Dear Buddies:

Back at work, back on the site.  I aplogize for the lack in updates, but I've actually had WORK TO DO!  Bastards!  Imagine that.

First of all, I have to give a shout out to for selling me a used copy of Irwin Shaw's
Beggerman, Thief for only 75 cents!  Cents, I tell you!  Amazing.

Secondly, Lisamann's party on Saturday was phat times, everyone drank and swam and ate potato salad.  Wonderful, although I think I may be back liking Dustin again...funny how a weekend of being cuddled works wonders.

Keep checking back on my homepage for some interesting additions...


Mood of the day (peaceful)

Weather in L.A. out my office window

July 30, 2001
The Future
Don't playa hate, playa participate...
Boys are insane.
August 3, 2001
Dear Buddies:

Oh wow, am I ever cool.  I have finally dedicated a page to my main vice, the sauce.  Go check it out.

Otherwise, life is pretty sweet.  Next week is my last week of work and thus a week closer to sorority PreRush and moving back into Alpha Chi.  Sweet, sweet cleanliness.

I think I may miss Dustin, but I also will be glad to be away from his evil influences.  Although he DOES have a car  I shall resist.

On an introspective note, I have to wonder if life will be different if I move back to Chicago after graduation or if I'll actually want to come back?  Lately I've been having this fantasy about living on the lake with SeaDoos...we'll see.


Mood of the day (happy as a clam)

Weather in L.A. out my office window

Lakey McLake.