On Cursed Wings

- By Take Me New


I can feel sweat all over my face. Not just the normal accumulated droplets that so often appear on one’s forehead or brow, but an all out drench that coats the entirety of one’s face. It started simple but then seeped down, and since I am unable to reach my face to wipe it away I am forced to live with it as it runs over my entire contour. My lips can taste only it’s salty tang, and oftentimes the drops fall before my eyes to mar my vision just a little. It’s as if I’m crying sweat. I can feel drops down my cheeks, under the nape of my neck, and dripping steadily from the tip of my nose to the curl of my upper lip. My hair is drenched, its red strands matted and pressed violently into the scalp beneath. I look disgusting, like some filthy vagrant woman that had just been offered to a group of men in return for shelter. My breath is ragged and my sweat is rampant, and I know that my face looks like only a woman’s can when she’s in the deepest throws of demented, perverse ecstasy. I look like a woman who has pressed past that point of insane passion, to where I don’t even care what I look like as my body cries out in typhoons of pleasure and lust.

A sour frown crosses my lips, and I think to myself. Kind of ironic that I look like a woman in the throws of passion…when in reality I’m a soul suffering the wrath of a devouring hell.

There is a pain, festering deep inside of my stomach. It’s piercing and consuming, and with every passing second I can feel a little bit more of my body be devoured by it’s parasitic touch. It’s eating away at my insides, killing me off from my interior and tormenting my body without the favor of doing it outwardly. Another second passes, and I know by the vile taste in my mouth that a little bit more of me has just died. It’s as if the parasite inside of me is eating me away, and then releasing it’s waste up my throat and into my mouth, filling it with a pious liquid not fit for the demons of hell. I spit. My sweaty lips purse and I fling forward what I pray will be saliva, but instead tauntingly shows itself to be a crude mixture of blood and tiny, minute pieces of flesh. I glare down at the pile I have just recently created, and in my mind I swear that I will one day get revenge on the person that did this to me. As the pain spreads from my stomach to my sides and my chest, I vow that this horrific parasite devouring my body will one day suffer a similar fate. I can feel it’s teeth grinding into my lungs, tearing off pieces of flesh in a mess of crimson gore that I thankfully cannot see until I next spit…or vomit, whichever would be first.

Concrete is digging in deep to my knees and palms, as I’ve long since lost the ability to stand on my own will from the pain. If there would be one thing to cherish, it would be the strength and determination to stand while dying. To proudly and defiantly stand on my own two feet, while my life is slowly taken away. Alas, I’m not a strong enough woman. There is no reprieve for the wounded…and no remorse for the regretful. The concrete itself is hard and unwavering, and even in it’s own way it’s eating away at the flesh of my palms. I can feel tiny pebbles lodged deep in my skin, the kind of minor injury that; three months ago, I wouldn’t even have considered painful, but as I knelt with my insides eaten I could think of no greater way to increase the pain. I think about the skin cells that the concrete is killing, and the idea of dead flesh on my body only makes me think more. As the body dies the mind grows stronger, and more resilient to the outward suffering. I can feel the death upon my palms, the touch of dead skin as it’s mauled and molested by the unliving stone. I’m slowly turning into a corpse, tiny death by tiny death. My mind muses.

“A tiny death is still a death, Millenia…”

My lips, which are now stained with the kiss of my own sanguine gore, part in a wide, insidious smile. Though my half-devoured lungs gasp for even the slightest hint of air’s gentle caress, they somehow find the strength to let me laugh. My voice echoes through the solitary room I kneel in, dying. My laughter bounces off the walls and morbidly hangs in the air, as if it just turned around to taunt me after I used some of my last breath to release it. I adjust my knees a little as I crawl about the ground, as my left knee was placed upon a rather large and uncomfortable pebble. I was dying…there was no need to be uncomfortable, as well. My mind muses once more, taunting me still.

“Wings...wings...fly away! Use your wings to fly away, use the wings of Valmar!”

I’d laugh, but I know that the breath used would only kill me faster, and I still had much more to do. I still had thoughts to be had, I still had blood to be tasted. I would not die until I was outright killed, too stubborn or stupid or both to be willing to give into the temptation of suicide’s kiss. To talk or laugh at this point would be seppuku, like wasting your last good breath on something trivial and non-essential. I’m not a wasteful person, the fact that I wasted my life is merely a coincidence.

I can feel a symbiotic force nibbling at my right lung now, and I’m forced to wonder how long it will be until it eats through enough of my lung to reach my heart. That would be the breaking point. Once it got to my heart it would be all over, and I could die without feeling I let myself go. My mind muses to me yet again, as my currently-safe heart ponders the difference between suicide and murder.

“It’s appropriate, Millenia. Eaten, eaten, eaten! Devoured by the sin of Valmar, eaten by the one you have forsaken! Eat, eat, eat!”

The bloody lips adorning my pale white features frown, and my eyebrows turn to a furious glint of anger and frustration. I curse inwardly at my mind, and wonder how I could be so cruel to myself. That was a dirty pull.

My anger at my mind is forgotten as a torrent of pain rips through me; or, more accurately, pincers rip lung tissue from it’s appropriate place. It’s a pain I’ve never felt before, a hurtful existence that seems to speak. The voice of my mind is replaced by the voice of my pain, which screams at me in an angry rage.

“Don’t ignore me, you whore!” The words are accented by the tremendously loud snap of a rib, being cracked in two with a powerful bite. Shards tear through my flesh, but with nowhere near the precision or pain as the teeth that devour me.

My pain knows I’ve been ignoring it. It knows that I’ve been shrugging it off, refusing to give it the attention it so aptly deserved. I wonder to myself for just a brief moment, maybe if I had paid it more attention I wouldn’t be dying right now. Though the pain thrashes about my body and wreaks havoc on my heart, I am still glad to hear it’s voice as opposed to that of my mind. My physical pain didn’t know what really hurt. The worst it could do is tear off bits of flesh, where my mind could instead tear off bits of soul. Both of them could tear apart the heart, but the difference between the mental and the physical is the difference between shooting an arrow and throwing it. The physical would dismantle my heart, ripping the chambers apart and then mashing them back together, so that the end result was a garbled mesh of organ gore. The mental; on the other hand, was even more cruel. It would dismember and mutilate, it would maul and molest, but with words instead of actions. It would bombard me with words and memories and feelings, firing them at my heart with as much intensity as a strike of lightning. My lips turn from a pained gasp to a morose grin, as the thought of lightning enters my mind. I quickly wave off the thought, and for the first time I realize that my mind is starting to go, which is what happens when one’s about to die. Instantaneous insanity is beginning to take place, and my mind will soon be in no shape to ever hurt me again. Thoughts are fluttering about my mind in a torrent of confusion and anarchy, bouncing off my mental walls and making me think things of complete and total gibberish. Thoughts are raffled through my brain, with all the composure and organization of a tornado.


“…You’re dead, Valmar!”

“Elena, I…”



“I’ll be...the...strongest...…”

With an intense force I throw my head back, and my lungs release their final breath, concentrated into a powerful laugh. My dying voice echoes about the room, and the voice of Millenia, the wings of Valmar, is all that fills it’s walls for a solid six seconds. A laugh of victory, a laugh of triumph. The laugh of a desperate woman, who hasn’t given up on life but it still quite ready to die. A woman that is hopeful of the afterlife. A woman who’s heart is nearly engorged. I throw my head back to laugh, for many, many reasons.

I laugh because my mind has gone, and it no longer has the composure to dwell on my deepest memories. It can no longer call me a whore, it can no longer taunt me with deeds done long ago. It was jumping from subject to subject, without any real purpose. It couldn’t hurt me any more. Long gone were the days it could torment me by forcing me to remember, and in the confusion I told a silent prayer to both my soul and to my God.

“Please Lord…don’t let me take my mind to hell…”

I laugh because I ignored the pain. The pain ripped through my body for what had to be at least fifteen minutes, and of that time I could say that I only felt about two minutes worth of torment. They were the worst minutes, granted, but the fact remains I still ignored thirteen. I laugh because thirteen is my lucky number.

I laugh because I always knew I’d die by some revenge for betraying Valmar. My stokings are stained with blood from within, and I laugh because it’s disgusting and vile. It’s horrific that my body was eaten away, from the inside out. It’s even more so when one considers where the buffet started. I laugh, because buffet has a silent T. My mind is going.

I laugh because Roan and Elena are safe, and that I know deep down they will not forget me. I laugh because I’ve forgotten what I’ve done to them, and my mind only remembers the good things we’ve gone through. It remembers the kiss of Elena, and the forceful wrestling with Roan. It remembers scolding Ryudo for occasionally being too self-absorbed, and it remembers waking up at night and staring at a golden maned goddess. I laugh, because I know they won’t forget me. I laugh, because I don’t know they need to forgive me.

“Millenia loves you…”

I laugh because living comes with alignment, and death comes with defying. I laugh because I have been one of the proud few to defy, and I laugh because I am one of the even prouder to die for defying. I laugh because I stood up against them, and I joyously belt out my voice because my body isn’t offered in vain. I laugh…because I’m proud to die like this.

“I’m a martyr…” With my final surge of strength and stand to my knees, and raise my fist as high as it could go. With a rippling pain my wings shoot from my back, and stretch out into the vacany of the dank, dark room. My voice cries high and loud, and as blood drips from my form my words are carried onto the stale air.

“I am the wings of Valmar!” My voice is hard and high, and my wings shake with the fury. “Fear me! Worship me! For on my wings I carry the promise of death! Death to the unworthy, death to the sinful! I possess the black wings of justi-”

My voice stops, and with an inelegant fall my body crashes hard upon the cold concrete ground. I fall from my knees onto the stones below, and the few senses I have left can recognize the feel of granite being ground into my face. They can recognize stones flying into my dry eyes, and they can recognize rock bursting open my lower, bloody lip. I lay dormant and motionless, sentinel and voiceless. I can think-just barely. I can feel my mind dyi-no. I can feel my mind…being devoured. Bites were taken from my cerebrum, but somehow I was still alive to feel it. My heart was gone, I could tell by the cold empty void that was laying deep within me. I could not cry…but my soul began to weep as it realized I would die without a heart. I would die without a heart…and I would die of many things. My wings fall back and lay across my bloodied form...and I realize I would die because of them. Because of who I am...and because of what I have done. I would die because I am the wings...and the wings are me.

I would die because I had inhaled a breath, and now I possessed no lungs to exhale it. I would drown in air.

I would die because blood had filled my mouth, laced with thick chunks of my own internal organs. I would choke on my own throat.

I would die because my body was now riddled with disease, the likes of which had never been seen. Even as I laid dying I could feel the skin and tendon behind my right knee begin to dissolve, the effect of a noxious flesh eating virus. I could feel cancer deep within my body, along with polio, malaria, smallpox, and maybe even the plague. I would die because my body was consuming itself, and I would die because I became nothing more than a disease.

I would die because of Valmar’s revenge.

The…thing that was devouring me, it’s blood-stained mouth was near a central point in my brain. I could sense it. I would die because of this creature, this creature of my own creation. Valmar would be the end of me, a figure I once looked at as a father, a soul mate, and a reason for living. It would kill me…it would destroy its wings, for no other reason than the sheer lust for death and the primal desire of suffering. Valmar...hated me, for turning to love. I feel pride at my accomplishment. Then, I felt a slight pinch, and…

Damn you, Valmar…


“W-What happened?” Elena was reacting to the scream she had been woken up by, her body forgoing the usual wakening routines to focus on the pressing matter at hand. There was no sleepy yawn as she arose from a peaceful slumber, and there were no rubbing of misty eyes as the morning sun pierced a thin curtain; strategically teasing the strands of her eyelashes. There were no frivolities or novelties as Elena awoke; only the instinctive reaction of waking up to her lover’s cry.

