Name: Cherry Rose Ladesma Cua

Date of Birth: September 2

Nicknames: Che-Che, Chikai

Height: 5'8 (in my dreams!) hehe! actually 5'2 (small is beautiful anyway!)

Sex: Girl, Female, Manash! Haha!

Hair Color: Black with brown streaks!

Where do u live: MINTAL, DAVAO CITY!

Sorority: UP Omega Alpha



Ever drank: Nope! YeS! eRR... hmmnn.. Okey! I already did!

Been drunk: I can't remember! hehe! Yah, I think so coz i can't remember anything..

Smoked: Don't tell my sister! Yes, I've tried smoking but i didn't like the smell of my mouth afterwards! YucK!

Jumped off a bridge: Someday i will! Bunjee jumpinG!

Broken a bone: Next sensible questioN!

Do you have a boyfriend?: Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm perfectly happy and satisfied with my LOVELIFE right now...

Do you have a crush?: Umm...yeah... Brad Pitt, Leonardo di Caprio, Ben Affleck, Jericho Rosales... and more!

Have you ever cheated on a bf ?: Yes, i did that before.. those were the bad/naughty days...

Food: Whatever edible that is lying around on the table.

Drink: CoKe... waaaH! POP COLA bitaw! hehe! Unsaon na lng distributor sa POP ako hOnNeY!

Color: Pink, Pink and Pink...

Snack: I can eat anything as long as my tummy finds it yummY!

Dessert: Cake or something sweet

Animal: Meeeoowww... I like cats.. they're cuddly like me! I like aquarium fishes too!

Holiday: In an island covered with secret coves and crystal waters with my loved one

Sports: Badminton, Counter-Strike and Diablo!

Store: Somewhere na pwede ako makautanG!

School subject: Philosophy and breaktime!

Cereal: Quaker Oats!

Book: I dunno how to read! waah! I like reading inspirational stories and adventures.

Flower: Roses!

Vegetable: Okra, Squash, Saluyot, Alugbati, Batong... tanan naa sa bahay kubo!

Seasons: As if i have a choice! Summer!

Actor: Errol Merquita!

Band/Group: Hair band! I have no particular fave long as their music is cool on my ears.

Radio: 91.5 K-lite! Killerbee!

Animated Character: Winnie the Pooh



Boy/Girl: Of course, GIRL! Too many men, too little time, only one CHERRY!!!

Dog/Cat: Cat so that when i fall, i could land on my feet and break no bone

Rich and unhappy/happy and poor: Id rather be happy coz money can't buy the things I want such as Family, Love, Friendship and Happy memories. It might sound corny and impractical but its the truth. I know how it feels to be sad... But if i can be both Happy and Rich, y not?!

In college/Working after high school: Definitely college...

Finger/Toe: Finger so that I can poke you in the eye (joke lang po!!!)

CD/Tape: Both

Pen/Pencil: Pencil so I won't have a hard time erasing errors.

Underwear/Bra: Both! hehe! My Ged, i can't imagine not wearing anY of the two.



Money: Spend it! wisely...

Prostitution: Poka shells!

Gum: Chew it and spit it out after!

Blue: the sky and ocean

Music: cool!

Frogs: Slimmy but delicious! Only the frogs from d bukid ha! Not the American froG!

The X-Files: UFO

Boy/girl: delicious! hehe!

Red: My monthly period! waaah! Love.. what else..

Candy: When i get dizzy in the bus!

Weird: Me, myself and I

Santa: Gifts.. Christmas.. Children..

Hanson: Bagets!

Duck: Patoten! YummY! hehe!

Cookie: Hi-ro

Rainbows: gold pot at the end of it



Coke/Pepsi: POP Cola lagi! hehe!

Rainy/Shiny Day: Both! Rainy so I can sleep whole day...Shiny day so I can go out and play... go to the beach and wear my two piece! Yati ra!

Vanilla/ Chocolate: Chocolate! Yummy!

Ice cream/layer cake: Layer cake

TV/radio: TV

Movie Theatre/Rent a movie; Movie theatre coz it's dark and cold and my hOnNeY will be obliged to hug me! hehe!

