Here's where all the creative answers are posted when you take the Chad Michael Murray Survey. Just for now I'll put my answers...even though they're not quite creative. Along the way others shall be posted (of course) If your answer is posted and you wish it not to be, please email me and it shall be removed instantly. Thank you!

From: Donna Mae

Do you see Chad in your future? If so, how?: Think I'm weird, but I'm always prepared for IF I ever see him going to walmart or what not, haha. I have a Chad photo and a camera for an autograph.

In five years where would you see Chad?:Well I think he's gunna be like the Josh Hartnett of the future. Movies, magazines, plus some shows here and there.

From: Ryz
I wish Chad starred in a surf clothing ad as the surfie.

Over the years Chad's hair changes are great, keep'em coming Chad!

From Mimi
I wish Chad starred in Tuck Everlasting as Jesse.

Over the years Chad's hair changes are pretty kewl yet scary (sometimes)

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