She leaped up from her laying position to a stance of more useful posture, with her back firmly placed against the wall in the absence of a headboard to the twin sized bed. Her eyes strained to see in the darkness, but her arms nonetheless reached bravely out towards the terrified shriek she had heard. She sighed, gently, as her palms rested upon a quivering mass that shivered gently under her touch.

“Shh…it’s okay.” Elena’s voice was soothing and sweet, the voice of a comforting soul demolishing the hate of the darkness all around. “Let me get the light.” With a soft motion Elena’s hand reached out to her right, and she stumbled in the darkness to find the whick of the nearby candle. After she found it she turned her head away from it, and gently set forth a tiny flame from her finger to ignite it. Despite her efforts the faint light still blinded her a bit, and it was a solid five seconds before she could focus once more on the form of her frightened lover. She looked down, and gave a gentle sigh.

Millenia was curled into Elena, her back turned to the rest of the world as she faced the smaller girl with all the strength of a timid farm mouse. Her long legs were curled up to a fetal position, and her powerful arms were uncharacteristically tucked to her chest. She was frightened and shivering, her body giving only the slightest hints of movement under the thin cotton blanket that covered them both. Long red hair covered a mass at the top of the bed, protecting Millenia’s features from being seen by anyone she didn’t wish to see them. At that point in time, the category seemed to be inclusive of everyone. Elena gave a gentle sigh, and regarded Millenia’s trembling body with a tender touch to her left shoulder, which was facing out towards the ceiling. Elena’s palm gently cradled the ball of Millenia’s shoulder while her fingers tenderly tapped along the back, giving the larger girl a sensitive, comforting touch. She let her hand rest there as Millenia shivered for a little under a minute, only speaking when she sensed that Millenia’s initial fear had subsided. She knew how to handle the situation, and with a sigh she thought about how she unfortunately had practice with it’s events. When she did talk it was a gentle, whispered tone that took no aggressiveness and acted only to comfort and soothe. She spoke tender words to her frightened lover, a bit scared herself at whatever could of terrified the mighty warrioress so much.

“Millenia…” Elena’s voice could have been drowned out by the sound of a pin dropping to a pillow, but despite it’s softness it was heard by Millenia’s ears. “Are you okay…?” Millenia brutally pushed her face down to the bed below, trying to mask the upset look that adorned her face and the tears that accessorized it. She made every attempt to hide her crying face from Elena, but was very careful as to not slip her bare shoulder from under the grasp of her love’s fingertips. A muffled noise came from below, the voice of Millenia as she spoke into the pillow which cradled her upset face.

“I had that dream again.” Her voice was rough and a bit unfriendly. Elena only smiled, knowing that the tone was one of Millenia’s defensive weapons, as opposed to an offensive one. The blonde girl let her hand slip from Millenia’s naked shoulder, and in a brief flash suddenly realized the chill her own bare skin currently felt. It was not uncommon for the two to fall asleep bare, a romantic gesture that unfortunately led to it’s share of chills, cold nights, and the occasional viral infection. It was a perfect example of love overcoming common sense, but tonight Elena didn’t really feel like letting her intelligence totally slip away in the face of compassion. She reacted to the cold by slipping silently out of bed and traipsing bare to the window, which slid down with ease at her gentle pushing upon it’s mantle. She returned to the bed where Millenia still laid in her fetal, frightened position, wishing she knew what to say. There was nothing to say that hadn’t already been said, for this was the fifth time in the past month Millenia had the dream that caused her to wake up screaming. She refused to tell Elena about the dream and denied the fact that it troubled her, but Elena could always tell by the tear stains on their bed that it must have been a harsh one. Elena sighed, and decided to talk despite the fear of sounding repetitive.

“You should tell me about it, Millenia.” Elena was still standing at the side of the bed, and as she stood she tried to speed her warming process up by folding her arms across her chest and gently rubbing them up and down. “This isn’t healthy for you. You have these dreams where you wake up screaming and crying, and then for the rest of the day you can’t concentrate and can’t get a decent night’s sleep for days afterwards. I’m afraid there’s something terribly wrong.” The defiant reply came almost immediately.

“Nothing wrong.” Millenia’s voice was still being muffled by the pillow and her own choked tears, but the slightly more audible edge told Elena that things had gotten a little bit more under control. “Just been working too hard is all. Those damn kids are going to give me a a heart attack Come back to bed.” The slight command was emphasized with Millenia’s left hand trailing out, and gently patting the space on the bed beside of her. She still kept her face hidden, but revealed a little bit of her body as she leaned up to invite Elena back. Her body was bare beneath the thin cotton covers, and if Elena could closer inspect her lover’s form she would notice an abundance of goose bumps from a mixture of the cold and the nightmare she had just endured. Elena tilted her head, her disheveled blonde hair bouncing slightly from the action.

“Not until you tell me about the dream.” Her voice was firm, a bit more sentinel than it normally ever would be.

“I can’t remember.”

“That’s a lie!” Elena took a hard step forward with her right foot, and the soft sound of her bare foot stomping down on the carpeting could be faintly heard. “Millenia, I’m worried about you. Please tell me about it.” At this point it had become obvious to both parties that Millenia was not in a winning position, and that the best the stronger woman could ever hope for would be a reprieve of the command until a later time. She leaped at the opportunity, insignificant as it may of been.

“Too damn tired.” A mumbled voice came from the pillow. “Tell ya tomorrow.” Elena sighed, and just as Millenia acknowledged she lost the war Elena knew that she should at least give her lover a small victory in that. She simply nodded without a word, and then slinked silently back into the warm embrace of their bed after shutting off the light. After she did so she immediately turned to her side with her back facing Millenia, and pulled the covers only to her waist, letting her body be uncovered from that point up. She pulled up her knees and tucked one hand under her head, awaiting the action that she knew would inevitably come next.

One strong arm tucked firmly around her naked waist, and at the same time a leg slipped over hers, draping over her form beneath the thin embrace of the white cotton blanket. Another hand appeared on the blade of her right shoulder, and tender fingers massaged and gripped at the soft flesh underneath. The touch of lips could be felt on her left cheek, which faced out to the ceiling in her current position. The kiss then landed at the nape of her neck, and then traveled up to reach a final destination at the very bottom of her earlobe. There the lips lingered, and graced Elena’s hearing with a gentle whisper of tenderness and affection.

“I love you.”

Elena almost reacted to the words indifferently, frustrated and a bit angry that Millenia had been so evasive regarding her difficult dream. Slightly cruel words were brewing at the tip of her tongue, but just before they were released a wave was sent through the body of the young songstress maiden. She stopped, and thought for a second about her situation. Millenia would tell her tomorrow, and tomorrow was only a few hours away. She had never lied to her before, and there was enough free time tomorrow to dedicate an hour or two to the matter. Elena smiled, and in a flash it was as if she had never been frustrated or angry at all. Her voice cut through the air with a gentle reply, a tender few words that swept through the atmosphere to land on the ears of her lover.

“I love you too, Millenia.” A slight murmur came from Millenia’s direction and the grip on Elena’s waist got tighter. She only smiled, wrapped her arms around the one that was locked about her waist, and closed her eyes to go to sleep.


Elena giggled feverishly as she swatted repeatedly at the blankets below her, her hands flashing out in clumsy, sloppy strikes in order to hit her target. The mass of blanket seemed to rise up and then descend once more, this time occupying a larger percentage of Elena’s body in it’s tormenting shelter. Elena let out another laugh as she pushed at the mass of blanket, and as her cheeks grew flush with a deep red hue, her beautiful voice rang out through the tiny room.

“Stop it, Millenia!” Her voice was playful and very high-pitched, the voice of someone trying to restrain their laughter as best as they possibly could. Elena pushed again and again at the moving mass of person beneath the blanket, but as she struggled she realized it was to no avail. The figure continued below her and below the covers, and as Elena felt the furiously-moving hands all over her body she wished more than anything that she could stop from laughing.

Every time her face went straight and her laughing subsided, she felt it in another spot. On the waist. Inside her thigh. Behind her kneecap. Behind her shin. Under her foot. The constant action could go literally in circles again and again in an infinite loop, each time being chased off the first step by Elena’s pushing motions. The path just continued on it’s looped course; however, as there was no strategy Elena could use in order to cut off the route it was determined to stay on. Elena’s breath came out in a strong gasp, and she quickly leaped up on the bed, only to be immediately dragged back down. Her body suddenly tingled with an intense sensation, and as she struggled she could feel a pair of strong hands upon her lower body. There was a tight grip around the area where her ankle met the rest of her leg, and as that grip held her leg in place she could feel fingertips repeatedly brushing back and forth over the area behind her shin. Elena laughed hysterically and yelled again to stop, even going to the extent of kicking around with her other leg. The cause of the motions didn’t seem to care; however, and it kept it’s current position for a solid fifteen seconds before it dropped Elena’s legs and then stretched out once more. The blanket’s lump seemed to thin out, and for a while it looked as if whatever was under the blanket just immediately disappeared. Then, there was near-silence in the room. The only thing tainting the still quiet that filled the walls was the sound of Elena’s slightly ragged breathing, the result of being tickled so fervently for so long. The young girl held her hand delicately to her heaving chest, and swallowed hard as she attempted to catch the breath she had lost so foolhardy. Elena forced a smile to her lips as her lungs gasped for air, and she slowly closed her eyes as she tried to regain her composure. She drew up both of her hands to begin fixing the disarrayed mess that was once her beautiful blonde hair, and as her fingers worked deftly to untangle the mess Millenia had caused she was forced to smile a little wider. She remembered fondly the events of not even ten minutes ago, when she was awakened by the feel of a powerful hand rubbing back and forth over the top of her head, playfully. She remembered how her hair knotted and twirled at the rough action, and even though it was childish and immature it felt somewhat refreshing nonetheless. Elena remembered how after the initial shock of having her hair mussed wore off the tickling began, and in what seemed like a mere matter of seconds ten minutes managed to pass by. Elena’s delicate smile grew as she opened her bright eyes and slowly let her hands trail down. She put her palms atop the gentle mass that was apparent under the blanket, and her palms delicately began to trail over the top of it again and again. Her fingers danced lightly atop the mass that was hidden under the soft cotton blanket, and as she gently toyed with the hidden heap she began to feel warm, and secure inside. Elena was bare underneath the embrace of the blanket, and aside from the slightly ticklish feeling of the cotton she could feel only one other thing.


She could feel a pair of strong hands resting lazily atop her thighs, their fingers spread out on her skin as if they were snakes sunning themselves. Though the touch of Millenia’s hands were quite cold they were getting steadily warmer, the result of being so close to the body heat of Elena underneath the blanket. Elena could feel the attached arms trailing down along her body, the skin of Millenia’s arms matching up perfectly with the contour of Elena’s legs. As the feeling trailed down Elena smiled, and she noticed with a blush that the shin of her right leg was pressed delicately into Millenia’s bosom. It all felt wonderful…it felt warming, and secure. The touch of Millenia’s hands, the feel of her arms, the caress of her breasts…it was all an extraordinary feeling. But for all it was, it was nothing compared to Millenia’s head, resting delicately in Elena’s lap. Right below Elena’s waist she could feel the gentle skin of Millenia’s cheek resting upon her, and accompanying it was the mass of hair that Millenia possessed. Millenia’s long red hair was trailed all over Elena’s sitting form, covering her lower half and tickling it all over with it’s thin, precious strands. Elena could feel Millenia’s head shift slightly as she touched it through the blanket, and the older girl underneath smiled to herself at the loving caress. Millenia gently moved her head up and down, and smiled as she felt the skin of her cheek brush ever so delicately against Elena’s lap. The larger woman was laying on her side, with her long legs tucked up close to her body so they wouldn’t be able to escape the blanket. Her entire upper half was resting upon Elena’s form, and though it was slightly hard to breath from the thickness of the blanket Millenia didn’t really care to much.

