‘Bond’ for a Day

When someone asks for your name, would you not love it if you could just rise up, stare the person straight in the face, and say, "Bond, James Bond"? Or when you are angry, do you not wish that you could take a rocket-propelled motor boat "out for a spin"? How about blowing up a helicopter with a heavy missile launcher – fun? It is safe to say that these are as routine to British secret agent James Bond as drinking coffee in the morning is to us. Whether he is driving a military tank along a railroad, pursuing an illegal stealth boat, or trying to foil a terrorist plot in the Middle East, James Bond is undoubtedly one of the coolest and most admirable people on the planet. And many of us wish that we could even come close to recreating his noble style. After all, his distinct taste in clothing attire, weapons, automobiles, and women is superb, and his intelligence, sophistication, and charm serve to mesmerize any follower. His movies number well over twenty, but audiences are still flocking to theaters when a new 007 flick hits the big screen. Considering all this, it would be a very interesting experience to be James Bond for a day.

Everyone is familiar in one way or another with James Bond. He has been present throughout several generations and will remain with us for many more. Bond is a British agent employed to carry out the most difficult missions or foil the most dangerous plots. Physically, he is extremely athletic and strong because his job calls for it. Aside from that, he is a good-looking man who, when he is not working, enjoys a variety of extracurricular activities like card playing, parachuting, and skiing. Bond’s personality is one to match his physical attributes. For an extreme agent, he is surprisingly intellectual. He can speak a variety of languages including English, Russian, and French. He is always prepared, rendering him able to act sophisticatedly on the spot. Bond acts without fear and, sometimes, with no regard for his own well being. Socially, he is a charming, stylish individual who can very well be described as a "ladies’ man."

I would say that the most appealing thing about James Bond would be his style and taste. The man is always sporting a fashionable tuxedo with a tie that he never seems to lose – even when he is falling off a plane or diving into a bay. When it comes to style, James Bond is original. He only drinks martinis and he likes them "shaken, not stirred." These are minor characteristics. The greatest thing about James Bond is unarguably his cars and his ladies. When it comes to automobiles, Bond has graced the seats of many that most people would die for. The magnificent Aston-Martin sports car has become a legacy associated with James Bond. His other cars are various BMW models including the Z8 and the rare Lotus sports car. In addition, it is not unusual to see Bond controlling a different type of vehicle. He has effectively navigated trains, planes, motorbikes, air balloons, iceberg boats, specially-designed motor boats, helicopters, and even gondolas. When it comes to women, James Bond gets the best. Everywhere he goes, he seems to meet a beautiful woman that he manages to seduce with his good looks and charm. In truth, he can be called the Don Juan of the Twentieth Century. The women usually end up being criminals or collaborators with the "bad guys," but that is a different story.

His style and taste would already make me want to be him, but James Bond is also intelligent and sophisticated. As mentioned earlier, he is multilingual. He is also always prepared for anything. He can act on the spot. What is also amazing about Bond is that he has incredible instinct and insight. His cases are usually unclear and, although a main villain is usually identified, most of the jobs require greater, in depth investigation. James Bond effectively conducts this investigation. And after this, he goes after the criminal to complete the case. Normally, law enforcement has a detective division for solving crimes and a separate division of S.W.A.T. agents for capturing the alleged criminal. James Bond is, thus, an entire law enforcement agency. He is both detective and policeman at the same time, and this I feel is incredible.

A third reason why I would like to be Bond for a day is that the man has a very interesting life. It is a life full of constant drama, suspense, and, above all, action. No man experiences action like James Bond. Every item that he has is most likely a secret gadget – pens that explode, watches that prove to be lasers or strong cables, and coats that inflate into defensive shields are just a few examples. Even his cars are special. His cars all look normal, but they are really bulletproof and unusually fast. They have tactical missiles installed under the front headlights, lasers placed on the bumper, and retractable machine guns behind the lights. They had a pipe in the back that released a smokescreen to shield the car and confuse pursuers. Every car seat could also eject, and the license plates revolved to render the car unable to follow. Some cars could even be operated by remote control! One can only begin to imagine how much "fun" a person can have in this car. Sure, Bond uses them only when he has to for a mission. But if I was Bond for a day and I had one of those cars, I might "accidentally" shoot a missile at an abandoned house or fire a few rounds at a bank that refused to give me credit.

Cars and gadgets are half the excitement in Bond’s life. Let us not forget about his sophisticated weapons. It seems like our agent is skillful with any weapon, and his arsenal is extensive. When stealth is required, the small, silenced PP7 is an heirloom, and Bond always has one handy. His aim is almost perfect. He also has his vast array of machine guns when facing a large group of enemies, which happens quite frequently. When it comes time to break out some larger artillery, one can never guess what Bond will use. He has used rocket launchers, grenades, remote bombs, and even tank cannons. There is just so much action and excitement in this man’s life.

After reviewing all the facts, why would you not want to be Bond. Bond has everything. He is stylish and has good taste. He is good looking and charming and always has a beautiful woman by his side. He is also incredibly intelligent and sophisticated, and his life is full of action and excitement. I can just picture my day. I would wake up and drink a martini. I would have to check in with headquarters, so I would drive down in a silver Aston-Martin. Along the way, I would stop at a casino for a game of cards and another martini. By the end of the game, I would have five girls at the table with me. If I were to be in a bad mood after that, I might blow up a few buildings with my car. And since I would be interested in finding out more about his life, I would receive a mission and attempt to carry it out. All the action, girls, cars, and martini-drinking would definitely prove to be quite an experience. And then I would take a trip down to a movie theater to see "’Bond’ for a Day" – my latest James Bond movie.