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Indianapolis has an ambitious $10 million cultural tourism initiative under way that includes an online public art identifer tour tourists and residents.  ArtistsTouch has contributed to that effort by painting murals in the Indianapolis area.  Sylvia Andrews
has written a book about murals which includes the history of murals in the country and in the city, murals with social meaning, murals on the trails and in the cultural districts
and grafitti and street art.     Reasons include memorializing individuals (like Mpozi at top right), preserving cultural heritage, sending a political message, advocacy for the environment, creating beauty, serving the community(Lilly Global Day of Service, 2008 at right), advertising art(ArtistsTouch murals at bottom right), and many more.

Click to see
three volume publication which contains many more murals, mural artists and history, background, and styles of murals. 
Indianapolis Murals, Outside Public Art.



CONTACT ARTISTSTOUCH AT (317) 259-4631 OR (317) 313-4148