Home | Letter | Web Resources | Gradebook | Notes | I-Movie| Powerpoint | Newsletter
By clicking this link, it will take you back to my homepage. My homepage tells a little bit of myself, my teaching philosophy, and a little bit about a technology class I am currently enrolled in.
This is a sample letter that I would send home to parents on the first day of school. I used Microsoft Word and included pictures, borders, and a watermark to complete this letter.
Web Resources
This Word document provides students and parents with a list of resources they can find on the internet to better improve skills in and out of school.
This is a sample of how I will utilize Microsoft Excel to document students' grades and participation. This will help any teacher be better organized and to better inform parents during teacher-parent conferences.
This is a Word document that has information about this technology class I am currently enrolled in.
This is a two minute clip of myself where I share a little bit about myself and my teaching philosophy. This clip also shares my one desire and goal in my classroom, which is to enhance students' growth and desire for learning.
This is an eight slide powerpoint on a sample lesson for a kindergarten class. This can be utilized as a teaching strategy for older students or can be used as a planning method.
This is a newsletter that I would like to send home for parents to see what their child has been learning in class. This will also be used to keep parents posted about upcoming events.