Only 1 message in topic  
 Fabrizio J. Bonsignore   Nov 17, 8:09 pm     show options  

Newsgroups: soc.culture.arabic,soc.culture.argentina,soc.culture.brazil,soc.culture.esperanto,soc.culture.europe 
From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author  
Date: 17 Nov 2004 20:09:04 -0800 
Local: Wed, Nov 17 2004 8:09 pm  
Subject: Masterminds 
Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse  

Belief fields are equivalent to neural networks through the
.statistical mechanics model. Given the possibility of telepathy, this
means that we can form a metamind in a time span different from
research and spreasing of knowledge by publication. Since drugs can be
triggers of telepathy by acting as rectifiers of thesignal and/or
anthenas, these hypothesis must be tested even on ample segments of
the population. The mechanism through which the signals are
transmitted may be elctromagnetic or even quantic, but further testing
might prove it works in real time. This can give us the possibility to
reach other multimind intelligences throughout the universe. The
rewards of this facts, sh proven and tested, are such, that a research
program should be started ASAP.

I asked for a billion dollar grant tfor this research but was most
probably stolen by a Mexican mafia group, who then went and
bribed/threatened as necessary people to keep me in sequestered and
anomic in a homeless shelter. They want the prestige of my ideas
without having the whole picture. I suffered several impersonations,
doubles, while one man used a double entendre to make my works be
registered under his name and now he wants to convince the world. Now
I am kept sequestered in the streets accused of several CRIMES y a
Mexican style life reinterpretation and an extradition under the
charges of te crimes this individual and others have comitted using my
name. They are a powerful mafia who might have used the Home for All
theory to get money and power by getting support from Real Estate
billionaires and now have the po to engage in assassinations and other
crimes (by using Leprechaun methods), to keep their power, while they
exploit my work. I need help. I am in the capitall of the cosmopolitan
world. My name sounds like that of the one who was thrown to the lions
and was unharmed thoughslavic. My surname means the opposite of mean
and the opposite of lord, but it is in the language of the guy who
went to to hell and back in the middle of his life. Danilo Bonsignore
must be able to be interpreted that way. The real criminal`s
denomination is a simple four letters name and the other denomination
is like a multiple means of way f goifrom one place to another o
tracs. Luis Bistrain must be able to be interpretetd thatway.

This posts may be channeled through one terminal to publish it before
it appears i the usenet and have preference.

c8o o8d
8 ! 8
L - L

This poeple must be stopped, with that quantity of money ncethe toy is
spent (me) will become bored and dangerous.

If you get this message and notice any thing that does not match in
the names I am in the big apple city, NY, like the other description.
Call and make pressre in governent and academy, but beware that many
people were bribed. They are i danger too. Thank you. My eyes are the
color opposite to the IR wae band, the caloric wave band. Thank you.


The theory of Conspiration theory: Biblical prophecies Only 1 message in topic Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 17, 5:33 am show options Newsgroups: soc.culture.british,soc.culture.australian,,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.albanian From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Nov 2004 05:33:05 -0800 Local: Wed, Nov 17 2004 5:33 am Subject: Re: The theory of Conspiration theory: Biblical prophecies Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse As an example of the power prophecies, we can examine the Biblical prophecies. The two messiah prophecies in the Bible are self-defeating. The power of prophecies comes from fact that they are expected to be fulfilled exactly. Once the pattern of a prophecy is recognized in life, two dynamics begin manifesting. On one hand, facts are matched to the prophecy and the prophecy is denied the moment facts deviate; on the other hand, facts are matched to the prophecy and *acts* are chosen to fulfill the prophecy. This opposing dynamic allows a skillful manipulator to either fulfill or deny theprophecy acording to his will and interests. A prophecy establishes a highly recursive system with lots of feedback. There is always a point where the manipulator, as there must be *somebody* assessing the fulfillment of the prophecy, decides whether facts match close enough the expected events and either help events fulfill by acting in such way that acts become necessary, or makes events deviate and become spurious. In the case of the messiah prophecies, the Jews` prophecy requires very special conditions to be met. It was this special conditios being unfulfilled what determined the end of Jesus and his denial as the Jew Messiah. In that historical period it didn`t serve the political powers to recognize Jesus as the messiah, as the Elijah condition was not met by the person who would play that role. It is this condition what defeats this prophecy, as it is contingent on the appearance of a messiah figure with the necessary characteristics (mainly, be jew) and the preceding figure. This acts as a multiplication of probabilities, making the probability small enough that it can be negligible. It also introduces two degrees of liberty. Either one of the figures can be denied or accepted according to the current needs of the assessing figures, in this case the Elders of Israel. In the case of the Catholic second coming, the selfdefeating characteristic is the triggering of Armaggedon (as I discussed partly in the thread Guilt of Atonement). The recognition of a new messiah is conditioned by the willingness to accept a state of war. Either an adequate figure will not ne recognized without an Armaggedon occuring, or it will be denied for fear of Armageddon. For both prophecies the selfdefeating characteristics allow both churches to keep an indefinite wait, though in the case of the Catholic Church it also gives the incentive to *actively* oppose any messianic figure under the reasoning that it would trigger Armaggedon and signal the end of times. Tihs prophecy can be seen as more elaborate and more successful than the Jew as it gives the Church a guide to act and permission to _destroy_ any messianic figure which could threaten the predominance of the Church. Since this prophecy announces a total end and no further future for the Church, it is very improbable that the Catholic Church will accept a new messianic figure, which would automatically assume the characteristics of an enemy and be fored to create a new religion, despite its possible interest in giving continuity to the structure of said Church. Incidentally, this can be compared to the adage of the ways of the Enemy (the devil) to be subtle. As it stands, this prophecy serves more the interests of th devil than of the Church, which has the assumed function of waiting for he Second Coming... A stratagem and clever manipulation meant to defeat the Church and any possible subsequent messiah? The book of Apocalypse is te last book, added after the life of Jesus was already a remembrance, and it certainly stands out even as an anomaly in the Bible. It would be much more adequate if it belong to the Apocripha than to the Bible. Compared to the Jewish prophecies it ounds almost holywoodesque and written on a hurry, not really homogeneous nor incontent nor incope nor in story. And as a final thought, maybe JesusChrist Superstar, the moovie, is more than a moovie or a reinterpretation. Maybe it is a modern style porphecy this 68 moovie, previweing what a modern Messiah would be and look? Who would deny it? Such is the power of prophecy... B*O*N 8S8I8G8 c8 o o 8d 8 ! 8 \ _ / > w < N-O-R-E Search the name of the poster in google groups. `My best threads...` is kind of an index to defeat the noise. My surname incapitals inthe ASCII art ( to defeat scripts changing data in the usenet/internet, after it, it belong to the military). Visit Reply
