Main page A "short" history of the Italian Line Designing the White Elephants The superliners in service See what it reads there below? Good. Links and Acknowledgements Kalle Id and Mario C.
Picture Gallery Michelangelo's Active Service
Raffaello's active service
    3. 1. 2004 17:20

  We are currently working on rewriting the site and preparing to move to a new host. Mario is doing work on the techinal side, while I'm putting finishing touches to the new extended and improved articles. We hope to present you with the new site by the end of January. The new site will present a lot of new information, more pictures and basically more everything.

  Until then, I hope you can forgive the lack of updates.

16. 5. 2003 10:30

Some of these are actually yesterday's news, I forgot to write a news entry then. It seems that we were wrong about the indentification of Michelangelo and Raffaello, many thanks to Simone Bandini for correcting us. All pictures have been changed to that I hope is the correct name. Also, the Main page has been updated to hopefully it's final form, and pictures have been added to the Gallery.

     13. 5. 2003 10:20

  The italian introduction is up on the
main page, and Design, Picture Gallery, Service: Michelangelo and About Us -sections have all been updated.

     9.5.2003 10:28

  Mario and I have been doing some detective work, and have finally setlled the old problem of how to tell apart  the Michelangelo and the Raffaello. In light of this new information, many of the caprions in picture have been corrected. Also, we have rewritten the the introduction in the main page, in preparation for putting up the introduction in italian. In the long run we plan to make the entire site bilingual.

      8.5.2003 10:22

  Another update! Great many thanks to Mario Cerbini for Claudio Cosulich's and Claudio Suttora's accounts on Michelangelo's 1966 accident. You can read this in the
Service: Michelangelo -section.. I also corrected some errors on the Gallery page 2. Also, please observe that Project Michelangelo's e-mail adress has changed. The new adress is

     6.5.2003 12:12

  Finally, I managed to find the time to do several updates.
Design, Picture Gallery, Service: Michelangelo, Service: Raffaello and Links -sections have been all updated with new information and pictures. Also, as you probably noticed, there have been slight changes to the look of the main page.

      30.1.2003 14:48

  A small update, I've added three pictures to the
Picture Gallery. Many thanks to Peter LeMonde for sending me those. I am also expecting a batch of photoes from Italy, so the next update should not be very far away. It might even come with a new look for the site, though I'm not making any promises.

12.11.2002 11:54

  What, an update? Not only one update, but several! Both
Design and Service-Raffaello sections have been updated with new material, and several new links have been added as well! And should that not be enough, I've also added a new central service page to ease navigation on the site. Celebration!

15. 7. 2002 19:33

  No news is good news, or so it seems. As it happends, I haven't gotten around to that pdate just yet (I really must remember my discettes next week). but this is not a news entry for nothing, as it seems the Italia Line Website has finally gone on-line, and I naturally placed a link there in the links section.

13. 5. 2002 13:46

  I only fixed some writing errors and that sort on the Links and acnowledgements -section, but since I have not updated the site in a long time, I decided to make a news entry. I have some new information to the Service: Michelangelo -section, so it's hopefully going to be updated in the near future.

4.3.2002 15:08

  Added a new link to Cruising the 21st Century to the links section.

27.2.2002 13:38

  This are actually yesterday's news, but I had some trouble with the school Netscape then, so I could not finish all the work or make a news entry. So, the big news is that the new Picture Gallery -section is on-line, containing some of the most beautiful pictures of the bellezze ever taken. There will probably be less updates inb the future for a few motnths, since I have no new information to enter to the site. When I get some more books, more updates will follow.

25.2.2002 15:21

  Fixed the Ocean Liner Resource award pic, and added a visitor counter on the main page. A visitor requested that a Picture Gallery sections should be added to the site. The idea is not bad at all, so a new section will be added as soon as I have some time.

15.2.2002 14:11

  I am extremely pleased (and surprised) to inform that Project Michelangelo has won The Great Ocean Liners' Ocean Liner Resource Award! To tell the truth, when I applied I didn't think I would have much of a chance at it, but I'm glad to be proven wrong. The award has been put up on the main page, and while I was at it I fixed the welcome writing error.

12.2.2002 11:12

  Got some new links into the links section, and modified the main page to have some keywords so that you actually migh
t find this site with a search-program.

     6.2.2002 14:58

  Official opening celebrations!
Service - Michelangelo and Service - Raffaello sections were completed taday, and Links (which is still partially under construction) was bought on-line. Now I'll have to concentrate more on my studies, but new updates will arrive whenever I find new information.

     5.2.2002 18:07

  I seemed to have more time than I thought, so I added some texts to the Service - Michelangelo section

     5.2.2002 17:54

  Updates are proceeding rather slow, since the school Netscape, which I use to create these pages, was down for most of the day. But still, Design section is complete, and Service - Michelangelo is partially there. Main, History, Design, Service - Michelangelo News and About Me sections got the new backround image (like it? The style was copied from
Teenage Wildlife). More updates shall follow tomorrow, be patient.

     4.2.2002 13:34

  I know I promised you fast updates, but this is getting on slower than I expected. I currently engaged in making the school paper. Anyway, Main, History, News and  About Me sections have allready been updated. The rest will come later this week.