“To suffocate in the lap of someone you love…” Millenia’s mind whispered to her, a sensitive tone inside her cranium that teased at her thoughts. “Surely there are worse things.”

Millenia grinned to herself, a sheepish grin that was adorned on either side by the slightest hint of a blush. It was just that kind of thought, a saying one raffle’s off in their mind just to make themselves feel good, but would never say outright because it sounded too corny or silly. Waxing poetically was one of Millenia’s guilty pleasures; something she would never in years admit to but something she often did without being able to stop. Moments like these were the prime cause, and Millenia had philosophized long ago that if she would of written down half the thoughts she had when with Elena she could publish numerous books of poetry, and perhaps an opera or two. It was just that sort of thing, and involuntary reaction to being with someone the heart beats strongly for. Millenia smiled, and she could feel the red on her cheeks get a few shades deeper, glad she was hidden beneath the blanket’s form. She was glad that Elena seemed to know how she felt, saving her the uncomfortable job of having to spout off sayings that had been beaten into the ground by poets and actors alike. She didn’t have to do things like compare Elena to the weather, or swear to her every second of every day that she’d be with her forever. All she had to do was occasionally make a sweet conversation, tickle her at least three times a day (But usually five since she so often deserved it,) and occasionally slur three tender words to her lover.

“I love you.” Millenia’s voice came from below the cotton blanket, and though the reply was nonverbal it was still appreciated nonetheless. What she felt was the soft touch of Elena’s hand, gently trailing down the back of her neck and down to the space on her right shoulder. The touch was through the thin cotton blanket and done totally without the aide of vision or sight, but somehow Elena knew perfectly where Millenia’s shoulder was. Her hand immediately went to the form it had targeted, without missing a beat or touching an unoccupied area by accident. She simply knew her lover that well. Millenia smiled a little broader, and her hold on Elena grew a bit stronger.

It was the most romantic relationship she had ever been in.

Elena felt a gentle tugging from below, the feel of someone’s strong hands tenderly yanking on her waist. It was a soft, sweet command that beckoned her below the embrace of the cotton blanket they shared, and entreated her to join her lover in a place where they could see eye-to-eye. Millenia’s hands were pressed firmly to her waist, and as she was pulling Elena could feel the other girl’s head lift up from her lap. She noticed her body move down on the bed a little, and with a smile she realized Millenia was getting ready for her arrival by making room. She blushed, and poked gently at the mass of human under the blanket with her forefinger.

“What do you want?” She teasingly asked, her voice ringing with playfulness and taunt. “Hmm?”

She wasn’t dignified by a verbal answer, but was instead pulled down with a greater force. The gentle tugging became a firm pull, nowhere near to the extent of injury but easily strong enough to pull Elena’s small form down more on the bed’s length. With a noise of surprise Elena was pulled beneath the covers, and immediately started laughing as she felt her body slide across the bed sheet’s surface. Her bare form slid with ease across it’s contour, and within a span of seconds she was face to face with the lover she woke up with that morning. She smiled. Millenia was leaned directly over her form, and as she adjusted and got used to her surroundings she could feel one of the girl’s powerful legs on either side of her waist, straddling her. Strong arms were pinning her shoulders, and her cheeks were being faintly tickled by the gentle kiss of long strands of red hair.

“Something you need?” Elena asked in the same taunting tone, but with a slightly softer volume than before. She watched Millenia’s face as she spoke, staring into the girl’s dark colored eyes and eyeing up the gentle curve her lips possessed. Though it was dark under the blanket she could make out Millenia’s skin to be just as tenderly-hued as ever, a faint, pale white that dictated some exposure to magical fire, which whitened the skin and accented tones. Not a lot, but just enough to slip in a recessive hue somewhere along the line, only to appear in Millenia’s complexion and make her skin a milky color. Elena looked up into Millenia’s face and as she saw how marvelously the white framed the darkness of her eyes and the red of her hair, she all of a sudden became very thankful for her life. She watched as Millenia’s eyes began to close, and regarded her with a curious look as her lover craned her neck, no doubt working out a few of the kinks that formed whilst in her lap. After her initial preparation Millenia’s lips parted slightly, and through the space of the thin blanket her tender voice could be heard whispering, sweetly.

“I’m sorry about last night.” Millenia’s tone was regretful, and slightly sad. It was a tone not heard too often from the former wings of Valmar, but when it was heard Elena was the only privileged one that it was spoken to. She was the only one Millenia wasn’t too proud to apologize to, that fact in itself being a badge of honor Elena oftentimes flaunted on her chest. She dismissed her thoughts as Millenia spoke again, not wanting to miss any of the apologetic words that only came around on average once every few months.

“I was unfair to you, and rude.” Millenia’s voice continued, becoming the only sound in the space occupied by the blanket. It was just loud enough to drown out the sound of the two girls’ breathing, but soft enough to merely caress the eardrums as opposed to touching them. “You have a right to know about my dream, because it’s disrupting your life, too.”

Elena blushed a little bit, and for a moment tried to raise her right arm up to touch Millenia’s cheek. She blinked and looked down, having forgotten for a moment that the larger woman’s hands were pinning her shoulders. She looked up at Millenia, who simply blinked and lifted up her hand long enough for Elena to move her arm. Millenia’s hand was replaced in the same position, but this time in the strong tension of the bed’s surface. Her voice could be heard in a soft murmur.

“…sorry.” She said gently. Elena smiled. Two apologies in ten minutes. It must have been her birthday. With a faint blush the young woman reached up with her newly-freed hand, her fingertips stretching out to touch the subtle surface of Millenia’s left cheek. She knew just where to touch her, just where to place her fingers to get the best reaction from her long-time lover. She hit the mark directly as always, as Millenia was forced to shiver a bit and turn her head away at Elena’s touch. The young girl simply moved Millenia’s head back into position, knowing it was a reaction of shame and not of defense. Her fingertips gently traced over the contour of Millenia’s left cheek, then traveling down along the nape of her neck and then back up to the right cheek. Her forefinger traced a subtle line down the length of Millenia’s neck, and then brought the entire hand over to rest on Millenia’s left shoulder. Elena looked up at her stubborn love, who’s eyes were still closed in an apologetic gesture of inferiority.

“Don’t be sorry.” Elena’s whisper was gentler than Millenia’s, softer and even a little hard to hear over the breathing of the two young girls. “I know you don’t like talking about that sort of thing. But I only want to help, Millenia. If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, there’s no way I can tell you it’ll all be okay.” Elena blinked, and then looked up into the face of her lover. She thought for a moment about last night, how scared Millenia was and how much that scared her in return. She thought about how Millenia shivered, and how terrified she seemed from a simple dream. It wasn’t like her. Millenia was hard and obstinate, so stubborn and unwavering that it was odd to see her even shed a tear from physical pain, let alone emotional. To see her reduced to a quivering, crying mass like she was last night was extremely worrisome, especially to someone who had such emotional investment in her as Elena did. Elena sighed, and wondered momentarily on how to go about this conversation. Anything that shook Millenia up so much had to be extremely bad, and therefore she shouldn’t have to force her lover to talk about the matter. She decided she should let it come naturally, and only talk about it if Millenia truly wanted to. It was hard on her not knowing what was going on, but Elena would of rather let it go unsaid than to force Millenia to talk about something she wasn’t ready to discuss. She looked up into the closed eyes of Millenia, and a brief flash in her mind told her that’s what made their relationship so special. Trust. If Millenia had said right there she didn’t want to talk about it, Elena would of trusted her to handle it herself or come to her when the time was right. It was a matter of personal freedom and relationship dependency. As Elena watched the saddened face of Millenia, she felt happier than ever that they always shared that trust.

“You don’t have to tell me if you really feel insecure about it, sweetheart.” Elena’s tender voice continued, while she leaned her head over to gently brush her cheek against Millenia’s arm. She looked up at her lover, who much to Elena’s disappointment, had yet to open her eyes. “I just want you to know that I’m here if you need me. And I’m not the only one. I’m sure Roan and Tio would want to talk to you about this too…if you don’t want to tell me because you’re ashamed or whatever reason, talk to them. The most important thing…” With this Elena reached her right hand up off of Millenia’s shoulder, and cradled the girl’s left cheek in her palm once more. Her voice was tender and concerned, the voice of a woman in love and desperately trying to help the object of her affection.

“The most important thing is that you get help.”

“…I know.” Millenia’s mouth was ajar a bit for a few seconds before replying, as if she had prepared to reply before she knew just what she wanted to say. She kept her eyes closed and her face slightly turned away, but it was obviously from a slight feeling of embarrassment rather than an unwillingness to tell her love about her problems. “And I will tell you about it today…just not now. We have all day together, Elena. So could we maybe...just stay here?” Elena blinked, and blushed quite heavily.

“Of course, sweetheart…” She dislodged her other arm from Millenia’s grasp and slowly drew them both up, wrapping around the older girl’s neck and bringing her down close to her in a hug. Millenia often asked that question, and it never failed to melt Elena’s heart. They had been lovers for two years now, since they both realized Ryudo had no intention of returning and dropped their interest in him. They had an intimate relationship with sexual relations quite often. They trusted each other, and almost every day spent at least a few hours simply talking about their lives. But despite all that…despite how close they were, Millenia would still ask her things like she was proposing a first date. It was a shy little way the older girl had, and in a body that was for most intents and purposes devoid of trivial sweetnesses it was one of the things Elena had learned to love about Millenia. A tiny bit of insecurity in an otherwise obstinate body, a small shyness in an abrasive and aggressive personality. Elena smiled, blushing as she held onto her Millenia. She loved Millenia’s strong and protective personality, she loved her firm dedication to her ideas and her unwillingness to be pushed around. She loved Millenia’s power, but melted in light of her weakness. She held Millenia’s body close to hers, cradling the older girl in her arms about her neck, gently swaying her back and forth and whispering very tenderly into her ear. Her lips perched at the very entrance to Millenia’s left ear, knowing just how to speak so as to make her lover shiver.

“We don’t even have to leave this room if you don’t want.”

Though she hated to admit it, and would never even entertain the notion of admitting it verbally, Millenia felt safe being held by Elena. Her entire life she had hated being the one that needed to be held, from the youngest years when she refused to sit in someone’s lap to her early romantic endeavors when she would shrug a man’s hand off of her shoulder and refuse to let him touch her knee. It just didn’t feel right to her; it felt awkward, and unnatural. She regarded herself as a strong woman with a strong spirit and a strong mind, and in her mind she often connected weakness with the act of having to be held. Strangely enough she didn’t see it in other people, and though she never once looked at Elena as weak for wanting to be held she herself couldn’t separate the two thoughts when the positions were reversed. She was comfortable being the protector, the powerful woman who would defend who she cared about and would be willing to fight for her love. She wasn’t used to being the one who needed to be held. She wasn’t used to crying into someone, and definitely wasn’t used to relying on anyone for emotional support. On days Elena felt a little aggressive and would place her arm about Millenia’s shoulders, she would often react by tickling Elena just to get away from the position of being held. It felt odd to her-like she was doing Elena some great injustice by not being the one to hold her. Her emotions were templar about this subject, but at times they were also greatly conflicted. As she felt Elena’s arms wrap lovingly about her shoulders and tenderly pulling her down to her body, Millenia knew this was one of those times.

