
What is Orienteering ?

Orienteering is an outdoor competitive sport, similar to cross country running, but with an emphasis on map reading and direction finding skills. It's a sport which uses an accurate, detailed map and compass to find points in the landscape. A couse links various points in the landscape which the orienteer must navigate between. The aim of Orienteering is to complete the course in the shortest time.


History of Orienteering

Orienteering officially began in Sweden with the first modern orienteering competition in 1918. In 1920, Ernst Killander from Sweden set up the basic principals of orienteering and became " The Father of 'O'".

Orienteering spread int other areas of Scandinavia during the 1920's, and by the 1940's had spread into Europe. By 1960, orienteering was well established in Europe where the first international competition was held - 7 nations competed. Shortly after this the International Orienteering Federation (IOF) was formed in 1961.

The firt regular orienteering events to be held in Australia was in 1969 in Victoria and the Orienteering Federation of Australia (OFA) was formed in 1970. Orienteering spread to Queensland in 1974.

Today, Orienteering has spread to every continent in the world.

Toohey Forest Orienteering Club

This is the orienteering club that I belong to. It covers the southern and eastern suburbs of Brisbane. The club began in the late 1970's and was one of the first orienteering clubs formed in Brisbane
Currently Toohey Forest Orienteering club is one of the most successful clubs in Queensland, and in Australia with very good junior (under 20) participation. We were the only club in Australia which had more than one junior member on the national junior squad in training for the World Junior Championship.

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Links to Orienteering related sites on the Web

International Orienteering Federation
Orienteering Links Page

Australian Orienteering Federation Site
Junior World Orienteering Carnival
World Cup Orienteering
Park World Tour
1998 Australian Championships

© 1998 by Tania Prins. Last updated 5 June 1998

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