Introduce to FoxTrot and Bill Amend

Look! What I found is the cool tiger!The Fox is one of crazy family on the planet. FoxTrot was introduce in middle of 1989. The Fox family is not normal as everybody, not about emotion. It is something to tell true what we never thought of before. You see many different situation between brother, sister and parent. They are enemy each other, Jason, the geek, Paige, the flower, Peter, the popular, Andy the healthy mom, and Roger, the busy dad. They live together in the lovely house. Good thing, the house never crash down, while the Fox goes crazy stuff. Not like Calvin and Hobbies, it make you wonder what would be like as Pete or Jason in certain way. Please I don't want to talk about Paige, she drive me crazy. You just find out yourself from the bottom of characters' profile

Bill Amend
He is the creator of FoxTrot. He is not fat or dork, but cool guy and quick think of million fun thing I can laugh and chuck easy. Yeah, he the man of the family. He have several kids and pretty wife. I hope they are not same as the Fox family. Yeah...It sound weird if it is true. Isn't it? I can't tell you how old is he, or what does he enjoy. No idea where he live in. Maybe the same place or where he is from in the basic from the FoxTrot? All I know that he has great draw in his way. It have been change from time to time. I am talk about his draw's style getting better and better. Well, just same as every cartoonist.


Listen what Bill Watterson saying -"It's refreshing to read a comic strip where the characters have real personality. The humor and appeal of FoxTrot derives from the interaction of its characters, not from silly events imposed from without. Each member of the Fox family has a unique identity that goes beyond his or her role in the household, and this gives the world of FoxTrot a veracity other family strips lack. The Fox family has the resonance of honest observation."

Calvin and Hobbes' website







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