Xu Gua Zhuan

Section One

When there were heaven and earth, afterward all things were produced.

What fills up between heaven and earth are all created things. Hence it is followed by Zhun. Zhun denotes filling up. Zhun is descriptive of things on their newly born.

When so produced, they are sure to be in ignorance. Hence it is followed by Meng. Meng is descriptive of things in ignorance, the young of creatures and things.

The young cannot but be brought up. Hence Meng is followed by Xu. Xu is descriptive of requirements in dietary way.

Over dietary requirements there are sure to be contentions. Hence it is followed by Song.

Song is sure to cause the rising up of crowds. Hence it is followed by Shi. Shi means multitudes.

Multitudes surely attach themselves to some bond of union. Hence it is followed by Bi. Bi denotes being attached to.

On attachment there surely are subjected to some restraint. Hence it is followed by Xiao Xu.

When things are subjected to restraint, there come to be proprieties. Therefore it is followied by Li.

With the proprieties and free (not be blocked), it leads to tranquillity. Hence it is followed by Tai. Tai denoted free (not be blocked).

Things cannot have that forever, so it is followed by Pi , being blocked.

Things cannot for ever be blocked, and hence Pi is followed by Tong Ren.

To cultivate people, things must come to belong, and hence it is followed by Da You.

Those who is possessed of great achievement should not allow of the feeling of being full, therefore it is followed by Qian.

When great possessions are associated with humility (Qian), there is sure to be pleasure and satisfaction; and hence it is followed by Yu.

The pleasure surely results in having followers. Hence it is followed by Sui.

Those who follow another because of pleasure, they are sure to have services. So it is followed by Gu. Gu means services.

Those who perform such services may become great afterwards, therefore it is followed by Lin. Lin means great.

What affairs became great draw forth contemplation. Hence it is followed by Guan.

Contemplation will then cause the others coming together and merging with. Hence it is followed by Shi Ke. Shi Ke means union.

But things should not be united in a reckless or irregular way, therefore it is followed by Ben. Ben denotes ornament (affected appearance).

When ornamentation has been carried, the smoothness of progress comes to an end. Therefore it is followed by Bo. Bo denotes decay and overthrow.

Things cannot be completed at the end, when decadence has completed at one end, regeneration commences at the outset. Therefore it is followed by Fu.

When the return has taken place, there is no rashness, so it is followed by Wu Wang.

Having no rashness there will be the accumulation then, therefore it is followed by Da Xu.

After things have been accumulated, they can be nourished. Hence it is followed by Yi. Yi denotes nourishing.

Without nourishment there could be no movement, therefore it is followed by Da Guo (greatly surpass, transcend).

Things cannot for ever be in a state of excellance, so it is followed by Kan. Kan denotes falling into peril.

When one falling into peril he is sure to attach himself to another. Therefore it is followed by Li. Li denotes being attached to.

Section Two

When there were heaven and earth, there was existence of all things. There were all things, then there was existence of male and female. There were male and female then there was existence of husband and wife. There was husband and wife then there was existence of father and son. There were father and son then there was the existence of monarch and minister. There were monrach and minister then there were high and low. There were high and low then the propriety and rightousness could be alternated with.

The way of keeping the relation between husband and wife is that it should be lasting. Hence it is followed by Heng. Heng denotes lasting long.

Things cannot stay long in the same situation; therefore it is followed by Dun. Dun denotes withdrawing.

Things cannot be for ever withdrawn; therefore it is followed by Da Zhuang.

Things cannot forever grow in strength; therefore it is followed by Jin. Jin denotes advancing, progress.

Progress is sure to lead to being wounded, therefore it is followed by Ming Yi. Yi denotes being wounded.

He who is wounded outdoors will return to his home; therefore it is followed by Jia Ren.

When the family livelihood is on the decline, difference and separation will occur; and hence it is followed by Kui. Kui denotes separation.

Separation is sure to give rise to difficulties (adversity), therefore it is followed by Jian. Jian denotes difficulties;

but things cannot remain for ever in state of difficulty, so it is followed by Jie, Jie denotes relief.

In a state of relief, there are sure to be losses; and hence it is followed Sun.

When the process of losing is going on without end, increase is sure to come. Therefore it is followed by Yi.

When increase goes on without end, there is sure to come a rupture, hence it is followed by Guai. Guai denotes rupture.

Subsequent to rupture, some surely come to meet, hence it is followed by Gou. Gou denotes meeting up.

Things meet and then gather together, hence it is followed by Cui. Cui denotes gathering together.

Things gathering together and going up is known as rise; and hence it is followed by Sheng.

When the process of rise continues without end, there is sure of plight, and hence it is followed by Kun.

Those who are in the plight of the top, there is sure to go down, therefore it is followed by Jing.

Well requires renovation, and hence it is followed by Ge (denoting change).

For changing the substance of things there is nothing equal to the caldron; and hence Ge is followed by Ding.

The person who can presiding over caldron is only the eldest son, and hence it is followed by Zhen. Zhen (also) denotes moving,

but things cannot be kept in motion for ever. Put an end to the movement; and hence it is followed by Gen. Gen denotes stopping.

Things cannot be kept for ever in state of stillness, and hence it is followed by Jian. Jian denotes gradual advance.

With advance there must be a certain place that things arrive in, and hence it is followed by Gui Mei.

Having arrival of things, they are sure to become great. Therefore it is followed by Feng, Feng denotes being great.

One living in the greatest destitute is sure to lose his dwelling; and hence it is followed by Lu (denoting travel).

On the travel, one has no dwelling, and hence it is followed by Xun, Xun denotes entering.

One enters, and afterwards has pleasure in it; therefore it is followed by Dui. Dui denotes pleasure.

This pleasure afterwards will be scattered, and hence it is followed by Huan, Huan denotes division.

Things cannot divide for ever, and therefore it is followed by Jie.

Jie (tally or token) men trust in it, therefore it is followed by Zhong Fu.

Men who have tally, they are sure to use of it; and hence it is succeeded by Xiao Guo.

He who surpassed others surely stay in his proper place, and therefore it is followed by Ji Ji.

Events cannot come to an end, and therefore it is brought to a close with Wei Ji.


(This translation is only for the non-profit use by amateurs. All rights are preserved.)