Sent to jail for asking an appointment to Belgium`s UN mission! All 4 messages in topic - view as tree Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 18, 3:48 pm show options Newsgroups: miami.general,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.german From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 18 Oct 2004 15:48:42 -0700 Local: Mon, Oct 18 2004 3:48 pm Subject: Sent to jail for asking an appointment to Belgium`s UN mission! Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse I crossed the whole continent from LA to NY to speak with people from the UN after I got the rumor that the thieves I have been fighting already wrote to the missions. I sent several mails exposing my situation and inviting the World to listen to m music and read my economics but I arrived without money to make hone calls. After I managed to get a few dollars I started calling the missions but nobody was aware of them and explaining through the phone to the secretaries was too cumbersome. It happened with Italy, Djibouti, France, Israel, the Holy See; when I called the Belgian mission the person who answered told me she know nothing, but gave me another address to write to. The same day I worte telling them that I wanted to have an appointment but since I didn`t have money I would go in person either to speak with somebody or to make the appointment. Next day at eleven I went to 823 UN Plaza. There was a group of people in the lobby and people comg and going. I went to the security guard desk and told him I wanted to see the belgian ambassador or get an appointment. He asked for an ID I promptly produced and after a call he gave me a badge with my picture, then he made another phone call. After a minute or so I asked him what were we waiting for, if there was somebody coming down to pick me up. He made a vague gesture and I just kept waiting. At that moment two figures appeared in the inner door. I believe they were the King and Queen of Belgium, though I cannot be sure because of a badly done lasik surgery in Mexico which left haloes in my keen eye. They were just about to open the door when a man appeared from nowhere and quickly stopped the couple before they could cross the door. This man, dark bruneete, broad, with the features of a crocodile stopped and asked me to empty my pockets. Nowadays everybody knows what it is to go through metal detectors so I started emptying my pockets, metal things, but the man insisted in *emptying* my vest. I was loaded with lots of things, papers, toilet paper, my recently acquired shaving razors, a deodorant, wallet, IDs, books with post stamps, my hard drive, nail cutter, shaving creme... By then I was already disgusted; it was far from a routine search. And not happy with it he emptied my pants pockets, evruthing, searched me and asked me to sit down in a chair. I was very upset. I started talking, telling the witnesses the reasons I was there, about the mexican criminals, my web site, my ideas... The couple in the door were appalled and we just looked at each other with wide eyes and a question mark in our faces. The security guard went back to them, don`t remember if called somebody else and the couple was shown another exit. The rest of the wittnesses were very embarrased and soon the lobby was empty but for people coming and leaving the office. I would tell them how `dangerous` I was, as a composer, and they would just see me, amused. In a few minutes the room was full of policemen, at least four patrols. It was a circus. They went through my things and asked questions. I tried to explain, but was not getting across. I was worried about my hard drive, told them; they put my things in bags and asked me to go eith them to the police station for interrogation. I was being nice and they were nice too but couldn`t get my appointment. At the police station I was kept in a room with an officer chatting about life lessons and then another officer came. I even dozed for a while and it was not before three o`clock that I was left `free`. They gave me back my things, but my bath stuff was gone! I asked around and nobody knew about it. Broke, my last dollars spent in razors and they were gone! Also my nail cutter, which I had had with me since at least 1997, after that assault in Mexico City by two policemen in motorcycle and a gun, where my friend Espinoza almost lost his car (and I ended losing my original US birth certificate from the hospital...). I was very upset and the officers... well, they knew *nothing*. One of them even offered me two bucks to buy another nail cutter, which I didn`t accept. I kept asking and one of them told me maybe the security guards in the UN building kept it. After eating I went back to the building. I asked the new security guard at the desk if he knew where were my things. It was five o`clock. He didn`t know and I asked him if he could call the other guard, the one that was before, to ask him. But instead of the _door_ guard it was the crocodile the one who came and very swift he push me from the shoulder, hard, and made me take off my vest, which he let fall to the floor far from I was seated, with plenty of space between me and the rest of the furniture (a table and a pair of chairs). There was a tall man there, nordic, with a badge, looking vaguely amused. I was of course complaining; he made a comment about socialism and taking away the jacket he just bought but didn`t let me reply. Of course he read Alive and Human and didn`t understand it... Lots of policemen arrived then. they brough papers and I managed to see ONE mail I didn`t send, with a quote by Jefferson I think. They accused me of harassment, but I pointed that that mail was not mine but if they let me see th mails I could deduce who sent those mails. They didn`t let me. Charged me of harrasment and tresspasing (tresspasing a _public_ UN building a scholar!), handcuffed me and sent me to the police stations. Time there was not bad at all. There were, ah, nice details, but I ended up in jail, spent there the night, I, who NEVER though of visiting a jail nor being arrested, almost got hit by a guy who was complaining about the lack of space (30 man in a cell, ten empty cells?), somehow survived, waiting the whole day to be liberated after dozing away most of it due to the shock and finally returned back to the shelter, too late to have a meal, only to find my clothing and my magical guitar were gone... This is a plot by the mexican plagiarists who hunted me for years, even here in America, my country. My mother and cats are still in Veraruz. Danilo J Bonsignore. Reply JX Bardant Oct 19, 11:08 am show options Newsgroups: miami.general,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.german From: "JX Bardant" - Find messages by this author Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 20:08:59 +0200 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 11:08 am Subject: Re: Sent to jail for asking an appointment to Belgium`s UN mission! Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" a écrit dans le message de news: [snip] > My mother and cats are still in > Veraruz. Oh, great, you're a cat lover. How many of them ? Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 8:45 pm show options Newsgroups: miami.general,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.german From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 20:45:49 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 8:45 pm Subject: Re: Sent to jail for asking an appointment to Belgium`s UN mission! Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse "JX Bardant" wrote in message ... > "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" a écrit dans le message > de news: > [snip] > > My mother and cats are still in > > Veraruz. > Oh, great, you're a cat lover. How many of them ? Last time? 17. >8{< But she picked up a litter of very battered kitten and I don`t know how many of them will survive. Though the rule is that cat that arrives, cat that stays. Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 17, 5:24 am show options Newsgroups: miami.general,soc.culture.french,soc.culture.german From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Nov 2004 05:24:31 -0800 Local: Wed, Nov 17 2004 5:24 am Subject: Re: Sent to jail for asking an appointment to Belgium`s UN mission! Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Today I have the trial. If I stop posting is because I was sent to jail for trying to approach Kopi Annan`s organization. But how can you trespass a guarded building in the middle of the evening of a peace organizatio when you have a political claim? You cannot harass the UN either, they are here to work for ALL humanity. If I am sent to jail the UN lost meaning. It is precedent against political pressure in America! Or the exposition of a web of corruption, but my lawyer is afraid of pressing for the truth to be revealed. - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - > I crossed the whole continent from LA to NY to speak with people from > the UN after I got the rumor that the thieves I have been fighting > already wrote to the missions. I sent several mails exposing my > situation and inviting the World to listen to m music and read my > economics but I arrived without money to make hone calls. After I > managed to get a few dollars I started calling the missions but nobody > was aware of them and explaining through the phone to the secretaries > was too cumbersome. It happened with Italy, Djibouti, France, Israel, > the Holy See; when I called the Belgian mission the person who > answered told me she know nothing, but gave me another address to > write to. The same day I worte telling them that I wanted to have an > appointment but since I didn`t have money I would go in person either > to speak with somebody or to make the appointment. > Next day at eleven I went to 823 UN Plaza. There was a group of people > in the lobby and people comg and going. I went to the security guard > desk and told him I wanted to see the belgian ambassador or get an > appointment. He asked for an ID I promptly produced and after a call > he gave me a badge with my picture, then he made another phone call. > After a minute or so I asked him what were we waiting for, if there > was somebody coming down to pick me up. He made a vague gesture and I > just kept waiting. > At that moment two figures appeared in the inner door. I believe they > were the King and Queen of Belgium, though I cannot be sure because of > a badly done lasik surgery in Mexico which left haloes in my keen eye. > They were just about to open the door when a man appeared from nowhere > and quickly stopped the couple before they could cross the door. This > man, dark bruneete, broad, with the features of a crocodile stopped > and asked me to empty my pockets. Nowadays everybody knows what it is > to go through metal detectors so I started emptying my pockets, metal > things, but the man insisted in *emptying* my vest. I was loaded with > lots of things, papers, toilet paper, my recently acquired shaving > razors, a deodorant, wallet, IDs, books with post stamps, my hard > drive, nail cutter, shaving creme... > By then I was already disgusted; it was far from a routine search. And > not happy with it he emptied my pants pockets, evruthing, searched me > and asked me to sit down in a chair. I was very upset. I started > talking, telling the witnesses the reasons I was there, about the > mexican criminals, my web site, my ideas... The couple in the door > were appalled and we just looked at each other with wide eyes and a > question mark in our faces. > The security guard went back to them, don`t remember if called > somebody else and the couple was shown another exit. The rest of the > wittnesses were very embarrased and soon the lobby was empty but for > people coming and leaving the office. I would tell them how > `dangerous` I was, as a composer, and they would just see me, amused. > In a few minutes the room was full of policemen, at least four > patrols. > It was a circus. They went through my things and asked questions. I > tried to explain, but was not getting across. I was worried about my > hard drive, told them; they put my things in bags and asked me to go > eith them to the police station for interrogation. I was being nice > and they were nice too but couldn`t get my appointment. > At the police station I was kept in a room with an officer chatting > about life lessons and then another officer came. I even dozed for a > while and it was not before three o`clock that I was left `free`. They > gave me back my things, but my bath stuff was gone! I asked around and > nobody knew about it. Broke, my last dollars spent in razors and they > were gone! Also my nail cutter, which I had had with me since at least > 1997, after that assault in Mexico City by two policemen in motorcycle > and a gun, where my friend Espinoza almost lost his car (and I ended > losing my original US birth certificate from the hospital...). > I was very upset and the officers... well, they knew *nothing*. One of > them even offered me two bucks to buy another nail cutter, which I > didn`t accept. I kept asking and one of them told me maybe the > security guards in the UN building kept it. > After eating I went back to the building. I asked the new security > guard at the desk if he knew where were my things. It was five > o`clock. He didn`t know and I asked him if he could call the other > guard, the one that was before, to ask him. But instead of the _door_ > guard it was the crocodile the one who came and very swift he push me > from the shoulder, hard, and made me take off my vest, which he let > fall to the floor far from I was seated, with plenty of space between > me and the rest of the furniture (a table and a pair of chairs). There > was a tall man there, nordic, with a badge, looking vaguely amused. I > was of course complaining; he made a comment about socialism and > taking away the jacket he just bought but didn`t let me reply. Of > course he read Alive and Human and didn`t understand it... > Lots of policemen arrived then. they brough papers and I managed to > see ONE mail I didn`t send, with a quote by Jefferson I think. They > accused me of harassment, but I pointed that that mail was not mine > but if they let me see th mails I could deduce who sent those mails. > They didn`t let me. Charged me of harrasment and tresspasing > (tresspasing a _public_ UN building a scholar!), handcuffed me and > sent me to the police stations. > Time there was not bad at all. There were, ah, nice details, but I > ended up in jail, spent there the night, I, who NEVER though of > visiting a jail nor being arrested, almost got hit by a guy who was > complaining about the lack of space (30 man in a cell, ten empty > cells?), somehow survived, waiting the whole day to be liberated after > dozing away most of it due to the shock and finally returned back to > the shelter, too late to have a meal, only to find my clothing and my > magical guitar were gone... > This is a plot by the mexican plagiarists who hunted me for years, > even here in America, my country. My mother and cats are still in > Veraruz. > Danilo J Bonsignore. Reply