Wake up early/Go to bed late: Go 2 Bed late!!! I HATE WAKING UP!!!

Red/Green apples: I can eat them both.. i don't care about the color.


Pants/Shorts: Shorts para kita legs!

Short/Long Skirt: Short para malibat jud ang magtan-aw!

Bath/Shower:'s quicker

Hug/Kiss: BOTH!!! =)



Do you believe in love at first sight: Maybe... love works in wondrous ways...

Will you get married: Yes, i will! Don't forget my engagement ring! hehe!

Will you have kids: Definitely! They're little angels of my life

Do you like anyone at the present time: Of course!

Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork?: It depends where I am and who's around with meeh.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Actually, it's not a stuffed animal.. it's a baby pillow. =)


Do you like sleeping?: ALL THE TIME!! especially when I'm having sweet dreams!!!



Name given at birth: Chikai bcoz of my chinky eyes =)

Hometown: Davao City

Current residence: Webaccess Internet Cafe!

Server On Mirc: DALNET RULES!

IRC Nickname: cUdDlEzZz

Email Address: or

Croutons or Bacon bits?: Bacon bits... ano ba yang croutons?!

Shampoo or conditioner?: Vaseline Shampoo... I don't use conditioners... balik ayos hair kO!

Do you make fun of people?: Sometimes but I stop if I know that they're getting pissed off at me! They might bash the hell out of me!

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Yes... waah! They put me to prison once..illegal possession of a Pretty Face! hehe!

One pillow or two?: Two! and of course my baby pillow!

Favorite type of music?: Mellow rock, Rock Alternative, Classics...

Hobbies: Eat, sleep, chat, and sleep again and again and again...

Toothpaste: Maxam! hehe! Close Up or Colgate!

Favorite food: geez I have a lot...lemme patient now...I like everythinG! hehe!

Do you get along with your parents/siblings?: Except my dad! He's not learning from past mistakes! :( but with the rest? of course I do, that's if they're
not bugging the crap out off me, well then, we get along just fine!!

Favorite town to chill in?: Kabacan coz my bf is there! :-)

Favorite ice cream: Rocky road.. but i'm not really into eating ice cream.. a teaspoon or two is enough.

Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Coke, Coke, Coke and ....... POP! hehe!

What is your bedtime?: Whenever I get sleepy!!! duh!!! =P

Shoe size: 5-6 foots! shoe dba? (yeah right!!! I have small feet alright!!!)

Favorite perfume/cologne: Millenia, Johnson's Baby Cologne

Favorite website:

Favorite alcoholic drink: Red horse kay kusog manipa! hehe!

Humiliating moment: hmmnn... i'd rather not tell! bleeh! bitaw oi, when i got drunK.. nagma-oy ko gamay! yuxxx! walay angay! hehe!

What do you look for in the opposite sex?: Of course the personality,got to be genuine, someone who can treat me right, a good sense of humour (I like it when people makes meeh laugh) and has to be fun. And it won't hurt if he got the looks on top of all that! God Damn! Talk about a LOOONNNGGG list!!! =)

Emotion you most likely to never show anyone: That I'm hurting inside

Favorite Quote: BASTA IGAT SIKAT! HEHE! BEER PA DAY! Kidding aside, "man is what he makes of himself"

Which Sesame Street character u like most?: Big Bird! Ernie! Cookie Monster! Count Dracula!

If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?: I would be in my own lil world where everything is done my way!!!

A tight arse genie will only grant u one wish, what do u wish for?: For the man of my dreams to come and sweep off my lil feet and take meeh to my own lil world!!! Well, seriously speaking, i wouldn't wish for FAME, POWER and WEALTH... all i want is a HAPPY FAMILY...

What do u think is the best thing that this world has to offer?: Basically it's LOVE... as they say, the greatest thing on earth is to LOVE and be LOVED in return.

What's one thing you would like to experience before u leave this world??: To be a loving wife and a caring mother... (",) To experience what it's like to be a REAL woman...