As she was pulled into Elena’s grasp Millenia simply accepted it, positioning her powerful arms on either side of her lover’s waist, her hands gently reaching behind her shoulders and cradling the muscles that stretched about her neck. Her body remained straddling Elena’s in a dominant position but her chest and upper half were submissive, bending to every touch the younger girl made and accommodating her every whim. She could feel Elena’s hands wrap gently through her hair, but it wasn’t like it normally was. Usually it was the feel of her playing, gently taking the strands and either braiding them listlessly or wrapping them tenderly about her fingers. This time it was a powerful grip in her hair, the kind of grip that told Millenia “I’m here, and there’s no one that can hurt you when I’m here.” Her fingers tangled in Millenia’s thin locks, and enhanced the image of her cradling Millenia. Millenia hated to be cradled, but as she felt the subtle rocking Elena provided, a thought crossed her mind. She felt…warm. And safe. And secure. She felt all the things Elena must of felt, when draped in her lover’s arms on a chilly, frosty night. She felt like she could never be hurt, like she’d be protected from all the pains of the world. She felt like the nightmares didn’t matter, since this was her reality. She felt lucky, and the musing mind she possessed went back to it’s poetic voice. This time; however, it forced it’s way through Millenia’s lips.

“I’m lucky.” She murmured, though it was not a murmur of stubborn resistance.

“Why’s that?” Came the tender reply. Millenia smiled a little, and gently tightened her grip at where her hands rested upon Elena’s shoulders.

“Most people live nightmares and only get to be happy in occasional dreams. I get to live my dreams…and I only have to put up with occasional nightmares.” She tilted her head into Elena’s chest a little bit more, knowing that the younger girl couldn’t see her face, and that she didn’t need to, either. She grinned a little bit as she felt the momentary tightening of Elena’s arms about her neck, and replied by casually brushing her cheek across the skin of Elena’s chest. She smiled, and thought to herself that perhaps poetic musings weren’t too bad after all. As long as they didn’t sound like pick-up lines, of course. For a long while neither of the two girls said anything whatsoever, as words didn’t have that appropriate a place in the current situation they found themselves in. The two simply curled up together; Millenia in Elena’s arms, concentrating on just the mere feel of one another. Where other couples would have been floundering for words to say and ending up ruining the moment by saying something foolish, the pair knew deep down that somebody would say something when the time was right. If the time was never right it would take an outside noise or action to make them stop. If nothing like that came, they would stay there until they couldn’t remember how they got there in the first place.

Millenia felt warm inside, warm and safe both from Elena’s arms, and the knowledge that she had found someone who truly understood her. Someone who truly loved her, and someone whom she could say the same thing for. Oftentimes in Millenia’s life it had been either one or the other, one party being in love while the other simply wanted an escape. Not this time, though. This time Millenia had found someone who felt exactly the same way she did, and it was such a rare occasion she had no other choice but to keep hold of her for as long as she could. Or to let her keep hold of Millenia, as the current situation dictated. Millenia smiled.

She had never been so comfortable with being held.


The two remained under the blanket for some time. Totally ignorant of the fact that the blanket’s form made the air stuffy and hard to breathe they remained, completely content with the air as long as they held one another. Their bodies were pressed firmly together, keeping one another warm from the chilly outside air. Though the window had been closed last night the air was still somewhat frosty, and this fact was verified any time any part of the blanket was even accidentally pulled up. Someone making a subtle movement could easily allow the air entrance, which then chilled the pair just a little bit. It was obvious that outside the blanket was a cold, harsh world. The two decided to stay in their warm and safe one for as long as possible. Seconds turned to minutes, and shortly thereafter minutes turned into hours with equal grace and ease. Before the first thirty minutes of silence the pair had fallen asleep, showing no signs of discomfort from their lack of fresh air or the awkwardness of their positions. Elena showed no sign of flinching under the impressive body weight of Millenia, and Millenia showed no soreness from being bent into an awkward position. The two fell asleep together, content and quite happy.

After two hours time, it was Millenia who was the first to wake. She awoke to nothing particular but her own body, which at that point was practically screaming at her to either pick a new position to lay in or get another body that was better suited to flexibility. She winced within the first moment of wake, a distinct pain forming in her lower back where it met the waist. She reached her right hand down to gently massage the sore area, wondering slightly why she was so stupid as to fall asleep in an uncomfortable position. She turned back to the front of the bed and stopped, where her eyes met Elena’s slumbering visage.

“Oh…yeah.” Millenia was immediately reminded of why she overlooked her discomfort, and a bright red hue almost immediately erupted on her milky white cheeks. Elena was sleeping so peacefully, despite Millenia’s weight which was laying full-force upon her. Her golden locks were spread about her head all around, some even mixing with the firey red strands of Millenia’s hair that were hanging down quite lazily from her head. Her eyes were closed and her lips were gently pursed, and it looked as if she was having some sort of angelic dream. Millenia smiled as she watched her lover slumber, and her blush died down as she realized she wasn’t in danger of being seen in such an embarrassing position. Millenia gave the slightest stretch of her back at that point, which in turn caused her legs to slide off of Elena’s waist and fit nestled in between hers. She then slid from the kneeling position to a laying one, still putting the same amount of body weight upon Elena’s form but redistributing it better, so neither of their body parts received too much abuse in the short span of time. As Millenia readjusted and then laid back down upon her lover, she was a little surprised to feel Elena’s lower half brush across hers. The way Millenia laid draped her own sex across that of her darlings‘s, rubbing them slightly together in its downward descent to comfort. The sensation made Millenia flinch a little, but she dared not jump too much for fear of waking her sleeping love up. She blinked, and regained her composure from the touch.

“Even in your sleep you can’t stay off of me.” She mused in a quiet whisper, wondering if somewhere in her sleepy dreams, Elena heard her. After she laid down Millenia placed her arms up on the bed beside Elena’s head, so she could prop her head on her hands and peer down at the sleeping one to admire her slumbering visage. The idea worked well, and Millenia was treated to the sight of Elena’s face, framed by the blonde and red strands of both girls’ hair that mixed so naturally together. Elena stirred a little from all of Millenia’s movement but thankfully didn’t wake, and Millenia was thus treated to admire her love for as long as she so desired. She spent long minutes admiring Elena’s unaware form, daring not to touch but instead going over her body with her eyes. Her eyes focused in on the closed eyelids Elena possessed, imagining the beautiful treasures that they held within and musing to herself that a thin layer of flesh guarded an impossibly valuable treasure. She then looked to Elena’s forehead, flawless and unmarked with skin that looked a dark brown in the blanket’s shadow, but in reality was a fleshy tan. She looked to Elena’s hair, mixed fervently with Millenia’s as the two had fell asleep so close together. She frowned slightly as she imagined getting their hair untangled, but then let it disappear when she realized it would keep them together for just a few moments more. Millenia then looked to Elena’s cheeks and almost at that point reached out to touch them, but stopped herself because she knew it would endanger her amateur voyeurism. The temptation was hard to resist, as the skin of Elena’s cheek always felt so wonderful underneath Millenia’s touch. Millenia quickly moved past the cheek so as not to be tempted into making a mistake. She turned to Elena’s chin and neck, which melded together very subtly and sweetly. A feminine curve that was oddly sensual, whenever Millenia looked at her chin she could think only of holding it in her hands, as she pressed her lips to that of her lovers. Temptation again, so Millenia decided to pass over just as quickly. Her eyes searched for an area that wouldn’t tempt her, that she could both admire for hours and not be enticed to caress. Her eyes went over Elena’s face and what they could of her body, even to the extent of looking down the length of her form and giving an off look to her waist and legs. She frowned, and realized that this was something she just wasn’t cut out for. Not exactly one for willpower, Millenia knew then and there it was impossible for her to look but not touch. She closed her eyes.

Elena was awakened by the feel of lips upon hers.


The sensation came gently at first, like the subtle caress of a summer’s breeze as it swept sensually across one’s skin. It was a tender touch that merely tickled the senses as opposed to assaulting them, a delicate promise of safety and security from the things that were soon to come. It was a quiet vow, a silent swear made to a lover that whispered, in only the faintest of ways: “Don’t worry. I won’t ever hurt you.” The gentle touch of one’s lips to another’s, delivered with the care and deliberation that only a true soul mate could know. Millenia’s lips now crossed over Elena’s with that same sensation, her supple pink halves caressing her lover’s with tenderness and sweetness that was unaccustomed to the larger woman. Millenia held her lips to Elena’s with as much care as she could manage, yearning to deliver that safe message to her love so she wouldn’t be frightened by the slightly obtrusive awakening. She supported her weight fully on one arm that rested upon the bed, whilst the hand of the other had curved into a gentle cup to place ever so delicately over the skin of Elena’s cheek. The desires of the past had become a reality for Millenia, and at long last her fingertips were allowed to grace the facial skin of her dearest. Her palm pressed tenderly into the side of Elena’s face, cradling it as she felt a subtle wave of surprise pass through the young blonde girl. Millenia held sentinel over her lover’s form, staying hard and obstinate in the kiss yet keeping a direct sensation of safety over her lover.

The blanket had been pulled down somewhat, so that it no longer covered the heads of both women. It covered until the swell of Millenia’s back, and at that point allowed the slightly chilly atmosphere to caress the naked bodies of both adoring women. The slight breeze abundant in the room tickled Millenia’s skin and made her goose bumps rise a little, but it was an invigorating chill that only drove her into her kiss with Elena deeper. She could always warm up later, but a kiss so fragile may never be copied again. She tenderly touched her lips upon Elena’s, taking the utmost care as she drug her mouth across her love’s to wake her up as gently as possible. For in the near year they had been living together Millenia had only twice woken up Elena with so crude a motion as a shake or a nudge, and she wasn’t about to add to that tally when she certainly didn’t have to. Her lips ran delicately over that of her darling’s, waking her up in a slow, sensual, and loving way. The fingers over Elena’s cheek touched delicately and with fragile motions, barely brushing the lightly colored flesh as they held it in their gentle grasp. It was a tenderness that Elena rarely saw from Millenia, an odd sensation that the young girl probably would of savored had she been awake. Millenia was by no means unaffectionate yet she was a little dominating in her actions, oftentimes choosing a powerful kiss over a soft one and a strong hug as opposed to a gentle touch. Tenderness was not something she was accustomed to giving, but that fact didn’t seem to hinder her talent at it. She regarded the kiss with all the care of her first, her lips barely playing upon Elena’s as she eased her lover out of slumber. She worked to entreat her towards consciousness, tempting her to wake rather than forcing her to. There was a definite difference between waking someone up and enticing them to wake. An rooster woke people up, any creature could with a loud noise or a violent shake. Only a human touch could make someone yearn to be awake, which was the goal Millenia now attempted valiantly to attain. To take someone from the edge of their dreams, and to taunt them to the waking world with nothing more than the promise of sensual touch; to Millenia, that was what being in a relationship, and indeed, being human at all, was all about.

With her eyes closed, Millenia denied herself the ability to see Elena as she awoke. She did not allow herself to see the initial surprise in Elena’s face, followed by the gradual acknowledgment and inevitable acceptance. She couldn’t see when Elena awoke, and couldn’t visually gauge her reaction to the tender kiss she was delivering. She could feel it, though. She could feel the subtle jump in Elena’s movements as she first came to awareness, followed by the hesitant tremble as her mind raced for an explanation to the odd sensation she felt. She could feel under her fingertips the warmth from Elena’s cheeks, a definite sign that her lover was blushing from being woken up in such a unique manner. The tips of Millenia’s fingers gently teased the outside of Elena’s cheek, tenderly passing over the flesh and nipping at her skin, as if taunting her for taking so long to awaken. Finally, the slow motion of Elena’s lips pressing to hers gave Millenia cart blanche to continue. Her kiss had been accepted and returned, and without a word between the two a transaction had been made. Silently the two continued to kiss, Millenia’s head hung gently over Elena’s, her hair brushing the sides of her cheeks as she stayed diligently over her love. Her fingers were wrapped tight in two handfuls of the smaller girl’s hair, her fingers taught with thin strands of blonde and red hair alike. Her elbow rested upon the bed, and her shoulders slouched a bit to allow her closer to her waking girlfriend. With her arms on either side of Elena’s head and her lips pressed dominantly upon her lover’s, Millenia gave Elena little option. All the younger girl could do was kiss back, a choice that was not altogether unattractive to her. Without a word of protest or a motion of refusal Elena slowly began to kiss back to her darling, her lips joining in the dance that had begun.