A curse, damnation/forever condemnation.. All 4 messages in topic - view as tree Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 9, 8:33 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,sci.skeptic,sci.econ,sci.physics From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 9 Nov 2004 20:33:57 -0800 Local: Tues, Nov 9 2004 8:33 pm Subject: A curse, damnation/forever condemnation.. Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse A curse, damnation, forever condemnation, to whom can help, but nay!, chose to whelp, under the foul measures of sordid pressures... I have a cartilaghe in the body part connecting head and chest. Eyes color of the nordics. I am in the city where they all reuinte and try to solve the problems of all of us, I mean all of us. Help, covered by mafia/gov from down suoth. Being exploited for being too good in many things, so their argument is to move the disbelief of people. help. Entered a discussio about clays, language, molecules and language. DS theory is solved with sets. Somebody using my name and double entendre with sets of pictures to damage reputation. Citizen of the biggest GNP in world and first in productivity. Reply Uncle Al Nov 10, 8:29 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,sci.skeptic,sci.econ,sci.physics From: Uncle Al - Find messages by this author Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 08:29:33 -0800 Local: Wed, Nov 10 2004 8:29 am Subject: Re: A curse, damnation/forever condemnation.. Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" wrote: [snip crap] X-Trace: 1100061238 22181 (10 Nov 2004 04:33:58 GMT) X-Complaints-To: -- Uncle Al (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals) Reply Peter Kupfer Nov 10, 4:19 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,sci.skeptic,sci.econ,sci.physics From: Peter Kupfer - Find messages by this author Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 00:19:50 GMT Local: Wed, Nov 10 2004 4:19 pm Subject: Re: A curse, damnation/forever condemnation.. Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse Uncle Al wrote: > "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" wrote: > [snip crap] > X-Trace: 1100061238 22181 (10 Nov 2004 > 04:33:58 GMT) > X-Complaints-To: Are you indicating that you are reporting him? Peter Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 10, 4:25 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,sci.skeptic,sci.econ,sci.physics From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 10 Nov 2004 16:25:50 -0800 Local: Wed, Nov 10 2004 4:25 pm Subject: Re: A curse, damnation/forever condemnation.. Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse A curse, damnation, forever condemnation, to whom can help, but nay!, chose to whelp, under the foul measures of sordid pressures... I have a cartilaghe in the body part connecting head and chest. Eyes color of the nordics. I am in the city where they all reuinte and try to solve the problems of all of us, I mean all of us. Help, covered by mafia/gov from down suoth. Being exploited for being too good in many things, so their argument is to move the disbelief of people. help. Entered a discussio about clays, language, molecules and language. DS theory is solved with sets. Somebody using my name and double entendre with sets of pictures to damage reputation. Citizen of the biggest GNP in world and first in productivity . Reply
The (real life) story of the cursed homework All 17 messages in topic - view as tree Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 16, 3:27 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 16 Oct 2004 15:27:39 -0700 Local: Sat, Oct 16 2004 3:27 pm Subject: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Economics is a science so confused that it was impossible for me to approach it by myself so I decided to go to college to learn this most difficult of disciplines. The first day I had to go, uh, accompanied, since I was half living without glasses and the pair I ordered was delayed. So I was there in my brand new Universidad Iberoamericana accompanied and very hapyy. Soon I was learning like crazy, though at first I would go asleep over my economics bricks. By the third semester I had learned a very important fact: the president of the country was an economist! Of course, I wanted to meet him. I was in the epoch were I would ask of myself, am I able to achieve x? So one day the students sorority came to announce an event and I made friends with the president. Another day I asked him if I could participate and he said yes. On third semester we met early in the morning and he offered me to organize the III National Congress of the National Economics Students Association (ANEE). And I said: of course! Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 7:52 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 07:52:28 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 7:52 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Eight people from the Ibero attended the Tabasco congress, including myself. There was a lot of interest and almost the whole generation was promising, near 200 people, but in the last moment the department's director, Dr. Barquin, organized a two day event on the same date and *insisted* that the new recruits attended. So there we were the eight of us, almost the smallest delegation among 13. Every congress there would be elections and being the UIA orgzanizer I was in the meething and postulated myself as Academic Secretary, the third charge in importance. I wasn't elected. BUt then I was postulated as Finance Secretary and was unanimously elected to the National Board. Wow! By December it was obvious that the ANEE was going nowhere so I devised a ten points program and started meeting the Vicepresident, from one of Mexico City's universities (the president was in Tijuana, too far, was difficult to reach and turned out to be nominal). We agreed that the next congress, the fourth, would be organized in Mexico City and that all universities should organize it. It tool almost the whole year to get organized and was a mess, a really, lots of enthusiasm but little real work. Most of the burden was on my shoulders, with some help from one guy of the UNAM and a few others doing particular jobs. Of course there are lots of anecdotes, and school politics and intrigues, even a case of confused papers (funny, the speech I prepared was being switched at the last moment by a school director, but we fooled him) and everything, too long to explain here. The end result was a Congress organized by 4 universities, 34 institutions attended (oout of 44 with career in economics), Dornbusch was there and other eminencies, members of the cabinet, 1500 students, 4 days, and the big prize (for some) was having dinner in Los Pinos with Salinas de Gortari. I gave the introductory speech, a magical moment (with anecdote included, of course), maybe one of the few moments in my life when there was no noise but my voice speaking... but afterwards, CHAOS! Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 10:50 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 10:50:25 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 10:50 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse One of the hotels defaulted in the worst moment and one or two buses full of people required emergency accomodation. Another hotel had defaulted too; a group from Hacienda (like IRS) was scheduled to leave when our group arrived but didn't (by the way, Aspe Armella didn't attend dinner nor the congress, he was missed). We received a devolution of the downpayment that later would cause great havoc. I wasn't in charge of hotels, it was a guy that was nicknamed "the ape". But of course I was blamed, and hated. What was really impressive was to see the twentysome buses that Camacho lended us to transport people, in Constitution square. Another wow. Just think of organizing so many students. But we sort of selforganized. I didn't have time, was like crazy going from one place to another trying to gather all the deposit bills to the congress ($45 each), from the repesentatives. Tough job. In one of the meals the waiters started demanding a huge quantity in tips, cash. Lets get the cash. Then the drivers threatened to leave us in the middle of the night in the disco unless we give them more tips. More cash. And there was all the politics, for the new National Board was to be appointed during the Congress. Thanks to my beloved birlfriend Belinda (espero que estes leyendo esto...) I didn't go nuts; she was like my secretary, indispensable. All in all it wasn't that bad, but I was unable to attend the conferences nor meet all the people I wanted. Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 10:59 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 10:59:32 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 10:59 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse The night of the elections was very crowded, to say the least. Leonardo Lomeli, the guy who really helped from the UNAM was elected the new president. And I became polemic since I was reelected as Treasurer, contrary to statutes, because of the simple fact that the bank statements would arrived one month later. A substitute was elected (should I mention him? Alejandro Jimenez) but he was very unhappy. Oh well, actually he didn't manage to get as much publicity as we wanted. As a result we had to sacrifice lots of people to the dinner as we had to accomodate the reporters. We chose those who would be unlikely to be invited to Los Pinos some other time. The new Board was quite well integrated, too well I'd say. From all places of Mexico, we did meet several times, spending the good money that thanks to the courtesy meals was left over our expected expenditures. Unfortunately I was unable to avoid being called a fraud; I guess that's common. The future would be treasurer got hold of the statements and insisted that there was morem oney in the account than I reported. The poor guy couldn't understand the difference between income (what we got from selling the tickets, if selling is the right word), from accountant entries (the money that actually entered the account, including that funest devolution). Most of the meetings, the National Assembly and the regional congresses we attended to soend the money so that Jimenez wouldn't get hold of it (how petty he looked...), Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 11:09 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 11:09:25 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 11:09 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse were spent discussing the matter of the monies. Disgusting and revolting. I was almost lynched! At one moment in Puebla (remembered as the Puebla Battle), I was audited. And to my bad fortune one of the guys from UNAM couldn't handle the hotel bills and instead of adding up the TOTAL, he added up the SUBTOTAL. Tremendous. And of course the error was found after I was rebuked, insulted, humilliated, etc. in a beautiful blue saloon in the University of Puebla. Anyway, after the Congress and that episode ended during a meeting (emergency? I don't remember) in Aguascalientes, I was invited to act as coordinator of something in the magazine Idea Economica of the Economic and Administrative Sciences of the UIA. In plain words, get articles from people and write something yourself. And sell adds. That magazine was distributed free of charge to 2000 industry captains and politicians in Mexico and abroad. My main contribution was an analysis of the mexican economy 1991, where I wasn't (and I regret it now) bold enough to propose the monetary reform, though it was kind of a thought that would linger in your mind after you read the article. Unfortunately I never got feedback of it. Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 11:25 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 11:25:04 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 11:25 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse It was a nice period. Belinda switched college to be with me and was helping in the magazine. I was later named Chief Editor. We were the whole day in the department and took advantage of the few books and computer that was available there. The organizer was one profesor Cano who was in charge of the whole affair. But he started paying more attention to social matters, some articles didn't make it to the magazine infuriating people, there were frictions with the counselors, figures at the end didn't match the budget, the magazine was being charged more expensively than needed, etc. As normal. So we finally left the magazine and soon was writing articles for Escala and in talks to be editor of the Entrepreneur magazine. I wasn't accepted, but the next year I was invited to take charge of the Bussines guides of same magazine, beginning two years of hard work and *some* money. Won't go into it, but lets say that management wanted miracles almost for free, equipment was not really adequate, deadlines were crazy and, of course, budget not enough for all the research needed. I was paying Luis Bistrain to get information, Belinda sort of helped me to review but needed more people, etc. In all, 24 market reseraches in two years. Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 11:34 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 11:34:40 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 11:34 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse And among all this happiness... the cursed homework. It was Monetary Theory I. After the congress. The teacher was one Carlos Sanchez Ceron from Oaxaca (or was it Puebla?) with a masters from the US. He was not really comfortable in the UIA, though he studied in the ITAM (the best in economics in Mexico, assumedly). As always I tried to be friedly to the teacher as a way to get soecial knowledge and around that time I learned that there was something called spectral analysis that could be applied to economics. I asked him. Maybe it was not a good idea. Then one day he asked me a phone number and maybe I give him the wrong number, from memory (I am bad for phone numbers). I guess he didn't like me. Or maybe it was that he was having trouble with the whole group for boasting his enormous level of mathematics, giving us a course more for master than undergraduates with little didactic, or maybe it was the book that was impossible to buy in Mexico and more for post PhD than undergraduates. Maybe it was that the problem was repeated the next 4 or five courses... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 17, 11:43 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 17 Oct 2004 11:43:38 -0700 Local: Sun, Oct 17 2004 11:43 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse The fact is that he left the middle course exam as a homework, and that day I didn't pick it up. After all, I had a very diffivult schedule, for I would finish classes at 10 o'clock in the night, had to arrive at 7 o'clock in the morning (wake up at 5 o'clock) and then had the whole day to waste till 4 oclock' (or 6 o'clock), so it was a simple matter of asking somebody the questions and I could save two hours or a day's rest. Actually there is nothing that can make you waste more time than College. I promptly asked for the questions the next day, 4 questions, but was warned that because I didn't go to pick it up I would not be allowed to present that exam. !?! Anyway I did solve it and gave two of the questions to the rest of the groups, don't remember them well, but one had to do with liquidity in the presence of robbery. Next Thursday I arrived, presented the paper and wasn't accepted. Reason? It was unfair because I could choose that or a final exam and now I could choose the easier one and... you know, an excuse (maybe something to do with the fact that I didn't invite Reyes-Heroles, his boss and our coordinator to the Los Pinos dinner? After all he was a regular so...). Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 18, 8:42 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 18 Oct 2004 08:42:57 -0700 Local: Mon, Oct 18 2004 8:42 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - The fact is that he left the middle course exam as a homework, and that day I didn't pick it up. After all, I had a very diffivult schedule, for I would finish classes at 10 o'clock in the night, had to arrive at 7 o'clock in the morning (wake up at 5 o'clock) and then had the whole day to waste till 4 oclock' (or 6 o'clock), so it was a simple matter of asking somebody the questions and I could save two hours or a day's rest. Actually there is nothing that can make you waste more time than College. I promptly asked for the questions the next day, 4 questions, but was warned that because I didn't go to pick it up I would not be allowed to present that exam. !?! Anyway I did solve it and gave two of the questions to the rest of the groups, don't remember them well, but one had to do with liquidity in the presence of robbery. Next Thursday I arrived, presented the paper and wasn't accepted. Reason? It was unfair because I could choose that or a final exam and now I could choose the easier one and... you know, an excuse (maybe something to do with the fact that I didn't invite Reyes-Heroles, his boss and our coordinator to the Los Pinos dinner? After all he was a regular so ...). Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 18, 8:48 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 18 Oct 2004 08:48:27 -0700 Local: Mon, Oct 18 2004 8:48 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse And that was it... I still had the option of the final exam and said nothing. The course ended in disarray; he wasn't a teacher after all, but not even meeting with carreer director solved the problem. There were too many frictions. And it was agreed that those who answered the exam would get that score as the final score. The rest would go through the exam. No option. But the day of the exam... The class after Monetary Theory was Macro III. Nice class. BUT, we were forced to enter a writing contest about the new NAFTA. What can you say when your idea is "it is natural"? Needed 10 pages or the course was flunked... something like that. And the day of the Monetary Theory exam I arrived 3 hours late, under a heavy, heavy storm, no car, in the middle of the road walking with my paper, awful, I didn't have a computer then... And I needed good notes because I was on a sholarship and since flunking was averaged as a two... lets go next semester to an extraordinary to recover. Course flunked. Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 6:19 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 06:19:28 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 6:19 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse And went to the extraordinary and was flunked. I did prepare, mid it, bought the book, made exercises, etc. But when I spent 45 minutes solving the algebra of one exercise and there were 20 questions, I knew the extraordinary was not a good idea. And he gave me 90 minutes. I got 0.5. And flunked same course twice, so I had to make time one semester. And I was the magazine editor! I was invited to become president of the students sorority and technical commitee! THat semester I spent in the department's cublicle reading by myself and working with the computer... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 6:26 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 06:26:04 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 6:26 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse But it was not the same. I wasn't worried for Belinda was in the same College and I had to wait for her to finish her career so I didn't mind becoming a dinosaur. I was quite happy and since learning was my interest it was OK. And then I got that job after the magazine was found to be on fault financially and things looked promising. The same teacher though was in the same course and despite the new groups had trouble with him too he reamined there. In the end I signed for that course five times, waited two semesters, and even then my average was good enough for the scholarship and the quality average, and I was even able to get a maximum of 9.3, enought to go honorific, but then... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 6:35 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 06:35:36 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 6:35 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse It was 1994 and Colosio had been assassinated. Zedillo was next president. I was finally just about to get a decent budget, 2000 dollars a month, beginning that december. One day the sister to the best friend of my high school love appeared and invited me to pay a visit some day to Los Pinos to see Zedillo. And of course I didn't go. I was born American! I could not get involved! It meant problem for me and for them; I do have moral scruples. ANd that idea of going to skulk to Los Pinos because a crazy girl told me she was in the relajo... Well, you get the idea, particularly without a car. There were already tensions with my girlfriend and others. I was accused of being codo (avarice), though I wanted to save money, not spend it all. It was when the Devaluation occurred... Two weeks later I was out of a job and out of an scholarship, the one granted to me by presidency; oh, and out of a relationship too, almost; and Luis dissapeared almost as soon as there was no more money. I tried to go on debt, but was not accepted,. That semester there was new monetary theory teacher. I spent the last money in the bank paying for college but was not enough. My grandmother woulnd't help me and later she would lose her money in a banking fraud. AND IT WAS A DEEP DEPRESSION. No way to get a job... Goodbye economics, it was very dissapointing. Bright future and model and then suddenly in the bottom... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 6:44 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 06:44:16 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 6:44 am Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse But I had my computer! And a pro compiler. In order to expedite the editing of the business guides I developed a hybrid system in 93-94 using the Ami Pro and C++ to take the translations, chop them in pieces, translate them to a format I could read in my program, compare them, change what was different, leave what was the same along several guides, retranslate them a format Ami Pro could read and form the final document, ready to pour in the figures from the market research. It helped andleft me with some code. Incidentally, by first program in C++ was a cellular automata simulation with which you could draw figures and simulate basic circuits. MY first word, before I understood the differences between C and C++, Windows and DOS, was *class*. Object Oriented Programming. I started programming when I was in primary school, then in high scool I went deep into Apple, but never got one; gotan Intellivision. Going back to computers was like a glass of cool water. I started developing templates and in that December of 1994 I programmed the GOArray and the LinkedNode hierarchies. I was on my way... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 3:12 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 15:12:28 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 3:12 pm Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Those years from 1995 til November 1998 were genial. My life was my computer, programming, and Belinda. And when I bought the first sound card (not yet included as a bundle), and got my Sessioin sequencer, I finally was ablet owrite music. SO those years while I waited for Belinda to finish her career I also honed my musical skills. PPL.mid is from that epoch. Also the OLS library, the tseries library (for time series), genetic programming libraries, fuzzy ligc systems, neural networks fro trading FOREX, etc. Pity my uncle infected my computer with NATAS and I had to revert to what I had printed... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 3:20 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 15:20:47 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 3:20 pm Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Bad affair that of NATAS. The agony lasted for a year. The computer needed to have a disquette all time to work (badly installed hard drive) and there was no mass storage facilities. Finally it exploded when I was going to have an appointment with a Canadian company to sell my programming... I *knew* what it meant to be crazy. Suddenly all the contents of your mind refer to a reality that no longer exists. Then my aunt understood and gave me an Acer Aspire, one of the first or the first black computer, the best value for its price. I wanted to get out from that country, Mexico, in 1995, but Belinda still didn't have her degree and language was a barrier. I suggested Chile, but she wouldn't like the idea. I knew there was no future in Mexico. In 1997 I wanted to start a business, an ISP. I prepared a business plan, made a plan including the design of a distributed artificial intelligence based on intelligent agents writen in Java and an aggresive price strategy that would attract people and financing quickly. Servip was going to be called. But it didn't attract the interest I was expecting. Couldn't get the capital though I could convince my grandmother to finance it, only to discover that her money was lost in the Lankenau fraud. That year Belinda broke our relationship, before my birthday... and Luis reappeared. Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Oct 19, 3:37 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,tx.general,seattle.general,la.general,dc.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Oct 2004 15:37:28 -0700 Local: Tues, Oct 19 2004 3:37 pm Subject: Re: The (real life) story of the cursed homework Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse We were going to philosophy in the UNAM. I sort of wanted my degree, but the open system was not like in high school, when I managed to compress two years in three months. I don'y know if he was more serious, but I at the moment I was interested in learning if Alive and Human was so different a philosophy as I thought it was. It is. But I didn;t have money to buy books, so didn't attend classes. I expected to be able to complete the career in two years making sic extraordniaries per semester but there were limitations and that was not possible. And when I had money, the UNAM was on strike... One night Luis arrived with the idea of founding an NGO, an AC in mexicanterms, as the cheap alternative to an SA, a commecial venture. That's how GHAMAC was born. I remembered the experience of the Congress and thought right away in a big ecological congress in Acapulco. WOW! It took me some months to get the money to pay the notary public and when the papers were ready we tried to organize a ball to get funds. It was apparently easy, but Luis was "directing" and didn't calculated well times. One month before the event we had no tickets sold out of 200, and he simply left. I tried to sell the tickets without success. So, if I wanted to reemigrate to the US I had to find a job. After looking for three months, even applying to the REader's DIgest as writer, I found what I wanted: a products company, ISOL, where I started working on Nov 1, 1998. It was just a matter of time to go back to the US. Reply
Problems with homosexuals All 9 messages in topic - view as tree Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 18, 9:38 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 18 Nov 2004 09:38:36 -0800 Local: Thurs, Nov 18 2004 9:38 am Subject: Problems with homosexuals Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse By the simple fact that we are rational beings and there is the possibility of homosexuality, it follows that no matter what there will always be homosexuals. Despite the fact that from a biological point of view homosexuality *is* an aberration, for it produces no offspring, it is a human constant, though in a rational sense the problem is that feeling attraction for the same sex creates a decoupling from the rest of the normal population. For heterosexuals homosexuality seems a revolting practice; this is something homosexuals don't understand, that to normal people it is unbearable to see expressions of homosexual love, particularly in men. The homosecxual psyche tends to congreggate people with their same affiliation while the exclusion of normal people is a matter de facto. Imagine the desperation of finding "possible" couples that under no circumstances would become a real couple! This introduces a constant rage in non adapted homosexuals that can lead them to exclude and martirize heterosexual people whenever they have the power to. A real problem is to be confused by an homosexual: once their mistake is noticed, they may engage in the most vicious revenges for the lost hopes, while the normal individual is oblivious. This is more a problem when the homosexuality is hidden and not accepted, for I can be friend of an homosexual without knowing that man is homosexual and yet suffer from all the conflicts of a failed relationship until the secret comes to the fore. Homosexuality indeed introduces relations of exclusion and even hatred in human relationships. By their own need to be accepted and to find suitable companions, they form a separate lot which will only help other homosexuals while exclusing heterosexuals. This is more noticeable among men than among women, as a non homosexual man is absolutely impossible to convince to engage in homosexual love, while, at least from the point of view of a man, women are more easily convinced to establish body relationships with other women. Many conflicts can be traced to this decoupling between heterosexual and homosexual men, and at the same time brutalizing of women is more likely due to hidden homosexuality than to other conflicts with the opposite sex. B**O**N 88S*I*G88 c88 o o 88d 88 ! 88 8 _ 8 > w < N O R=E D=A=N=I=L=O Reply Gregory Gadow Nov 18, 12:15 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general From: Gregory Gadow - Find messages by this author Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:15:42 -0800 Local: Thurs, Nov 18 2004 12:15 pm Subject: Re: Problems with homosexuals Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" wrote: > Despite the fact that from a biological > point of view homosexuality *is* an aberration, for it produces no > offspring, it is a human constant Not just human. Homosexuality has been clearly documented as naturally occuring in more than 300 mammal and avian species, from dolphins to chimpanzees to horses to geese. I refer you to "Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" by Bruce Bagemihl. -- Gregory Gadow "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." - James Madison, _The Federalist_, #47 Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 18, 7:14 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 18 Nov 2004 19:14:39 -0800 Local: Thurs, Nov 18 2004 7:14 pm Subject: Re: Problems with homosexuals Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Maybe the idea is clearer this way: sexually speaking homosexuality creates a closed circle, women are excluded as rivals, heterosexual men are excluded for the rejection, suitable couples are included in the circle. Depending on the personality this closure may be defended more or less violently. The condition introduces a lot of repression and aggressiveness that expresses itself as resentment and fits. Heterosexual are used to handle rejections as virtually women are possible sexual partners and a rejection means simply a mistake covered up by the next approach. For homosexuals finding suitable partners is in itself a problem, so two tendencies occur: mistakes are doubly costly (rejection and embarassment) and any suitable couple must be taken given the relative scarcity, even if it is not what its wanted. This explains the promiscuity which is characteristic in this population as they cannot reject any sexual partner as easily, as they are harder to find. These facts create personalities with very particular characteristics, with whom the author usually has problems for being confused with this orientation when in fact is totally heterosexual. I am not gay. The important fact is that gay people have to understand that heterosexuals cannot help but finding it revolting, so respect must come from both sides. This post is motivated by my experience with gay people excluding me from their circle and the vicious revenge of a man I didn`t recognize as gay until it was too late. - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - B**O**N 88S*I*G88 c88 o o 88d 88 ! 