audio visual combo pack
Factory Baked goodness in every bite!
FTJ's sound work is made possible in part by a limited grant from the Factory Baked Cookie Corporation

Factory Baked goodness in every single bite!
Factory Baked goodness in every single bite!
a finely-tailored jitbag
(featuring the civilizations on your skin)

Tune that name
(Barack Obama, Bigfoot, and twelve other celebs who wouldn't play with you when you were a kid)

invasive neurons

Yeshua Hamashia
and the bacon twist

Visited this site based on old info? The Google spider misled you?
EMAIL the FTJ and get the file you were wanting... or skip it and watch TV -- either way, Ronald Reagan had cooties. And they killed him.
Updated 12/08/08:  Just in time for the End Times mix CD you've been putting together to leave on Brian Gysin's dresser (or his grave, depending upon whether or not he's still alive), it's some new sound collages from the type of jitbag that makes you wonder why your parents even bothered.
This week's special:
Your new greeting!

The answering machine / voicemail
message you always wanted to make...

not funny
(uploaded 12/08/08)
Your keyword search for "eggplant washing techniques"
has brought you to:
With our new melamine-free guarantee!*
*Melamine included at no extra charge. Applicable state laws adhered to (CA, DE, NV, WI).
FTJ sound collage
on Myspace