At that point Millenia’s kiss remained slow yet gained an undeniable power. Forceful in nature but never going anywhere near fast or rushed. Elena could feel the powerful grip of Millenia’s lips on hers, her lower lip fitting in between both of Millenia’s as the woman slowly dragged her mouth across her lover’s. Elena smiled inwardly as she felt the kiss, simply leaning back and enjoying it as Millenia’s mouth continued to ravage her own. It was a strong kiss that was dominant and almost overbearing, the type that without a doubt frightened off many before the blonde haired girl came along. It was a kiss of sheer force, a crude mixture of love and lust and passion that were somehow forged into one solid strike that seemed to be nothing but pure focused desire. Elena had been kissed by it many times before, and it always left her lips just a little bit numb. Her senses tingled after a moment of it’s grasp, her mouth becoming the property of Millenia’s for that brief moment in time when they connected so sensually. A forceful kiss that broke down barriers and shattered all defenses, but one Elena knew was never used to hurt. It was not a forceful kiss of superiority, but a protective gesture that promised security. It wasn’t used to humiliate or subdue, but to vow to another that they had someone’s undying love. Millenia’s kiss was a forceful gesture of love, a promise made by a silent sentinel that whispered in a strong, yet sensitive tone: “You’re mine…and for as long as you’re mine nobody will ever dare hurt you.” As the kiss pressed down upon Elena’s lips she was filled with a nearly overwhelming sense of security, a strong guard against all ill bearing. A warm blanket on a cold, rainy night. A vigilant pet, alert at any outside noise for fear of it’s master’s safety. A warm embrace, from a truly loved and trusted one. These were all a part of Millenia’s kiss, a feeling of security and safety that for all intents and purposes said much more than words ever could. In the kiss Millenia delivered she said many things, all without muttering one single sound.

“Thank you…for comforting me.” The kiss whispered, low-spoken and tender.

“I’m sorry I worried you…” Apologetic and sweet, the kiss’s tone was slightly higher in Elena’s senses.

“My body yearns only yours.” Breathy and slightly lustful, the kiss whispered words of sensuality and provocation; sinless passion that escaped debauchery by being connected to intense love.

“I want you…forever.” The voice of the kiss was dominating and loud, forceful and superior as it rang in Elena’s mind. The imaginary voice nearly made the young girl shiver, her body close to trembling as her mind imagined the voice of the kiss. She could hear Millenia’s voice ringing out in her mind, swearing that not only would she keep hold of her for all time, but during that period no harm would come to her. The voice of the kiss was Millenia’s yet hinted with something else, some indefinable tone that was most easily described as lusty. It was a voice of sensuality and a voice of bedroom craving, the thick richness of love that showed itself in an amazing and tantalizing act. The voice seemed to be Millenia’s lust, using the kiss as a vessel to give Elena a command. Unspoken yet not unheard, a strong-willed sentence that rang loud in not only Elena’s, but Millenia’s mind as well. The two girls nearly moaned in unison as they both seemed to hear the voice, simultaneously.

“Make love to me…” In Millenia’s mind it was Elena’s voice and in Elena’s it was Millenia’s, but no matter it’s sound the message was clear and distinct. Millenia’s lips pressed down harder on the kiss at the same time as Elena’s pressed up. The true sign of love was knowing what your mate was thinking, and at that point in time it was obvious that both women had the same thing in their thoughts.

“Mmm.” A tiny noise emitted from Elena, a small mix of a sleepy murmur and a wanting moan. Afterwards the younger girl’s arms slowly started to extend, stretching out from their dormant place on the bed and reaching out to Millenia’s dominating body. Her fingertips trailed up the length of Millenia’s arms, gently caressing the milky white skin as they slowly ascended Elena’s lover’s form. Her hands ran parallel to one another, each one gradually climbing Millenia’s skin and working as a mirror image to one another. Her fingers danced along the supple curves of Millenia’s tiny muscles, at one point moving back and forth over a certain area that Elena knew drove Millenia a little harder with passion. A slightly ticklish spot that was only affected by the most delicate of touches, a weakness in arms that were normally rock solid and obstinate. As Elena’s hands reached Millenia’s shoulders they lost their unity, her left hand reaching up with the right hand wavering off to the side. The hand that continued up found it’s place behind Millenia’s neck, where it gently placed its palm to her muscles and kneaded them with a sensitive massage. Elena’s small hand found a tender grove in the terrain of Millenia’s strong back, a much-used area that the younger girl often touched as she kissed her lover. Her fingertips danced on the bare skin of Millenia’s back, her fingernails scratching the surface just a little as her palm pressed deep into the flexing muscles. The hand that tapered off went inward to Millenia’s body, fingers continuing their taunting dance as they found their way to the beginning curve of Millenia’s left breast. Just under the shoulder and beginning with only a slight, subtle curve, Elena’s fingers knew the area solely by touch and navigated Millenia’s measurements with all the expertise of a cartographer sailing the ocean. Her hand at Millenia’s neck teased a combination of thin strands of magma red hair and the relaxing muscles of Millenia’s upper back, while her other hand taunted fervently at the slope that began her breast. Her fingernails scratched tenderly at the beginning slope of Millenia’s soft breast, her forefinger trailing in small, subtle circles as her lips continued to dance upon her lover’s. Both Elena and Millenia smiled in unison, and at that point the kiss shared between them doubled in passion and lust.

It happened with a strong motion emanating from Millenia’s mouth, a forceful gesture that broke the barrier of tenderness and crossed the line into wanting desire. A signal given to Elena proudly announcing that her lover was prepared to take things further, and to make the kiss pass over to a much more visceral area. The signal was Millenia’s tongue, which at that point snaked very easily past the lips of Elena’s mouth. Elena could feel it; as she had done so many times in the past, first upon her lower lip. The first indication of Millenia’s passion gently lapped at the soft pink flesh, wetting it in a tiny area and then simply sliding over it’s form. The wetness came in a tiny point at first, but then expanded to a wider horizon as Millenia’s tongue slowly drug itself across Elena’s lip. Afterwards it could be felt upon Elena’s upper lip, which came down upon the center of Millenia’s tongue and was treated to an equal disbursement of moist touch. Elena’s lips cradled Millenia’s tongue for some time, gently holding it in between their form as their owner relished in the gentle feeling. Her lips kept Millenia’s tongue from going any further, providing a weak barrier that Millenia dared not penetrate for fear of ruining the kiss. As she kept Millenia’s tongue at bay, Elena slowly brought forth her own.

She controlled her tongue with care and with caution; not wanting to press it too far forward and not wanting to be gentle to the point of submission. She cautiously brought her own tongue forward and gently touched it to the tip of Millenia’s, and in an instant she could feel a warmth run through her. Affectionately the tip of her tongue nuzzled into that of her lover’s, and then slowly her lips parted so they could meet on a more intimate scale. Without further invite Millenia’s rushed forward, and in a flash the two were pressed together fervently, dancing with one another as their taste filled the mouths of both women. Millenia pressed forward a slight bit in the kiss, and made a strong motion that rolled her tongue directly over Elena’s. It made a full circle around it’s partner and then returned to being stationed below, where it bent upwards a bit and made a point to tickle under it’s form. Elena stifled a giggle at the ticklish feeling emanating from her mouth, and simply let Millenia press into her. She offered her mouth up to her lover, trusting her to make beautiful use of it and all it’s facilities. The sensation was familiar and wonderful, the unique feel of two textured bodies rubbing firmly against one another. Each grove in each girl’s tongue rubbed sensually over the other’s, caressing every part it could by simply rubbing up and down one another. Millenia slowly wrapped the supple curves of her tongue around Elena’s, an awkward spiral that gently gripped the blonde girl’s tongue with her own. Her lips pursed slightly and she sucked at the girl’s tongue with a little bit of pressure, gently accepting it into her body as she pulled it from it’s owner. She entranced Elena’s tongue into entering her mouth, at which point she pursed her lips around it even further back on it’s length. Millenia used the tip of her tongue to tickle that of her lover’s, and for a moment simply got lost in the sensations she was feeling. She could feel the force of Elena’s tongue inside of her mouth, she could taste her darling’s saliva. Her nose could faintly pick up the scent of Elena’s hair, and her ears could hear the sound of their kiss. It was a wet, noisy kiss that refrained from being as sloppy as it sounded. Millenia smiled to herself, and simply pressed the kiss in further. With a quick motion she pressed firmly down upon Elena’s mouth and stamped her with a powerful kiss, and then pulled up just enough to break it apart. Her lips left Elena’s with a thin trail of saliva connecting the pair’s lips, and then simply opened her eyes to look down upon her lover.

Millenia’s green eyes reflected the color of Elena’s, and for a while she simply stared down into them. Her fingertips caressed the flesh of Elena’s cheek with all the delicate nature she could muster, and her lips bent in slightly as she still relished Elena’s taste. Millenia smiled, and in the faint light Elena could of sworn she saw the faintest hint of a blush upon the mighty woman’s cheeks.

“Good morning…” Millenia whispered, a tender voice that could barely be heard. Elena blinked.

“Wha…?” Her voice was slightly confused and flustered, as if she had totally forgotten how she woke up. In a brief flash it came to her, and upon her cheeks appeared a deep red hue that easily put Millenia’s to shame. She blushed fervently, and looked up at her lover with a sheepish grin. “Oh…yeah. You too.” Millenia smiled, and tilted her head to look at her dear from another angle.

“Thanks.” She simply stated, and then once more leaned down her head to press a kiss to Elena. This time; however, her lips did not meet Elena’s. Instead they met the flesh of Millenia’s lover, a tender spot that was near the lips but just a little bit south. The supple form of Millenia’s lips pressed lovingly to the side of Elena’s chin, the left hand side that just barely started to make the descend into a neck.

Millenia’s lips brushed slowly along the feminine curve, blessing the pure white skin with the soft pink hue she wore upon her lips. as she did this the eyes of Elena closed by instinct, and the young girl’s mouth fell shut from speaking earlier. She relaxed into the mattress that the two girls shared, and simply thought about what would happen next. She knew more would come, and laid in giddy anticipation of the event. It didn’t take much waiting.

Millenia’s lips trailed slowly around the bend of Elena’s chin, caressing the flesh as it traveled southeast along the subtle curve that Elena’s jawbone formed. Her lips pulled gently along the flesh of Elena’s face, kissing it with sensitive motions that made each girl tingle for different reasons. As she kissed the jaw of her lover Millenia’s hands found their way down, leaving Elena’s face and reaching down to pursue other options. Her right hand reached to the hand at her breast, the palm of Elena that had remained to tease the sensitive part of Millenia’s bodice. The powerful fingers of Millenia wrapped firmly around the thin wrist of Elena, and with ease tossed it aside. She tossed it to the side of the bed, where the soft sound of flesh hitting mattress could be heard from afar. After moving the obstruction Millenia’s hands continued, trailing down the length of Elena’s body while teasing her on and off. Every now and again Millenia would let the tips of her fingers touch the sensitive parts of Elena’s outer anatomy, the space under her arm and the fold where her chest and stomach met. Her tips brushed gently along the flesh, pressing tiny touches into the form in an attempt to arouse and stimulate her love. A muffled moan from above Millenia’s ears told her the attempt was working, and simply caused her to enhance her efforts. Millenia adjusted her body to move down a slight bit, just enough so that her head could focus on Elena’s neck without having to bend down or back. Her breasts fit down upon the stomach of Elena as she re-rested, and Millenia’s hands at long last found a home pressed into the mattress beside Elena’s hips. Millenia lifted her body so that all Elena could feel was the form of her breasts pressed into the blonde girl’s stomach and the sensitive pair of lips that adorned her welcoming neck. For the first time in a while Millenia’s hair was not an obstacle, having been tossed over the left-hand shoulder of the woman and draping safely out of reach of Elena’s quivering body. Millenia loved to see her lover tremble when she caressed her with her silky locks, but knew that at this time it was important Elena wasn’t over-stimulated. If she did too much she’d lose the sensitivity of the situation, and as she swayed her chest back and forth over the stomach of Elena she knew she was doing just the right amount. She could feel Elena attempt to press her stomach slightly forward but replied by pulling up, smiling through the kiss she was placing at the center of Elena’s neck.

