live,
and love and let love?
life takes so much out of us,
it takes our hearts and souls,
and places them,
where they arent meant to be.

love and life,
they can be easily taken away,
so why cant we all,
just live and let live,
day by day?


what i cant say

It's stuck inside my head,
it won't come out,
it refuses to be shown..
because of all the
misery it has known.

you put me through so much,
and the pain just wont subside,
what i can't say,
it stays stuck inside.

the pain, it hurts so much,
it makes me cry all the time,
but the tears are always there,
they will never subside..


What you see,
it's never me.

i hide in the darkness,
i cry out to my own sadness.

what i am,
is not what i am meant to be.

i put up a front,
that looks so happy.

the front is what it is,
just a front.

you don't understand me,
you have no idea what is wrong with me.

you see me,
but you don't see the real me.

You always say how different i am,
sometimes you are right.

Sometimes i'm just like you.
Just a kid.

just someone trying to live.
trying to love.

trying be myself..
if only i knew what "myself" really is..



i feel so fake,
trying to be happy.

i may appear to be normal,
but it's just fake.

i'm nothing like you,
and i won't try to be.

all i can be is myself,
no matter how hard that is..



What will I do?

What will I do,
Say yes
Or say no,
Should I let him go,

What if he hurts me?
What will I do?
What will I say?
Can I let him in,
or make him go away?



I love you,
I really, trully do.

But now I know,
That I must let go.

You've hurt me more then enough hon,
So now we are finally done


bodily parts of the w0rld

the world is like an animal or human-
it has a heart-
one that has been broken-
the violence, the hate,
it's torn out the worlds heart,
-no more shall it be-
the world has tears-
the rain that falls upon us-
the tears wash away the misery-
and the hurt of life-
but then the tears are gone-
-no more shall they be-
the world has eyes,
they see what we humans do not,
they see what our blind ignorance does not recognize,
the hate and the terror,
the pointlessness of it all.
but when our ignorance takes over,
the eyes of earth are overtaken
-therefore-no more shall they be-
those few people,
who recognize the damage,
who fight to keep peace-
rather then fighting f0r peace, in the pointless wars,
are the only ones,
who arent ignorantly blinded,
like the worlds bodily parts.
-no more shall it be-


Have you ever?

Have you ever been in love,
but then werent loved back?
so many times,
i've felt love for guys,
but my love wasnt returned,
instead i was hurt.
have you ever tried to describe,
the feelings you had for someone,
but couldnt find the right words,
and were left speachless?
the way i feel right now,
i just cant describe it,
you ask me have i ever been in love,
i can honestly say yes.
but anymore,
i dont know what love is,
other then the fact,
it's something taken for granted,
and thrown around like nothing.
so have i ever been in love?
have i ever been hurt?
have i ever cared about someone so much,
it physically hurt my heart to think about them?

