Dear Buddies:

Well, I'm back in LA, and that's okay.  Work is the same old same old, but at least I can walk freely again and not feel like the crippled gimp employee.

I confessed to my best guy friend yesterday that I liked him, how bout them apples?  I am anxiously awaiting his reply, being the insecure person that I am.

As for life, it is much the same, although my quest for weight loss has reduced me to running at 7am, avoiding the fast food that calls to me in the night, and actually trying to eat veggies.  Shudder.

More on Thursday when Kel's hot brother comes to town--


Mood of the day (peaceful)

Weather in L.A. out my office window

July 16, 2001
Don't cry! Dry your eye.
Damn evil cloud.
The Future
C'mon get happy.
Mmm..peanut butter fresh.
I've fallen and I can't get up...
Back to reality...oh wait, no...
Dear Buddies:

FINALLY I have something cool to write.  Last night, thanks to my CHARMING job at MTV, I got to go to the Los Angeles premiere of "America's Sweethearts."  Who did I get to see up close and personal?  WELL...Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Adam Sandler, J-Lo, John Cusack, and Seth Green, for starters.

I would go on but then I'd sound TOO COOL.  Man it was great though.  Paying for it today since I didn't get home from work until 12:30, but a wonderful time nonetheless.

Tonight I have free tickets to a Deftones/Godsmack show, any takers?  I may have to scalp them for booze money, we'll see how it goes.

One quick shout-out to my roommate, who is going through some hard times.  The love is there, Kel!  Don't worry!


Mood of the day (excited and hopeful)

Weather in Santa Monica out my office window
Actually, I hate her.
July 17, 2001