Her lips were gentle upon the flesh of her lover, slowly kissing at the soft white form that Millenia simply loved to touch. She was tempted to reach up to caress Elena’s neck but refused herself the pleasure, knowing that such an abrasive act would once again endanger the tender nature of the moment. Instead she satisfied herself with kissing, tender touches from her lips that brushed ever so delicately across the form of Elena’s throat. She blessed her lover’s skin with the warm feel of her lips, and once or twice let her relish in a moist intercourse with her tongue. Her tiny pink fold slipped from her lips to tease Elena’s neck, leaving a tiny wet streak which was then rubbed in by the pink flesh of Millenia’s lips. She tauntingly kissed along the length of Elena’s neck, taking three minutes time to work from her jaw line to her shoulder blade. When she reached the space where Elena’s body began she looked up, and spoke to a girl who looked like she wasn’t listening at all. Elena’s eyes were closed shut and her lips were parted breathlessly, and though she possessed no voice at the time she seemed to beg Millenia for more. Millenia simply smiled, and let her whisper carry through the air of the bedroom.

“We keep going like this and we’ll be here for months.” She made the obvious observation about the length of time it took her to kiss Elena’s neck. As she spoke she gently snaked her right hand up, supporting her weight on her left as her fingers stretched out to touch something else. Her right hand fingers pressed down directly upon Elena’s nipple, her fingertips taking it in between their lengths and squeezing it with a sensitive motion. A moan burst through the air, and Elena’s body convulsed at the touch. Millenia smiled, and decided to tease some more.

“If we take it this slow we’ll never finish.” Her voice was that of a cat’s, wicked and mischievous for unknown reasons. Her whisper brushed the ears of Elena, bringing forth from the blonde girl another moan and pulse. Another whisper could be heard, just barely over the muffled moan of Elena. “Should we just cut right to the chase…?” As Millenia asked the question her fingers tightened gently upon Elena’s nipple, her forefinger and thumb gently tugging on it’s form in an attempt to pull an answer from her. Elena’s voice came back ragged and panting, breathless and just barely more audible than a moan.

“Yes…please…” Her whisper cracked apart near the end of her words, her breath no longer able to keep itself together long enough to create audible words. After her garbled speech another low moan came from her lips, a guttural noise that Millenia knew she only made when truly excited and ready to be taken. The demon woman smiled, and slowly dragged her tongue across the soft pink folds of her lips. She smeared a thin layer of saliva upon their bodies, coating them in lubricant for the upcoming mission.

“As you wish.” Millenia’s voice was a lusty tone that made Elena shiver, a bedroom voice that Millenia had perfected in order to get the perfect reaction from her love. She smiled as she saw Elena’s form relax at her whisper, as if a great burden was lifted from her chest. Her body went from tense to calm, and Millenia could see her lover’s lips bend in a exhale of relief. Elena’s eyes remained closed, and in her relaxed state it wouldn’t be too odd to assume that she had simply surrendered into sleep. Millenia knew better though, she knew that where Elena’s mind occupied right now was a space beyond slumber. A place refined from security and pleasure, a part of Elena’s mind that told her she could totally expose herself, since nothing in the area could hurt her. Millenia smiled wide, and slowly drug her tongue once more across her lips.

The bed shifted with Millenia’s weight, the redhead lifted up her right leg in an attempt to de-straddle Elena. She slipped both of her knees to Elena’s right side, yet remained in the same knelt position and distance from her lover. Without hesitation or pause Millenia allowed her right hand to dwell from it’s place at the blanket, no longer needing it’s support of her weight and knowing that there were much better uses for it. Her hand slowly trailed through the air, inching closer to Elena’s form with every passing second. After five seconds of sentinel silence, Millenia’s fingertips placed down directly in the center of her lover’s stomach. It was a gradual process that led into itself, first the tip of her forefinger touched gently on the outside of Elena’s belly button. It stayed there for a second and then bent down, and as it did so more fingertips were pressed to the outside of Elena’s flesh. Her hand made a gradual descent to the form of the young blonde girl, until at last her palm was spread upon the soft white flesh that laid beneath it. Millenia smiled, and glanced down at her palm in contrast to Elena’s body. Her skin was whiter than that of her lover’s, more refined and pale than it’s background. Her hand covered a large portion of Elena’s body, from heel to index tip extending from her belly button almost to where her breasts ended. Millenia smiled, and slowly bent her forefinger forward, to purposely scratch her fingernail across the flawless skin of her lover. The scratch could be heard in the silence as if it were a shout, like an opening mark to declare that the events were now on. The sound of the scratch was soft and below whisper volume, yet both girls heard it and knew exactly what it meant. At that moment Millenia could hear the scratch’s sound be followed by the moan of her lover, a lusty breathe that begged Millenia to tease no longer and begin serious preparations. It was a wordless sound that emitted from Elena’s throat, an involuntary sound that the girl could not even muffle, let alone prevent. A wide grin grew on the lips of the demon woman’s face, and a thought ran through her devious mind. She had brought Elena to a point she had only done a few times before, a wonderful area where sensitivity was heightened and even the caress of a breath could send shivers throughout her spine. She realized Elena had let herself go in the dance. A mixture of her still sleepy body craving for touch and her love entranced heart yearning for affection exposed her on her vulnerable side. She had turned over and displayed her vulnerable spot to Millenia, and at that moment in time her pose seemed to demonstrate that theory perfectly. Her arms were cast at her sides, spread and weak-willed with open palms that gently twitched every now and again. Her face was flush and beaded with droplets of sweat, lips bent in an everlasting pant and eyes closed with the faintest kiss of skin. Her body was frail as it laid on the bed, not weak frail but a tender one. A frailty that declared trust and submission, a frailty that announced her body was ready to be possessed. A frailty that whispered to Millenia “I’m yours…” Elena’s chest heaved up and down in heavy, extended pants. Her chest bounced gently from the actions of her breathing, which in turn drove attention to the erect nipples that had appeared on her breasts. Millenia glanced at them with a sideways grin and then peered down, to show herself the most inviting gesture Elena had. Her legs were spread for her love, spaced apart at a distance Elena knew was more than enough for Millenia to work with. Whether it was an action of lust or just a reflex from Millenia moving off of her lap the demon woman couldn’t be sure, but she knew that the open invitation was not one to be ignored. Her tongue trailed over her lips once more, and she looked back up to the face of her lover.

“I want you to know that you’re mine.” Her words were sweet and sensitive, and though they didn’t lose the bedroom hint they gained an odd sense of familiarity and love. Her voice was calming and seductive at the same time, a voice that only entranced Elena deeper into her submissive state. “You’re my lover…you’re my toy. Not some pointless toy other people have merely for sexual pleasure, more like…you’re my doll. You’re my porcelain doll…never meant to be harsh with, only there to be admired and caressed with only the most gentle of motions and the most tender of brushes. My beautifully designed doll that only matches it’s own glamour in it’s frailty and exposure…am I right?”

“I…I’m…your doll…” Elena’s voice was breathy and ragged, and Millenia noted with a grin that it was obviously hard for her lover to talk with what her body was forcing her through. She decided not to make it happen any more, but saw no reason why she couldn’t continue. She let words drift through her mind as her forefinger scratched upon Elena’s stomach, picking out choice ones that she thought were sensual and beautiful at the same time. She had once asked Elena if she enjoyed hearing romantic improvisational prose at times like this, and the answer was an eager affirmative. She didn’t quite know if she believed the assurance of her lover, but Millenia was willing to try it nonetheless. Despite her worry over sounding silly she continued with words she would never say in everyday life, reciting them for the only audience she wanted to listen.

“That’s right…but dolls don’t speak.” Her words dictated to Elena that she should talk no longer, a stipulation that the blonde girl more than likely relished in. Millenia’s voice continued the gentle seduction of voice over body, and as she saw Elena’s chest rise and fall she was reassured a little of her lover’s admiration of such words. She continued without hesitation now, saying things that had gone through her head many times yet never managed to escape her lips.

“My porcelain doll…hand crafted curves with a flawless face, the face I wake up to each morning because I never forget to take it to bed with me.” As Millenia spoke her hand trailed down, her fingertips brushing slowly across Elena’s skin as she did so. Her hand traveled past her lover’s waist and found a home on the inside of her left thigh, gently cradling the white flesh beneath her fingertips. Her palm rested gently upon the meat that lay below, her fingertips rubbing slowly back and forth along it’s length. Her wrist didn’t move from it’s position at all, but her palm simply began a pendulum-like sway back and forth that caressed the voiceless flesh of Elena’s inner thigh. Elena’s breathing got ragged at that point and her chest heaved out with a breathy pant, much to the interest and delight of Millenia. She didn’t need to wet her lips anymore. Her words and hand were more than enough.

“I wonder where I should touch my doll…” Millenia’s voice added yet another attribute to it’s gentle and seductive mix: taunt. Her voice gently teased at her lover’s ears, at the same time arousing her body and assuring her mind that she’d be totally safe. An intense feeling rushed through Elena, triggering multiple sensations that stayed independent of themselves and dared not intermix. She was enticed by Millenia’s taunt, secured by her comfort, but first and foremost stimulated by the sexuality that rang loud in her lover’s voice. Elena could do nothing more than lay and pant, as her ears continued to pick up the words of the woman she so loved.

“I know that she likes to be touched behind the knee…” Millenia’s smile spread wide at her comment, and she glanced down at Elena’s quivering leg before continuing. “But she also likes to be touched on her waist…and her feet…and her neck…” As Millenia spoke she simply hinted her hand in that direction, not going anywhere near touching it but instead pressing her palm in the mild direction. As it rested upon Elena’s thigh it bent down as it’s owner spoke of a knee, then up at the word waist. It repeated the process for feet and neck, never moving so much to even put the wrist in a different direction than before, but nonetheless moving enough to make Elena believe it just might. Her hand pulsed at Elena’s thigh, teasing with it’s motions and making her body cry out “Will it move now?” on each and every gentle pull. Millenia could feel the tenseness grow in Elena’s body, and with a grin decided it was time to take things further.

“Although…” Her word was taunting and sexual, the kind of tone that Elena knew led into touch. “I know that my doll likes to be touched somewhere very sensitive…and somewhere very naughty. Can I tell you a secret…? I’m a little embarrassed because I touch my doll there, because it’s really not a space I should be touching. But…sometimes, I can’t help it. Because I know how much she enjoys it…and it makes me feel good to see her happy…” As her words ended Millenia’s hand moved with certainty this time, caressing up the length of Elena’s thigh and traveling up a short distance until it covered the area Millenia spoke of. She could feel faint strands of hair tickle under her palm and her fingertips, and as she slowly pressed down she could feel a moist breath exhume from her lover. Warmth flooded her palm as she pressed down, the odd sensation of touching something that was not directly hot, but heated from some inner source. She closed her fingertips about Elena’s sex in a gentle grasp, and watched with interest as her young lover convulsed and panted at the touch. Millenia grinned, wide.

“Right there…” Millenia’s voice lost all taunt and comfort, and once again became a tone of pure sexuality. It lost the secure tone that made Elena give herself up so freely, because it was no longer needed. They had reached the point where total submission was a given anyway, and therefore Millenia decided to not clutter up her speech with words that were not necessary. She smiled, an eye arching wide as she regarded the instantaneous convulse in Elena’s body as she touched her.