88 8 _ 8 > w < N O R=E D=A=N=I=L=O Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 19, 5:05 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general,utexas.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Nov 2004 05:05:32 -0800 Local: Fri, Nov 19 2004 5:05 am Subject: He took away my freedom and liberty Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse That is what you don`t understand, he made me lost my freedom. I a prisoner in the street. Is this democracy? Why so afraid? - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - > B**O**N > 88S*I*G88 > c88 o o 88d > 88 ! 88 > 8 _ 8 > > w < > N > O > R=E > D=A=N=I=L=O Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 19, 12:11 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 19 Nov 2004 12:11:39 -0800 Local: Fri, Nov 19 2004 12:11 pm Subject: Re: Problems with homosexuals Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Gregory Gadow wrote in message ... - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - > "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" wrote: > > Despite the fact that from a biological > > point of view homosexuality *is* an aberration, for it produces no > > offspring, it is a human constant > Not just human. Homosexuality has been clearly documented as naturally > occuring in more than 300 mammal and avian species, from dolphins to > chimpanzees to horses to geese. I refer you to "Biological Exuberance: > Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" by Bruce Bagemihl. > -- > Gregory Gadow > > > "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in > the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, > self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition > of tyranny." - James Madison, _The Federalist_, #47 My cat Novo is gay, to the bad luck of poor Luca. And Novo is a clown and very aggresive with strange cats, while Luca is a coward bully but very tender. Reply Cable Speed Test Nov 24, 7:41 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general From: "Cable Speed Test" - Find messages by this author Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 19:41:02 -0800 Local: Wed, Nov 24 2004 7:41 pm Subject: Re: Problems with homosexuals Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse " - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - Gregory Gadow" wrote in message > "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" wrote: > > Despite the fact that from a biological > > point of view homosexuality *is* an aberration, for it produces no > > offspring, it is a human constant > Not just human. Homosexuality has been clearly documented as naturally > occuring in more than 300 mammal and avian species, from dolphins to > chimpanzees to horses to geese. I refer you to "Biological Exuberance: > Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" by Bruce Bagemihl. > -- > Gregory Gadow > > If this is true... and I wouldn't know one way or the other, as I have done no reading along these lines, what would be the evolutionary justification for such practices among fauna? It can't see how it would serve to support species propagation... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 25, 3:19 pm show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 25 Nov 2004 15:19:05 -0800 Local: Thurs, Nov 25 2004 3:19 pm Subject: Re: Problems with homosexuals Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse "Cable Speed Test" wrote in message ... - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - > "Gregory Gadow" wrote in message > > > "Fabrizio J. Bonsignore" wrote: > > > Despite the fact that from a biological > > > point of view homosexuality *is* an aberration, for it produces no > > > offspring, it is a human constant > > Not just human. Homosexuality has been clearly documented as naturally > > occuring in more than 300 mammal and avian species, from dolphins to > > chimpanzees to horses to geese. I refer you to "Biological Exuberance: > > Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" by Bruce Bagemihl. > > -- > > Gregory Gadow > > > > > If this is true... and I wouldn't know one way or the other, as I have done > no reading along these lines, what would be the evolutionary justification > for such practices among fauna? > It can't see how it would serve to support species propagation... That is why it is a biological aberration in the wide sense. But it doesn`t preclude the individual from leaving offspring, not really, so whatever underlying genetic component there is gets propagated. It is normal from the point of view of the diversity of individuals, as it is a possible behavior and bound to be explored by at least a small fraction of the population, particularly if the repertoire of behaviors of the population is complex and varied enough. I have a gay cat, he likes one of the male cats, but the he could he left offspring... Reply Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Dec 4, 4:25 am show options Newsgroups: ny.general,dc.general,seattle.general,la.general,utexas.general From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 4 Dec 2004 04:25:43 -0800 Local: Sat, Dec 4 2004 4:25 am Subject: Prisoner in the street, HELP may day Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse To avoid a fracas I am being sacrificed. No freedom in the street. All my clothes, guitars stolen from shelter. Forced to be in the street from 6 to 11, no news, can`t leave things there, they are stolen. My mails were not answered. My mother is in danger. No money to phone, no coifer, can`t pass from the same blocks. My person searched in the nights. Pickpocketers, the police no help. They are doing this to say they don`t envy me nor my US citizenship, from the NAFTA country. Tried to reach the UN nad nothing. Home for All blames me of Revolutio but they will implement it Thiefs. My classical music uheard unsold, Too cold. HELP! may day - Hide quoted text - - Show quoted text - > > B**O**N > > 88S*I*G88 > > c88 o o 88d > > 88 ! 88 > > 8 _ 8 > > > w < > > N > > O > > R=E > > D=A=N=I=L=O Reply
Substructural Logics and Microeconomics Only 1 message in topic Fabrizio J. Bonsignore Nov 7, 7:14 pm show options Newsgroups: sci.econ From: (Fabrizio J. Bonsignore) - Find messages by this author Date: 7 Nov 2004 19:14:36 -0800 Local: Sun, Nov 7 2004 7:14 pm Subject: Re: Substructural Logics and Microeconomics Reply | Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Remove | Report Abuse Jeff Rubard wrote in message ... > The field of substructural logic deals with logics that have a > restricted canon of inference, such as relevance logic. It occurred to > me that such logics could be used to model bargaining positions in > microeconomics, as the structure of bargaining positions is > linguistically articulated modulo certain transitions: economic > adversaries having different logics which, however, partially map onto > each other. Could anyone give references for similar work in > "linguistic economics", or offer a concrete microeconomic scenario upon > which to test such a theory? You may try applying Dempsey-Shaffer to consumption under advertisement. It deals with finding the best choice among alternatives given evidence which need not appear in a particular order. [DJB] It can be used as a model [onsignore] of evaluation of opponent`s positions in negotiation. See post in sci.econ.research