“My doll likes that.” She observed with a lusty tone, and slowly adjusted her palm from side to side. As she did so the skin of her hand gently brushed the outside of Elena’s sex, swaying from side to side in a tender and sensual manner. She could feel hair tangle under the skin of her palm, and she could feel Elena pulsate beneath her grip. She smiled, and simply continued her speech.

“I’m glad…” Her voice dripped of thick sexuality, a lustful tone that could only be interpreted as the voice of unbridled lust. “I like to feel my doll quiver…and tremble. I like seeing her lay there all helpless when I touch her.” The demon woman kept her hand at Elena’s sex, but moved it a little more than just the slow sway back and forth. She moved it slowly in a small circle, meshing together the folds of Elena’s sex as her palm traveled across it’s length. It pressed flesh to flesh, making it double itself and course along it’s own natural groves. Millenia’s palm made Elena’s sex make love to itself, the gentle and tender motions forcing each side to kiss at the other, to pulsate and twitch in response to it’s own innate actions. The thin pink flaps of Elena’s sex rubbed in deeply to one another, melding in an odd mixture of sweat and nectar that had eventually come to coat the outer entrance to it’s valley. Millenia could feel the moistness the second it appeared, a thin droplet having spread all about her palm as she rubbed. Millenia grinned a little bit, and her voice broke through the room’s silence once more.

“My doll is sticky.” Her voice was a mixture of fake disdain and true passion, accented by the sensuous way that Millenia pronounced the “s” on the final word. She could feel Elena’s folds grasp desperately up at her teasing palm, spreading more of the thick-textured nectar along the milk white skin of her gripping hand. Her entire palm felt moist, no doubt coated in a thin layer of the nectar Elena was excreting. Millenia’s lips were graced by the slow and sexy kiss of her tongue, which trailed gently over their form and coating them in a thin layer of saliva. She smiled, knowing that it took a special talent to get her lover so moist so easily. Millenia obviously had that talent.

“I can feel you trembling in my palm, doll…” The redhead’s voice was dominant throughout the air, breaking any silence and demolishing any noise that might of possibly opposed it. It was not hard and brutal but rather overbearing, a voice that shattered the air and made it impossible for anything but it’s tone to be heard. As Millenia spoke her fingers deftly worked, and as her palm rolled along Elena’s sex her fingers caught along it’s edges. Her forefinger and ring finger each caught a side of Elena’s sex, and as her palm stopped rotating her fingers were able to move. They pressed deep into the fabric of Elena’s flesh, pulling her entrance apart and opening up her valley to any other digit she deemed worthy of entrance. Elena had been exposed to Millenia, and for the first time since the previous night her sex could be kissed by the chilly air of the bedroom. Millenia watched the instinctive gasp in Elena’s face, and regarded it with a knowing smirk.

“I can feel your folds quivering beneath my touch.” Millenia announced the obvious, her lips accenting each word with a definite note of lustful intent. “I can feel the breath from your sex…the heat that it exhumes in response to my fingers. My palm is coated with your tang…my fingers drenched in your nectar. I’m holding you open, my doll…so I can…touch your insides…” With that Elena could feel the tip of Millenia’s index finger pressing precariously close to the entrance of her valley. She could feel the strong tip on the verge of breaching entrance, it’s sides nestled tightly in between her stretched apart walls. Elena could do nothing but pant, and wait in a moist stupor for what she knew would inevitably come. She laid there, helpless and prone. At that moment in time she truly was a lifeless doll, awaiting only the reviving kiss of Millenia’s upcoming fingertip. She waited in silence, and she wanted in anticipation. Her lips spread open, beads of sweat trailing slowly from her cheeks. She had no voice in her submission.

“Feel my skin…inside of you…” Millenia’s voice was nothing more than a breathy whisper at this point, far gone from the dominating voice that it was just a few moments ago. It was no longer overpowering and massive, but was instead shy and reserved. It was a voice of breath, a tone without volume that traveled through the air on the wings of near-silence. The breath managed to catch Elena’s ears, and she heard it at the same time Millenia’s finger pressed into her body. It came very slow but it’s presence was undeniable, a force that was as overbearing as Millenia’s voice was moments ago. The tip of Millenia’s finger pressed in about a quarter of an inch and even with so little inside of her body, Elena became a slave to the finger. Her body succumbed with ease to Millenia’s probing fingertip, submitting itself to the lustful touch that had only just begun to enter her. In a flash Elena’s mind was wiped of all memory and thought, and at the same second she could feel Millenia’s finger inside of her she became a creature of pure unbridled instinct. She could not move or speak, not even quiver or force out a moan. She became a voiceless, motionless doll that was apt for Millenia’s touch. All Elena could do was lay there, and be touched by her lover. The owner of the doll.

Millenia’s finger worked slowly inside of Elena’s body. It traveled with care and with tenderness, taking things slow as it gradually pushed into the body of it’s lover. Walls constricted and then opened up to the probing interloper, at first hesitant for fear of a foreign object but then almost immediately welcoming it for the pleasurable feelings it brought forth. Millenia’s index finger slid slowly inside of Elena up to the first knuckle, a full inch of thin flesh that was penetrating Elena’s temple. Millenia brought her finger to a halt, and as she looked upon Elena’s face she slowly slid her finger from side to side. It didn’t pull out from the position it worked so hard to achieve but instead swayed back and forth, gently rocking into the tight-fitting walls that restrained it. Elena’s breathing slowed and the girl gasped involuntarily, her body tensing at such a slow and sensitive motion. Content with the reaction Millenia allowed her fingertip to travel further, pressing deeper inside the crevice it yearned to explore. Centimeter by centimeter Millenia’s fingertip forced it’s way inside of Elena’s fortress, going directly straight without any bend or curve. It slipped gently between the folds that surrounded it, forming to the tight-fitting walls that closed in all around it. A warm coat enveloped Millenia’s finger, gradually consuming it’s body within it’s embrace as the explorer digit slowly worked forward. As her finger was devoured more and more by Elena’s walls, she could only think of the wonderful way it felt. She could feel every tiny shiver from the body of her lover, every slight motion that shook or corrupted her stationary stance. She could feel tight, impassable walls pull apart only for her finger; and a thick glaze of nectar that was meant only as a sign of trust. Within moments Millenia had worked her entire index finger inside of Elena’s valley, and though the progress was slow it was nonetheless enjoyable. Millenia’s finger was engulfed in Elena’s body, pressed to the hilt in the sweet folds of flesh. Millenia looked to the face of her lover, and as she regarded Elena’s beauty her finger fell motionless inside of her, simply resting upon the tight fitting walls. She had stopped making love to Elena with her finger, and now only sat there stupefied and stationary. At the very second she regarded the face of her lover her motions had stopped, and her body had come to a standstill.

Millenia had never seen Elena look so beautiful.

Blonde hair was matted and messy, covered in a thin layer of sweat and slight grease that had formed over the previous night’s sleep. It was swirled and disheveled, with a few strands practically sewn into the flesh of Elena’s forehead, held there by the beads of perspiration that had formed. Her skin was red and flushed, crimson and slick in the faint light of the bedroom. Her face looked weary and worn, with downcast open lips that breathed with a thoughtless, repetitive breath. She looked like she had just run a marathon and collapsed halfway through, and at this point was merely panting to stay alive. Her eyelids looked frail and vulnerable, barely adequate protection for the valuable treasures that laid beneath. As Millenia regarded the sight of her worn-out dear, Millenia was only filled with an intense warmth and love. Few women could carry a worn, sweaty look and still be pretty. Elena not only managed to carry it, but she made it glamorous. The hair was that of a weary goddess, strained and wet from creating a universe. The eyelids were that of a sleeping child, just teetering on the edge of it’s waking moments. And the droplets of sweat were surely not acid, so therefore they could be…

Millenia’s lips formed to gentle crescents as she kissed at Elena’s forehead. The soft folds of flesh pressed gently into the larger base of her lover’s head, and as they made contact a gathering of sweat formed upon their shape. After she delivered the kiss and raised her head a slight bit Millenia could feel the thin coating of sweat that had glazed her lips, a paper-thin frosting of salt water yearning for a home. Millenia blushed, and with a faint motion her tongue crossed tenderly over her lips. The sweat-stained lips were cleansed of their recent passenger, the glaze being swept up in a swift and efficient motion of Millenia’s active tongue. The taste of salt inevitably filled her mouth, and the smile playing upon her lips only grew wider. She looked down to Elena’s breathless form, and for the first time in about fifteen seconds remembered that she had a digit laying dormant inside. Embarrassed at her own enrapture Millenia forced back the urge to apologize, and instead decided to make the situation useful. Her mind worked swiftly to make up for her mistake, as fifteen seconds of inactivity could be the same as fifteen minutes in such a sensitive situation as this. For fifteen seconds her finger had laid dormant inside of her lover, motionless and emotionless inside only the most needy of areas. Without even realizing it Millenia had endangered the tenderness of the moment, all for the simple pleasure of kissing her love atop her forehead. If the morning were to be saved she would have to work swiftly, and her mind would have to come up with a plan of immeasurable genius. The Gods of sensuality smiled upon her, and within two seconds she had come to a conclusion. In the eighteenth second of motionless silence the mistake was made an afterthought, and the low moan from Elena seemed to ring as loud as a lustful shriek.

“Millenia…” Elena’s voice was ragged and lusty with the moan that signified success. Judging from the fact that she couldn’t even emit the entirety of her name, Millenia decided that the mistake must of gone without notice. She smiled, and inwardly thanked whatever being gave her the idea that saved the moment. Inside of Elena now laid a second finger, Millenia’s forefinger which was thrust aside it’s predecessor without warning or foreplay. A drastic motion that would have been thought foolhardy too soon, but delivered at the right moment was merely considered an accent to the sensuality. She had slid the forefinger in with force and passion, bursting it through Elena’s walls after a full eighteen seconds of the initial finger being inactive. The result was the immediate moan and continuation of the love making session, still considered flawless by the standards of Millenia’s lover. She smiled, a wide grin spreading upon her lips. All she had done was made a mistake and corrected it, but from the sound of Elena’s voice she felt the pride of the world. The moan of her name was all she needed to continue, and she did so with her two front fingers leading the charge.

Millenia’s fingers turned gently inside of Elena’s walls, which had doubled the intensity of their grip since the arrival of the second digit. The turn was clockwise and judging by it’s speed, was representative of the minute hand. For a solid minute Millenia slowly turned her fingers inside of Elena’s form, slowly and methodically coursing her flesh inside of that of her lover’s. As she turned her fingers they went from narrow to wide, the result of her forefinger and index finger laying horizontally as opposed to vertically. Elena’s walls seemed to moan on their own as they stretched to accommodate, their grip straining to continue the forceful hold upon the intruders. Millenia’s fingers finally reached a point forty-five degrees to the right of where they once laid, horizontal and wide inside of the object of their desire. Millenia looked once more up to the face of her lover, this time being sure not to get enraptured by her intensely sexual beauty. She averted her eyes from Elena’s face to her ear, which she leaned down to in order to begin whispering. Her words picked up where they left off, dripping with sexuality and lust while still holding true to love and trust. She breathed desperately into the ear of her love, and as she spoke her tongue escaped to gently lick upon Elena’s earlobe.

“Reality is lost…” Millenia’s voice carried a sensitive tone, but in that case it wasn’t how Millenia said the words that was important, it was the words themselves. Elena’s mind immediately recognized the first three words of Millenia’s solemn vow; a long-winded speech she had said just before their first time making love, so long ago in a violent rainstorm. It was rare to hear the phrase be uttered from Millenia’s lips, but every time it came from her mouth it promised unbridled passion for Elena. The blonde girl simply laid back, quivering, as Millenia’s sultry tone continued to carry the words. The words danced on the sound of panted breathing, carried through air and delivering with love to Elena’s ears.

“We are now only dreams…” The second sentence of the quasi-poem came to Elena with the added bonus of movement down below. Near the middle of the sentence Millenia curved her fingers upward, forming a crude-looking hook inside of Elena’s body. Her fingernails scratched gently at the inside walls of the young blonde maiden, making her insides tremble and shake with an inescapable lust.

“Two bodiless angels grasping for a release from this desire that restrains us.” Millenia’s words were accented with another soft lick across Elena’s earlobe, a tiny wet streak that seemed to evaporate as soon as it had been born. Millenia’s fingers worked a little more inside of Elena’s body, twisting and turning without any real purpose. They separated and pulled back together, twisted and turned, and swayed side-to-side; all in a slow and methodical attempt to make Elena’s sex cry out in passion. Millenia continued her touch and her words, a large smile sprouting on her face as she beheld the lust of her darling.

“There are no absolutes and there are no definite facts except for one.” The words rang clear in Millenia’s mind as she spoke them; and as she gave her speech it might as well of been one year ago in the warming rain that they first consummated in. “The fact that when our souls release, and return to their bodies…my arms will still be around you.” Millenia’s fingertips pressed firmly into the roof of Elena’s sex, taking their time to examine the rough contour made slick by the deliciously secreted nectar.

“My heart will still beat next to yours. My lips…” Elena could once again feel the unmistakable touch of tongue across her earlobe, this time more thorough as it looped around her lobe and dipped tenderly inside her ear. Millenia’s voice was a delicate whisper, but deafening and omnipresent to Elena’s trembling form. “Will still yearn to taste your skin.”

“The only true fact…is that I will still be here, yours to worship or command.” The final word was accented by a sensation that made Elena moan out in the lust-rich air. On the final syllable Millenia’s thumb firmly planted itself at the top of her sex, pressing into the sensitive folds that had gathered together in a dense forest. The moisture present there made the thumb feel at home, and as Millenia spoke it rolled gently over the waves of supple flesh. She touched just where Elena yearned to be touched, her thumb’s fingernail edging at just the area that needed to be edged. Her voice made Elena tremble more.

“It doesn’t matter the reason. It doesn’t matter if it’s because I have no one else. It doesn’t matter if we’ve fooled ourselves into thinking it’s more than it really is.” The words that came from Millenia’s mouth almost made Elena slightly sad, as they were two past concerns the young women had shared. Fortunately the thick fog of sexuality was impregnable and inescapable, and the slightly despondent thought was abolished as soon as it had arrived. All that was left was the promise of the vow, the wonderful words that Millenia spoke whilst laying her hands upon her love.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s stupid…if it’s irresponsible.” As Millenia spoke she added to the touch of certain words with a gentle thrust of her fingertips, the hook her fingers formed pressing up quite shortly as she spoke. On the word stupid, and then on the word irresponsible, as if she was admonishing Elena’s body for every spoken word that was not entirely desirable. The motions only made Elena breath harder, and her chest rise up higher in deep, heavy heaves.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s pointless, reckless, and a waste of time.” The hook rose on “pointless”, “reckless”, and then on each syllable of “waste of time.” Each time the hook rose a little bit harder and a little bit higher, almost to the point that it was forcing Elena’s rear off of the bed. The last three rises were a little rough and a tad intense, and immediately following the final rise Millenia’s hand allowed things to calm down. The hook dissipated into mere fingers once more, and Millenia’s thumb eased the tension by coursing quite slowly over the mound of flesh it adorned.

“It doesn’t matter if love is only a word, and a word we say to one another in a twisted meaning. It doesn’t matter if our souls really aren’t entwined, and that we’re just two hollow beings pretending to be poetic and soulful.” Millenia’s tone dropped from harsh to solemn, as the soliloquy took a slight turn for the despondent. Her motions reflected the tone of the speech, her fingers slowly dropping inside of Elena’s body, coursing over her walls in a thoughtful yet paced speed. Her thumb took one final swipe down the length of Elena’s rift, and rested sadly upon the hilt of her forefinger. For two seconds there was silence, a breathless time that felt like an eternity. Millenia’s voice then cut through the air, shattering the silence and breaking out once more into the ballad of words she had memorized.

“The only thing that does matter is that…” The solemn tone was nowhere to be seen, the despondency lost and the sadness obliterated. What remained was a rising hopeful tone, the jagged plot point in the climax of the story that was Millenia’s speech. Her tone rose idealistic and sweet, and her words took on the voice of a brilliant soldier of passion. “I will still love you.” With that serious promise Millenia’s hand began to move; slowly it glided back and forth whilst forcing the demon woman’s fingers to and fro inside of Elena’s sex. Millenia’s fingers were gradually drawn out from their current residence to the point of entrance, only to be once again thrust into the valley they occupied. It was a slow and sensual procedure, but as it’s slow strides continued they began to pick up pace.

“And no matter what the word means to anyone else, it will always mean only one thing to us.” Millenia’s hand picked up pace as the words picked up joy, one perfectly matching the other in terms of intensity and growing passion. Her pair of digits slid gracefully and daintily through the dense walls of Elena’s valley, slickened by the dampness contained therein. The motions were not that of repetitive thrusts but instead a gliding swoop, made so gracefully that it would be hard to determine the exact point in which directions changed. The pace continued until it reached a limit to the strength in Millenia’s arm-or rather, a limit to the speed the gracefulness could withstand. Any harder and that barrier would be broken, and the line from sensual caress would pass into the zone of sexual velocity. The words from Millenia’s mouth simply continued, her voice carrying what was nearing the last few sentences of the speech.

“That promise, that solemn declaration that my heart only beats when it’s in your hands.” The pace was marred slightly by a deep gouge by Millenia’s hand, and as her voice pronounced the last word her fingers made an intentional hard rub on the roof of Elena’s sex. After the deviancy the fingers returned to their task, taking up the graceful slide as if it had never been interrupted at all. A moan emitted from Elena’s mouth the second she felt the roofward rub, and Millenia smiled as she prepared her voice once more.

“That’s the only true definite. It’s the only sure bet.” Millenia’s tongue leaped from her lips to touch upon Elena’s ear, and the salty tang of sweat once again filled her mouth. As her wet grace made contact with the lobe of her darling both women seemed to tremble, shaken by a violent force of emotion that vibrated throughout their hearts. The tang of sweat that filled Millenia’s mouth became a delicious nectar, and she rolled it slowly over her tongue before her throat could swallow. She let her eyes fall closed, and for a brief moment she allowed herself to be absorbed in the sounds of the moment. The most predominant was Elena’s breath, distorted and weak from a lack of relaxation from her lust. Her breath was carried on softly moaning pants, short gasps of air that wordlessly cried for more of the touch. Exhumed in tiny gusts of air her breath became the overbearing sound, making Millenia tremble a little as she heard it. Her ears perked at the sound of her darling, and her insides churned as she contemplated the fact that she was causing it. Playing in unison to Elena’s breath came a sound from below, a moist tune that sang of itself in a quiet, yet clarified voice. The rhythm of passage played in melody with Elena’s gasps, as if they were soft watermarks ordaining the musical sheet that was their lovemaking. It was a sound indescribable by tender words, and as she reveled in it Millenia was forced to lick her lips. The wet surface trailed slowly over the sweat-marked lips, tasting it’s neighbors as it eased their dryness. Millenia allowed her tongue to retreat as she noticed time was running short, and that the last line of her soliloquy had to be spoken soon. She swallowed quickly and let her eyes fall shut, masking her in darkness for what she knew would be a sound-related event. She wanted it unmarred by sight. Millenia breathed huskily into Elena’s ear at that time, her voice a raspy whisper intent on filling her lover with sexual animosity.

“I love you.” The lust-filled words fled directly to Elena’s ear, filling the young girl’s mind with their soft and subtle tone. The breath they were spoken on tickled at Elena’s flesh, and the meaning of the words merely tickled at her soul. At the very same second Elena’s body became tense, her back rising up off the bed and her voice crying out in a lustful plea. Millenia’s fingers detected a convulsion and pulsation, followed by the definitive kiss of accessory liquid. Her palm was bathed in a subtle unseen glaze, and her fingers were gripped by a clamping wall. As Elena’s voice died down her body relaxed, and soon she laid stationary upon the bed once more. Her body went limp upon the supportive frame of the twin- sized rest and her breathing finally stopped with a slow, long gasp. Her heartbeat died down to a regular pace and her breathing restarted, this time regulated and calm. For a moment.

After a few seconds’ time Millenia was thrust upon by Elena, the younger girl having flung herself into the chest of her lover. Elena rolled into the body of Millenia, her hands grasping up to the older girl’s shoulders and her legs slipping down in between her love’s. Her bare body pressed firmly to that of Millenia’s, coating the demon woman’s form in the same thin layer of sweat hers adorned. She collapsed to the embrace of her love and simply moaned as she felt a pair of powerful arms draw around her, enticing her even deeper into the hold. Millenia’s arms wrapped tight around Elena’s back, their strong form locking the younger girl in place.

“OhMillenia…” The words sounded like one forced together, spoken out in a shaky breath that was on the verge of fading out. Elena tried for a moment to regulate her breath before speaking again, but even with her attempts the next time she spoke she had similar results.

“That was…” She paused again to catch her breath, unsatisfied with how her previous two words slurred. She took a five second break to not only take a deep breath but to swallow, allowing her saliva to ease her parched throat. Her fingers pressed down into Millenia’s shoulder blades, as if for a little more support to finish her sentence.

“That was…wonderful.” Elena’s voice whispered out delicately and soft, still tainted by fatigue but at least coherent. The young woman swallowed again, and raised her face to look up at that of her lover’s. Her green eyes were weary yet satisfied, and though her body trembled from exhaustion she still yearned to entice her love. Her voice was gentle and inviting, the voice of a lover now dedicated to make her darling happy.

“I want to…make you happy, too…” As Elena spoke her eyelids faltered, forcing themselves down despite Elena’s efforts to keep them aware. Millenia noted this and quickly opened her mouth to protest, but before she could tell Elena to simply go to sleep, the girl already had. Elena’s body went limp once more, this time in the strong embrace of the larger Millenia. She was beaded with sweat and her hair was a disheveled mess, and Millenia could tell from the strength that was used to cling to her that her lover’s muscles were sore and weak. Millenia smiled proudly to herself, a light red hue beginning to adorn her cheeks. She quietly raised her right hand up to her lips, and placed the tip of her forefinger through their fleshy forms. The taste of Elena filled her mouth, and as Millenia’s tongue coursed over the texture of her glazed fingertip, a gentle thought ran through her. She let her hand fall down to her waist, and then leaned down to give her love a kiss on the forehead. Her lips pressed tenderly down upon her darling’s head, and as they rested upon her flesh they moved in a quiet whisper. Millenia’s tone was gentle and unwaking, more of a promise to herself than an affirmation to her love.

“All day long…” Her voice was both hopeful and assured, the tone of a woman safe and secure in her love. “We’ll lay here…all day…and that makes me happy...more than you could ever know.” Millenia paused and let her own fingers grip gently to Elena’s soft back, cradling the flesh and slowly trailing her palm across its texture. She looked into the face of Elena’s sleeping body, and thought of her nightmare.

“Wings of Valmar...” Millenia heard herself whisper softly, and then shook her head to dispel the thought. “I’m not the wings.” She whispered again, and closed her eyes to reassure herself.

“The wings of Valmar...could never love anyone this much.”

As if her own whisper was a lullaby, Millenia fell asleep just a few moments later.

The End

Requests? Comments? Criticisms? Feedback in any form is greatly appreciated, and helps me to write more. Send any you have to take_me_new@hotmail.com please!